Zelda3 Time & Day/Night cycling system ハックロムをダウンロード

Zelda3 Time & Day/Night cycling system ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: SNES
オリジナルゲーム: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Action Adventure
変更: G
製作者: JaSp
制作日: 09/06/2006
最終変更: 08/18/2018
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: Z3-Time&DayNight.zip
ダウンロード数: 54
必要事項: Header (SNES)
バージョン: 2.0

Zelda3 Time & Day/Night cycling system について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Zelda3 Time & Day/Night cycling system 説明書

Made by
Thanks to
	MathOnNapkins' "ZeldaFlow" document and help
	Euclid's status bar explanations and help
	d4s' help
	Byuu's xkas assembler
	Geiger's Snes9x Debugger
	FuSoYa's zcompress utility

Last update : September, 6 2006
*Major improvement: complete system re-write. The night effect works on the palettes now, and it works in all situations : layers, mosaic, HDMA warping, sub-areas...
*fixed the pause and save dialog box problems, time no longer increases when a dialog box is openned
*first release

/!\ The IPS PATCH is for an US headered ROM whereas /!\
/!\ the ASM PATCH is for an US headerless ROM       /!\

This archive contains :
*readme_z3 time system.txt	this readme file
*z3_time+daynight_source.asm	source asm file for use with an assembler on a unheadered Zelda3 ROM
*Zelda3 Time&DayNight_v2.ips	ips patch to apply to a headered Zelda3 ROM
*ZeldaGFX.bin			graphics file for use with zcompress (http://fusoya.panicus.org/zelda/index.html) containing the "Time-" graphics for HUD

So, what is it ?
This patch adds a time control (hours/minutes) to "Zelda 3 : A link to the Past", with a Day/Night handler using this new time feature.
A time indicator has been added to the status bar, showing the hours and minutes. The format is as 24-hour clock, that means from 00:00 to 23:59.
The Day/Night works as follow : on each hour, the palette is updated and changed according to 3 tables telling how many units to substract from the original palette color.
The color units to substract are editable within the ASM source file.
The system is currently set so that 12 real-life minutes correspond to 24 in-game hours, according that the game runs at 60 fps (1 minute in the game = 0.5 real second).
This is also editable within the ASM patch.

How to use it for my custom asm hacks ?
RAM Addresses :
Hours	$7EE000
Minutes $7EE001

How does the ASM source file work ?
This file is for use with an assembler, I used xkas (http://byuu.cinnamonpirate.com/?page=utils) so it is fully compatible with this assembler.
The code is quite commented, though you may only want to just change the counter_increasing value (to have faster/slower minutes) or the color_sub_tables.
Here is a little help for the units to substract with the tables :

00	0000	0000	0000
01	0400	0020	0001
02	0800	0040	0002
03	0C00	0060	0003
04	1000	0080	0004
05	1400	00A0	0005
06	1800	00C0	0006
07	1C00	00E0	0007
08	2000	0100	0008
09	2400	0120	0009
0A	2800	0140	000A
0B	2C00	0160	000B
0C	3000	0180	000C
0D	3400	01A0	000D
0E	3800	01C0	000E
0F	3C00	01E0	000F
10	4000	0200	0010
11	4400	0220	0011
12	4800	0240	0012
13	4C00	0260	0013
14	5000	0280	0014
15	5400	02A0	0015
16	5800	02C0	0016
17	5C00	02E0	0017
18	6000	0300	0018
19	6400	0320	0019
1A	6800	0340	001A
1B	6C00	0360	001B
1C	7000	0380	001C
1D	7400	03A0	001D
1E	7800	03C0	001E
1F	7C00	03E0	001F

I prefer to work with hex editors
Time speed control is at 0xE8198 (headered ROM), current value is 1F.
Change it to a value as 1,3,5,7,F,1F,3F,7F,FF to keep it increasing periodically.
Color tables :
Blue is at	0x770EA
Green is at	0x7711A
Red is at	0x7714A
Two bytes per color (low byte, high byte*), 24 colors per table. Use the table above for help.
* example : 34 12 in hex will be $1234 in the game.

Contact Informations
E-mail/MSN : [email protected] (be sure to mention a related object for your mail)
Homepage (currently only for my SMB3 hack) : http://klikechange.free.fr/smb3-sud/

You are allowed to share this patch or link it anywhere, as long as the archive isn't modified and that you don't say you made it.
You are allowed to release a modified version of the asm source if you don't claim the whole code as your own.
When used in hack, credit is recommended though not necessary.