Shining Force II Maeson ハックロムをダウンロード

Shining Force II Maeson ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: GEN
オリジナルゲーム: Shining Force II
タイプ: Complete
ジャンル: Strategy > Turn Based
変更: G,T,GP,Other
製作者: Maeson
制作日: 01/11/2017
最終変更: 01/12/2017
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: SFII Maeson.rar
ダウンロード数: 98
必要事項: BIN Format (GEN)
バージョン: 1.0

Shining Force II Maeson について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Shining Force II Maeson 説明書

Shining Force 2 Maeson, Public Release 1.0 (Internal version 4.2)

Did you think I would learn to make smaller readmes? 
0 - Credits
1 - Installation Process
2 - Hack Information
3 - Class List & Information
4 - Character information
5 - Character Stat comparison by Class
6 - Magic Information
7 - Equipment Information
8 - Other Changes
9 - Tips and miscelaneous things
10- Credits

Note: This readme contains spoilers for names, characters and such. Please, if you haven't played Shining Force 2, have that in mind!

0 - Credits

I feel the need to start this ridiculously long readme by thanking everyone that gave me the opportunity to make this hack.

Thanks to Sega and Camelot for creating this series, and this game.

Special Thanks to ALL the people from Shining Force Central, which include, but are not limited to:
 Obob, Drakonis Nightshade, BigNailCow, Sir Hedge, Colonel M, Space King, Stordath, and many more.

Thanks, Shining Force Central, for your research, information, and tools like SF2Edit and The Caravan. 
This hack wouldn't exist without all their previous work, and I'll be always thankful for the time all 
of you put into your work.

1 - Installation Process

Quite easy. You need to get yourself a BIN o MD format rom of Shining Force 2, 
NTSC-US version with this information:

CRC-32: 4815E075
SHA-1 : 22DEFC2E8E6C1DBB20421B906796538725B3D893
MD-5  : 6473B1505334EF5620D13191C18251FE

Once you have it, you have to choose one of the two patches.

The difference between two is just one: The black color used in sprites and scenarios.

You see, the game uses a tone of black that can look pretty bad in some TVs regardless of your
configuration. That's why I changed it for another tone that isn't as annoying to look at, even
more on LCDs, and the fact that some graphics for maps use it a bit too much does not help.

If you want to use the less annoying black, use Patch Version 1.
If you want to keep the original black, just use Patch Version 2. 
You can also change from one to the other without problems if you just want to check.

You'll need a tool like LunarIPS for the IPS patch.

Note: When you patch the ROM it will be expanded from 2MB to 4MB. It's completely normal.

I've played this Hack with Kega Fusion on PC and Genesis Plus GX on my Wii.

Honestly, I don't know much about Genesis emulators on PC (or other platforms), as Eke-Eke's Genesis Plux GX for Wii is absolutely 
fantastic and it's the one I've been using for years. Also, it's said to be very very accurate, and this hack works perfectly with it.

You could check Retroarch's version of Genesis Plus for PC too.

2 - Hack Information

Shining Force 2 is one of my favourite Sega Genesis games, and childhood games too. While I like the first game,
this one made so many improvements that I was hooked as a kid and couldn't stop playing it. The music was great,
the cast of characters was wacky and fun, and the gameplay while simple for the genre was fast paced and fun.

Now, the main idea of this hack is to give the game a new spin. I want to keep enjoying this game, but I also 
wanted to make the gameplay a bit more "rich" to keep my interest, give it a bit more meat, for future playthroughs.

Characters have been balanced (On a 20/20 basis) so there are no "useless" units. Characters like Kiwi 
or the already promoted characters are now as good to bring along with you as any other, and the classes 
themselves have been changed here and there, with new perks and now almost every class has a selection 
of spells to improve the versatilty and posibilities.

Magic has suffered also a large list of changes, and now is quite more powerful in both, your hands, 
and your enemies', so you should be careful. Also, thanks to the stronger enemies, spells like Muddle,
Dispel and Slow are a fair bit more useful.

