Sonic 2 Bugfixes & Knuckles ハックロムをダウンロード

Sonic 2 Bugfixes & Knuckles ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: GEN
オリジナルゲーム: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
タイプ: Bug Fix
ジャンル: Action > Platformer
変更: G,L,GP,Other
製作者: mcginnis03
制作日: 09/09/2020
最終変更: 09/09/2020
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: Sonic 2 Bugfixes & Knuckles
ダウンロード数: 263
必要事項: BIN Format (GEN)
バージョン: 3

Sonic 2 Bugfixes & Knuckles について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Sonic 2 Bugfixes & Knuckles 説明書


-Fixed Emerald Hill Zone deformation glitch
-Removed Air Speed Cap
-Fixed deletion of Rings after hitting bottom level boundary
-Fixed a race condition with Patter Load Cues to prevent some crashes
-Fixed the Chemical Plant Zone boss' attack to hurt player while crouching
-Fixed the collision of the Aquatic Ruin Zone boss pillars and arrows
-Fixed all if not most of the glitches related to the Casino Night Zone boss
-Fixed the Hill Top Zone background mountains not scrolling correctly
-Fixed the Oil Ocean Zone's launchers speeding Sonic up glitch
-Fixed Demo playback to hold button presses
-Fixed a glitch where if Sonic tranformed into Super Sonic after beating a level he would get stuck
-Corrected Super Sonic's speeds after transforming underwater
-Sped up Ring countdown for Super Sonic
-Fixed a glitch where Super Sonic and Sonic with Speed Shoes would decelerate too quickly when rolling down inclines
-Corrected wrong palettes and air suspension after transforming into Super Sonic twice in one level
-Made the last frame of Super Sonic's palette used
-Fixed a glitch that made Sonic's transfromation palette underwater unused
-Fixed the Rolling-jump to have the correct height and not lock you in place when landing
-Fixed a glitch where if you Spin Dashed on the edge of the screen, the Spin Dash would be cancelled
-Fixed all if not most glitches relating to Sonic drowning
-Fixed Tails subanimation error
-Fixed Death Egg Robot collision
-Added rings to Death Egg Zone
-Fixed the "14 Continues Cheat" playing Oil Ocean Zone's OST forever instead of continue jingle
-Fixed a glitch that would crash the game placing objects in Debug Mode after Sonic died
-Disabled floor collision when dying
-Corrected jump height out of water
-You now collide with water when being hurt
-Fixed the Ring deletion timer
-Tails' respawn speed was increased
-Press jump button twice to activate Super Sonic
-Removed the slow wait for checksum
-Turned on optimizations
-Knuckles the Echidna is fully playable (optional), but has some bugs, read the Readme for more info on Knuckles bugs
-Some of Sonic's sprites were fixed along with the Casino Night Zone slot machine icon for Sonic
-Fixed "All Kinds Items" Engrish to "All Item Types"
-Various Chemical Plant Zone layout changes
-Fixed infamous Chemical Plant/ Death Egg door visual glitch
-Gave Tails the ability to fly, swim and carry Sonic like in Sonic 3 and Knuckles


Knuckles Bugs:
-Knuckles has no Special Stage sprites and detaults to Tails'.
-The rings counter for Knuckles in Special Stages is bugged.
-Knuckles Score Tally for Special Stages is bugged, using Sonic's name and Tails' ring bonus.
-Knuckles has no endings, defaulting to Sonic's. (Super Knuckles' ending is red Super Sonic.)

General Bugs:
-When beating a 2P stage as Sonic, the graphics become corrupted until the level ends.
-Tails' flight cannot damage things like it does in other games, so be careful