SOR2 - International Action Heroes ハックロムをダウンロード

SOR2 - International Action Heroes ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: GEN
オリジナルゲーム: Streets of Rage 2
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Action > Beat 'Em Up
変更: G,S,GP
製作者: Dha_Lau_Hoo
制作日: 02/10/2019
最終変更: 02/11/2019
パラメータ 情報
ダウンロード数: 184
必要事項: BIN Format (GEN)
バージョン: 1.55

SOR2 - International Action Heroes について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

SOR2 - International Action Heroes 説明書


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*               International Action Heroes                *

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*********************** Introduction ***********************

7 years after the battle, Mr. X returned and attacked 

the three heroes. Adam and Axel were kidnapped, but 

Blaze escaped. To save her comrades, she seeked help 

from three international heroes: Bruce, Arnold(Arnie), 

and Kelly. Together they will fight against Mr. X.

In the game, Bruce and Arnie are extremely powerful. 

Therefore, this hack is not for the gamers that are 

looking for challenges, but for gamers that want to 

kick some ass.

You must apply this ips patch to "Streets of Rage 2 (USA)"

It is recommended that you use Lunar IPS.



    Update Log

    Move List





    Names of thugs

    Known Glitches

    Credits and Special Thanks


************************ Update Log ************************

v1.3 features:

	Improved animation

	Fixed a glitch that gives Bruce invulnerability

	Fixed a glitch that gives Kelly invulnerability

	Added new character portraits

	Modified some existing moves

	Added several new moves

	Adjusted the damage of some moves

	Adjusted the color of backgrounds and enemies

	Modified the names of some thugs

v1.41 features

  Bruce's Lightning Dragon Kick becomes invulnerable when 

    the dragon appears. The speed and damage are decreased.

  Arnie's Grand Champion s Uppercut becomes invulnerable 

    when the red wave appears.

  Fixed a glitch of Kelly's Flaming Phoenix.

  The shadows of the playable characters become smaller.

There are two variations of each version.

  In the "D" variation, Bruce wears the outfit of "Enter the 

    Dragon" and "The Way of the Dragon".

  In the "G" variation, Bruce wears the outfit of "The Game 

    of Death".

Both variations have the same game play.

************************ Move List *************************


This move list assumes the player character is facing 

right. If the character faces left, all the arrows in 

the following tables should be mirrored.

Common Moves:

B repeat

                                Basic Combo

C (can be used with directions)


Jump and press B

                                Fly Kick

Jump and press ?!B

                                Jump down attack

Press ?! while close to an enemy


                                (then use B to perform 

                                 different attacks)

Press C while grappling an enemy





                                Move 1

Press BC at the same time

                                Move 2

Hold B for two seconds and release

                                Move 3

Hold ?!C together while being thrown


                                (does not work

                                 against suplex)

A (without direction)

                                Defensive Special Move 

                                (may reduce own health)


                                Offensive Special Move 

                                (will reduce own health)


About damage: 

Certain techniques will require precise timing to 

deliver maximum damage to the enemy.



Command                         Move/Description


B repeat

                                Basic Combo


Static jump and press B

                                Split Kick

                                Can attack enemies at 

                                both sides


Forward jump and press B

                                Shaolin Fly Kick


Jump and press ?!B

                                Dragonfly kick


?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Shadowless punch


B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Knee attack


?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Overlord s throw


B while grappling an enemy from the back

                                Overlord s suplex



                                Shaolin Diamond Kick

                                Invulnerable, delivers 

                                the maximum damage when 

                                hitting the enemy at 

                                the 2nd and 3rd attacking



Press BC at the same time

                                Backflip Kick

                                30 against front enemy;

                                60 against mid-air enemy;

                                24 against back enemy

Hold B for 2s and release

                                Shadowless Kick

                                4 kicks in total


A (without direction)

                                Dragon swings its tail

                                Invulnerable, reduces own 

                                health if hit the enemy, 

                                causes 30~40 damage to 

                                standing enemy and 80 

                                damage to mid-air enemy 

                                if hit in the right time


                                Lightning Dragon Kick

                                Invulnerable, reduces own 

                                health anyway; causes 

                                78 damage in a close hit 

                                or 85 damage in a close 

                                hit to a mid-air enemy; 

                                power reduces with distance


Favorite weapon: knife



Command                         Move/Description


B repeat

                                Basic Combo


Static jump and press B

                                Fly Kick


Forward jump and press B

                                Double Fly Kick


Jump and press ?!B

                                Fly Knee


?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Knee Attack


B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Elbow Strike


?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                German Throw


B while grappling an enemy from the back

                                Comet Throw



                                Champion s Elbow

                                Invulnerable, delivers 

                                the maximum damage when 

                                hitting the enemy at the

                                2nd attacking frame


Press BC at the same time

                                Back Kick

                                Attacks back enemies


Hold B for 2s and release


                                35 against front enemy;

                                70 against mid-air enemy

A (without direction)

                                Tornado Kick

                                Invulnerable, reduces own

                                health if hit the enemy,

                                causes 30~40 damage to the



                                Grand Champion s Uppercut

                                Vulnerable, reduces own 

                                health anyway; very slow 

                                but extremely powerful; 

                                the shockwave delivers 

                                120 damage initially, and 

                                gradually disappears


Favorite weapon: iron pipe



(Her moves are unmodified. Her power is slightly increased.)