Equipment has been changed in some ways, and new accessories have been added to the game. Also, promotion
related items have been reduced to one (a scroll named Secret Path) that can be bought after a certain point; 
and the dwarven forge offers rare weapons more easily, and also new items instead of outdated weapons.

The dark enemy forces also are stronger and more dangerous, with higher HP, and stats, but also because of
the improvements in magic and equipment. Also, many enemies bring special equipment to the battle that you
can take to wear yourself, so take a look before each fight and defeat them with a character with inventory

There are several graphic-related edits here and there, like Kiwi's promoted sprites, or the new accessories 
sprites. Also there has been some text editing to clean some engrishy (or simply horribly written) lines.

There are other changes, like inserting the "search command" during battle to open chests.

3 - Class List & Info
Here I'll put a fast description of the classes, as the Character section has much more information about
each unit.

A class exclusive to Bowie.

This class has great stats all around and is able to learn Thunder and Fire spells,
alongside the Egress spell (although it's not there from the beginning).

Priest/Vicar/Master Monk
Typical healers of any RPG. Rather fragile, and weak on Attack Power, but they
have Blast spells to deal with enemies.

Vicars are a direct improvement over Priests, while Master Monks transform the Priest
into a mix of heal/warrior type of character, having worse supporting capabilities 
(because of lower MP), but giving them the ability to fight hand to hand, making them
flexible characters.

Characters will learn the same spells with either class.

Knight/Paladin/Pegasus Knight
These are your first front line units

These centaurs use spears and lances to fight, have higher defense than other standard
classes, and they have great movement range.

The promotions have several differences, for one, Paladins have higher defense and HP, and
with proper use of Land Effect can tank rather well, but they lower Agility and horrible
walking around some terrains, like sand. Paladins have some resistance to Ice attack and spells.

Pegasus are more offensively oriented. They have lower Defense and less HP, but have higher 
Agility, more Attack, and can pass over obstacles or stay over water (or hold their 
position in the air). Pegasus have some resistance to Wind attack and spells.

Their spells also differ from each other; Paladins having more supporting spells, while 
Pegasus having more offensive ones. 

For example: Paladins can increase the Defense of your allies, while Pegasus 
(Pegasuses? Nah... Pegasi?) can decrease the Defense of your enemies!

Warrior/Gladiator/Baron/Red Baron
Warriors are the other basic front line units.

These are your typical axe wielding badasses. High HP, Attack and Defense, lower Agility.

Once promotion arrives, you'll have to choose between Gladiator and Baron.

Gladiators have higher Attack and Defense, and are more focused on offense. Their critical
hits hurt far more than normal ones, and possess some resistance to Fire. They learn Dispel
to defend themselves against mages, and Muddle and Katon for versatility.

Barons (and Red Baron) have higher HP and Agility, and have support spells to make them 
more rounded fighters. They have higher chances for double attacks, and get their movement 
range improved by 1. Their spells are supporting ones, like Heal and Detox. They also get
the rare Attack spell, which can't be used on themselves, but can buff other units!

Here come your crystal cannons!

Mages are able to cast powerful attack and status-inflicting spells, although each 
promotion has their own spell list.

Mage/Wizards have your typical elemental magic, plus a status-inflicting spell. They
can't hit as hard as Sorcerers against single targets, but they are far better at
dealing with groups of enemies. Wizards have more Agility than Sorcerers.

Sorcerers have summon magic, which divides the damage done by the number of targets,
so it's best to aim at single targets for very high damage. Sorcerers have superior
Defense compared to Wizards.

A class exclusive to Slade.

Thief starts as a weak type of Warrior, but with enough training it will start to show
some promise. But it's after promotion when this class shows its worth. 

As a Ninja, he possesses very high Agility, good Attack, adequate Defense and okay HP. 
It also has a high chance to do critical hits, and more powerful than normal 
ones, to make up for it's lower defensive stats. Also, he's the only character to be
able to use Katanas, a very dangerous type of swords.

He also learns Katon and Raijin, two elemental spells that add some offensive ranged
options. Try to avoid sending him too far away from the other units, as he usually
is a juicy target for the enemy AI.

A class exclusive to Kiwi.

