Super Mario Land (JUE) (V1.1)
Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (V1.2)
Pokemon Red
Tetris (World)
Pokemon - Blue Version
Pokemon Green
Legend Of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (V1.2)
Donkey Kong Land
Super Mario Land 4 (J)
Megaman V (USA)
Pokemon Red-Blue 2-in-1 (Unl)
Donkey Kong Land 2
Donkey Kong Land III
Contra - The Alien Wars (USA)
Dr. Mario (JU) (V1.1)
Tetris 2 (USA)
Mario & Yoshi (E)
Pokemon - Blaue Edition (G)
Pac-Man (Europe)
[BIOS] Nintendo Game Boy Boot (World)
Donkey Kong (JU) (V1.0)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (USA)
Castlevania II - Belmont's Revenge (USA, Europe)
Castlevania Legends (USA, Europe)
Space Invaders (USA)
Final Fantasy Adventure (USA)
Megaman (USA)
Solar Striker (World)
Megaman IV (USA)
Batman (World)