Command                         Move/Description


B repeat

                                Basic Combo


Static jump and press B

                                Fly Kick


Forward jump and press B

                                Fly Kick

                                18 (Originally 8)

Jump and press ?!B

                                Palm Chop


?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Knee Attack


B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Sanshou Suplex

                                40 (Originally 32)

?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Judo Throw

                                32 (Originally 28)

B while grappling an enemy from the back

                                German Suplex

                                40 (Originally 32)


                                Flying Double Chop

                                Has a very short time of 

                                invulnerability before 



Press BC at the same time

                                Roundhouse Sweep Kick

                                Can attack enemies at 

                                both sides

                                12 against front enemy;

                                16 against back enemy 

                                (Originally 8 for both)

Hold B for 2s and release

                                High Kick


A (without direction)

                                Backflip Kick

                                Invulnerable, reduces own 

                                health if hit the enemy

                                30 (Originally 24)


                                Qigong Palm

                                Vulnerable, reduces own 

                                health anyway; causes 50 

                                damage in a close hit or 

                                12 damage in a distant hit

                                12~50 (Originally 12~44)

Favorite weapon: knife



Command                         Move/Description


B repeat

                                Kunai (dagger), 

                                Katana (sword)


Static jump and press B


                                Can attack enemies at 

                                both sides


Forward jump and press B

                                Flying Chop


Jump and press ?!B

                                Fly Kick


B while grappling an enemy in the front



?!B while grappling an enemy in the front

                                Backflip Kick


Press C while grappling an enemy, 

then press B while rising

                                Swallow Throw


B while grappling an enemy from the back

                                Meteor Shower



                                Flying Sword

                                Vulnerable, delivers 

                                maximum damage while at 

                                the peak in mid-air


Press BC at the same time

                                Fearless Sweep

                                Counterattack, the 1st 

                                kick delivers 8 damage, 

                                sweeping sword delivers 

                                50 damage to mid-air 

                                enemy or 32 damage to 

                                ground enemy

Hold B for 2s and release

                                Cut Upward


A (without direction)

                                Thunder Bomb

                                Invulnerable, reduces own 

                                health if hit the enemy, 

                                causes 30~40 damage to 

                                the enemy


                                Flaming Phoenix

                                Invulnerable, reduces own 

                                health anyway; causes 56 

                                damage in a close hit or 

                                16 damage when the phoenix

                                is disappearing

                                10+10+36=56 or 16

Favorite weapon: sword

*********************** Thug Naming ************************

As many gamers have noticed, the game has some misspelling 

in the thug names. The author tried his best to correct 

the mistakes and make the names consistant.

The following rules has been discovered:

Basic thugs (Garcia, Donovan, and their clones)

    These thugs have names with European origin.

    Therefore the following changes have been made:

    Galsia (misspelling) ?! Garcia

    Joseph (Hebrew) ?! Justin

    Jonathan (Hebrew) ?! Jeffrey

    B.T. (Not sure what this is) ?! Bartek

    Z (Is this even a name?) ?! Zigor

    The bonus thugs have also been renamed:

    Talk ?! The Last (This is indeed the last thug.)

    U-3 ?! Unwin

    Mc.K ?! Mack

    Altet ?! Artie

Signal gang:

    Every memeber of this gang has some name like 

    X.Signal, where X is the first letter of the 

    thug's color.

    However, the following changes have been made to

    the bonus thugs:

    Mavin ?! M.Signal

    Axi ?! A.Signal

Bike gang:

    These thugs have names that are related to weather.

    The following changes have been made:

    Blade ?! Rain

    Wanter ?! Snow

Fire-breathing giants seem to have names that usually mean

something big. Even Heart is the name of a big fat villain

in "Fist of the Northern Star".

Karate/Kung-fu gang (Clones of Hakuyo):

    These thugs' names are not pronunciable in English.

    However, they do have meanings in Japanese.

    Ko-Shu, Suicho, Hakuro, Ko-kaku, Ho-oh

        These names are the bird names of Nanto School 

        from the cartoon "Fist of the Northern Star".

    Kongoh, Rakan, AShurah

        These are the names of fictional characters

        from Indian myths.

    Seiryu, Byatcko(Byakko), Suzaku, Genbu

        These are the mythical animals from Chinese


    Now that Byakko is misspelled, Genbu is missing, 

    and Ryokurou (green boy?) does not seem to fall into

    any of the above categories, the following changes

    have been made:

    Byatcko ?! Byakko

    Ryokurou ?! Genbu

Muay-Thai thugs have birdnames. One misspelling has been


    Galuda ?! Garuda

Ninjas have names that come from Ancient Japan.

    The following change has been made:

    Jay ?! Hayate

Robots have names that are chemical elements.

Rocket gang members have names of flying objects (aircrafts,

insects, etc). The following changes have been made:

    Griphis (unknown meaning) ?! Rocket

    Mosquite (misspelling) ?! Mosquito

    Blitz (not exactly an flying object) ?! Wasp

    Tomcat (nick name of F-14) ?! Hornet (nick name of F-18)

Some other changes:

    Vulture (bird name) ?! Vladimir (European name)

    Metal.M ?! Ms.Metal (This suits the lady better.)

    Nail ?! Bai Mei (literally white eyebrows)

    (He deserves this name after his palette is changed.)

    Shiva ?! Shi-Hua (Shiva in Chinese)

********************** Known Glitchs ***********************

In the two-player mode, if P1 chooses Arnie and performes a

super uppercut (offensive special), both players' pictures 

will be screwed up for a couple of frames, and then return 


Again in the two-player mode, if P2 chooses Arnie and 

performes a super uppercut, the pictures of all the knives 

in the scene will be screwed up, and will not return 


The hacked rom is tested under Gens and Kega Fusion. 

No other glitch is found.

**************** Credits and Special Thanks ****************

Special thanks to Huo Yan for he provided the author 

instructions and allowed the author to use some of his work.

Some sprites were ripped by the following people (with 


    Fei Long - Lord Zymeth

    Kunoichi - Enscripture

    Blaze - Dimps

************************ HAVE FUN! *************************