Sonic Triple Trouble SMS ハックロムをダウンロード

Sonic Triple Trouble SMS ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: GG
オリジナルゲーム: Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Action > Platformer
変更: Other
製作者: Glitch
制作日: 05/30/2009
最終変更: 04/23/2016
パラメータ 情報
ダウンロード数: 1149
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 0.4

Sonic Triple Trouble SMS について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Sonic Triple Trouble SMS 説明書

Sonic Triple Trouble SMS

Credits: Glitch

Sonic Triple Trouble SMS is a Master System port of Sonic Triple Trouble which was only released for the Game Gear and never got a Master System version, not even an obscure one like Tec Toy's port of Sonic Blast.


*Palette load/fade routines.
*Pause button.
*Button 1/2 take the place of the GG Start button.
*Title screen (...ish. See if you can spot the bug).
*Rewrote HUD placement code. 

==Working but faulty==

*Camera can pass the level bounds.
*Problems with camera in SPZ act 3.
*Some music designed for GG stereo sounds odd in mono.

==Known bugs==

*Knuckles object in the intro sequence.
*Garbage object on the title cards.
*Garbage on the score cards.
*Demo sequences.
*Water level in time attack mode.

Remember while using the patch to use the file extension .sms instead of .gg.