Super Metroid - Oxide ハックロムをダウンロード

Super Metroid - Oxide ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: SNES
オリジナルゲーム: Super Metroid
タイプ: Complete
ジャンル: Action Adventure
変更: G,L
製作者: Cyclamen32
制作日: 05/25/2011
最終変更: 08/12/2013
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: SuperMetroid-OxideRev3.rar
ダウンロード数: 442
必要事項: No-Header (SNES)
バージョン: 3.0

Super Metroid - Oxide について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Super Metroid - Oxide 説明書

Super Metroid Oxide
by Cyclamen32
Release date: May 25, 2011

Author's description:
Author doesn't have a description, so I (MetroidMst) will provide one from my fond memories of this fine hack. Oxide is a small hack. It is weird. It has a single Missile expansion that gives you a real concussive load. Items progression is very odd. Area names are quite interesting, and exploring is a big focus. Short, small, and on the easy side. But still a very good hack. And of course, there is Barf Kraid.