Baixar a Rom Hack do FIFA Soccer 2020

FIFA Soccer 2020 Jogo
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Parâmetro Informações
Console: GEN
Jogo Original: FIFA Soccer 95
Tipo: Improvement
Gênero: Sports
Modificações: G,S,T,GP
Criador: TA_Marcos_Translations
Data da Criação: 06/30/2020
Última Modificação: 07/23/2020
Parâmetro Informações
Nome do arquivo: FIFA Soccer 2020 (By TA Sports) v2,3 [06-30-2020] - Brazilian Version Ext001.rar
Downloads: 804
Requisitos: BIN Format (GEN)
Versão: 2.3

Descrição - FIFA Soccer 2020

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leia-me - FIFA Soccer 2020

FIFA Soccer 2020 is an updated FIFA Soccer 95 Romhack.
It keeps the essence of the original game but it includes fresh updates such as rename the original domestic leagues, the competitions, the teams and the players of every single team in mid 2020.
New sound voices were inserted into the game, such as commentators screaming goal and new and updated real (and recognizable) crowd chants.

- Updated teams and domestic leagues for the 2019-2020 season.
- Brasileirão 2020 (Including RB Bragantino, Sport Recife, Coritiba and Atl. Goianiense)
- New design for menus, introduction and header of the game.
- 8 domestic leagues which include their official names:
  *Premier League (England)
  *Ligue 1 (France)
  *Serie A (Italy)
  *Bundesliga (Germany)
  *La Liga (Spain)
  *Eredivisie (Netherlands)
  *Serie A (Brazil)
  *Russian Premier League (Russia) (Taking over the original fake American league)
  +One championship made for Rest of the World Teams (27 teams)
- Official names of the domestic tournaments and playoffs:
  *FA Cup
  *Coupe FFF
  *Coppa Italia
  *Copa del Rey
  *KNVB Cup
  *Copa Brasil
  *Russian Cup
- Updated teams squads at 30th June 2020.
- Players attributes according to reality based on real performances.
- Teams attributes updated and based on real and current performances.
- Updated every player shirt numbers.
- New real chants of the capacity crowd.
- Spanish and Brazilian commentators are in the game (in different versions).
  * Andrés Montes (SPA)
  * Galvão Bueno (BRA)
- New weather: Day, Snow, Night and Damp.
- New Indoor Football/Soccer pitch.
- New Game Play:
  *More aerial gameplay (headers, volleys and scissors kicks are easier)
  *Players don't fly when they get pushed or they are tripped.
  *Passing are less effective.
  *Now there is an only way (an aggressive way) to steal the ball.
  *Goalkeepers stop the ball in a realistic way.


Platform                 Genesis                                   
ROM format               BIN                                       
External Header          No                                        
File Size                2097152 (200000)                          
ROM Size                 2097152 (200000)                          
ROM CRC32                B389D036                                  
ROM SHA-1                586F9D0F218CF6BB3388A8610B44B6EBB9538FB5  
No-Intro entry           FIFA Soccer 95 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
32X                      No                                        
Internal Header Found    Yes                                       
Interleaved              No