Baixar a Rom Hack do Enable bosses and easy moves

Enable bosses and easy moves Jogo
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Parâmetro Informações
Console: SNES
Jogo Original: World Heroes 2
Tipo: Improvement
Gênero: Action > Fighting
Modificações: GP
Criador: Docrow
Data da Criação: 04/20/2019
Última Modificação: 04/22/2019
Parâmetro Informações
Nome do arquivo: WH2 easy moves.rar
Downloads: 73
Requisitos: Header (SNES)
Versão: 1.0

Descrição - Enable bosses and easy moves

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leia-me - Enable bosses and easy moves



Rekkozan: F + punch
Double Rekkozan B + punch
Kohryuha: D + punch
Ninpoh Kohrin Kazan: B + Kick
Leg Lariat: F + kick
Double Jump: U and U


Tomoe Kuuchuu Nage: In air and close, F + punch
Reppuzan: F + punch
Double Reppuzan: B + punch
Ninpoh Furin Kazan: B + Kick
Enryuha: D + punch (in air too)
Double Jump: U and U

      Kim Dragon

Kuuchuu Nage: in air and close, F + punch
Hyakuretsuken: press punch rapidly
Dragon Kick: D + kick
Yoko Chokeri: punch + kick


Aura Bird: B + F + punch
Justice Sword: B + F + kick
Flash Sword: FD or BD + kick
Sword Hop: D + punch (in air)

       J. Carn

Mongolian Tiger Mash: B + F + punch
Mongolian Dynamite: FD or BD + punch
Head Sliding: FD + kick


Grenade Launcher: F + punch
German Missile: F + kick
Spark Thunder: A rapidly
Wave Arm: B + punch
Float Attack: A + B in air
Roundhouse Kick: df + Kick in air


Fireball: F + punch 
Thunder Ball: F + F + punch
Air Fireball: F + punch in air
Cossack Dance: F + kick
Axle Spin: B + kick
Air Axle Spin : B + kick in air

      Erik the Red

Thor Hammer: FD or BD + punch
Aegyr's Halbread: F + kick
Blizzard Breath: F + F + punch
Long Horn: B + F + punch

      Captain Kidd

Shark Knuckle: F + B + punch
Shark Upper: FD or BD + kick
Spiral Kick: B + F + kick
Pirate Ship : F + punch
Toward Kick: punch + kick


Dash Upper: D + F + punch
Dash Straight: D + F + kick
Tiger Kick: D + kick
Cyclone Kick: F + B + kick
Dash Punch: punch + kick
backstep: B + B

      Ryoko Izumo

Bosatsu Sho: D + punch
Nidan Seoi Nage: B + punch ( when near)
Kuuchuu Ha Nidan Nage: F + kick ( when near)
Flash Kick: punch + kick
Dash: F + F
Dash Punch: Dash + punch
Dash Kick: Dash + kick


Mud Attack: F + F + punch 
Mud Cutter: B + punch
Mud Gyro: D + punch

     Johnny Maximum

Pigskin Thunder Shot: F + punch
Shoulder Butt Crash: F + kick
Head Crash: D + punch
Shoulder Charging: D + kick
Lightning Tackle: B + B + kick

     Muscle Power

Super Drop Kick: F + F + kick
Muscle Bomber: B + F + punch
Tornado Body Slam: B + F + punch or F + B + punch ( when near)
Giant Swing: B + F + kick or F + B + kick ( when near)

     Neo Geesus

Morph: punch + kick
Explosion: FD or BD + punch


Sphere ball:  B + punch
Foward Slice: F + F + punch
Foward Upper: F + F + kick
Rolling slash: D + kick
Explosion grab: B + F + kick or F + B + kick ( when near)
Tripping Slide: FD + fierce kick