This is one of those quirky classes. It has a very high Attack/Defense, while also
having low HP and Agility. Once he promotes, Kiwi learns a line of Breath spells, with
high offensive power, but also with high MP costs. This class resists Fire, and when
promoted, also gets a small resistance to Lightning and his movement range becomes the
best in the game (7 squares, ignoring almost any type of the field, but having the
defensive bonus).

Can be used as a bait-tank against physical enemies without worrying too much, but be 
careful with spells.

Now this Bowser/Gamera mix is worth your time!

Phoenix Kid/Phoenix
A class exclusive to Peter

Phoenix is another hard hitting class, with very high attack and great stats all around.
It's capable to learn Blaze and Blast spells, giving him a way to do ranged damage, and 
resurrects itself if he falls in battle.

He's a simple yet reliable character.

Archer/Sniper/Brass Gunner
Archers are ranged units that attack with bows. They also have higher chances for 
Double Attacks. They are simple until promotion comes.

Sniper and Brass Gunners have big differences:

Snipers continue the ways of the bow and arrow, and are improved versions of archers.
Their critical chances increase, and they learn status-relanted magic. They have okayish 
HP, and low Defense, but high Attack and Agility. 

Brass Gunners have archers jumping inside tanks that they ride to battle. They have high
HP, Attack and Defense, but very low Speed and a Move of 4 (the lowsest of any playable class). 
They have high resistance to Fire attacks and spells. Sadly they have no magic, as being inside 
a vehicle would make a little too hard to fling spells...

Basically, is a choice between being more maneuverable or being more resistant.

A class exclusive to May.

Ranger is pretty much an Archer but with a Centaur race, with higher Defense and HP
and lower Agility.

Bowknight is a direct improvement from Ranger, with improved Critical and Double Attack

The spells this class and the Sniper learn are different.

Birdman/Bird Battler
Birdmen are... well, humanoid birds. 

They are like alternate warriors. Birdmen have lower defense compared to other front 
line warriors, but are fast, pretty  strong, and have a nice amount of MP to cast spells.
Not only that, they fly, giving them high movement range (although not field cover bonus).

They resist Wind spells and attacks, and learn Heal, Muddle and Blast spells.

One curious thing about Birdmen is that in their base class have a move range of 7, but
once they promote, its reduced to 6. Sounds sad, but that move range is compensated with 
the fact that after promotion they also start to receive Land Effect protection, making 
them much less squishier than in their pre-promoted class!

Wolfman/Wolf Brawler
A class exclusive to Gerhalt.

Wolfman is yet another weaponless class, but that doesn't matter, as he has very high
attack power, and is well balanced in his other stats, with high HP and neat Defense
and Agility.

Once he promotes, his chances for counterattack enemy blows increases, and he's capable
of poisoning enemies with a touch of his claws.

This class also learns the Desoul spells, although it only has MP to cast it a couple
of times at best, so you should think well before wasting them!

A class exclusive to Zynk.

Robot is similar to Wolfman, with the difference it's a little slower. To compensate
that, his critical attacks are stronger than normal, and has some resistance to 

Also, Zynk learns Raijin spells.

A class exclusive to Claude.

It has an outstanding amount of HP, and very high attack, like other weaponless units.
It's very slow, though.

Claude greatly resists Ice, and can stun enemies with his punches. Also has the best
counterattack chance of the entire game, and both combined can result in a very neat
bait trap.


Character Info


Bowie is the hero of this game, and seeing how this is an S-RPG, that means that if he gets defeated, 
you get an instantaneous Game Over... Thankfully Bowie is not a push over! Well, he starts kinda fragile, 
but with a little training he can be a fantastic unit!

I always liked how Bowie was able to learn the powerful Thunder spells, and now he learns the Fire 
line of spells too! This makes Bowie a mix of a Melee and a Mage, giving him enough variety to be 
useful in different situations.
20/20 Average Stats 
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
77.22  40.95   65.12   71.34   56.16 		 Hero   Bowie
Move: 6 Type: Mage
Blaze - Lvl1 5 - Lvl2 12- Lvl3 24- Lvl4 39
Bolt  - Lvl1 15- Lvl2 26- Lvl3 33- Lvl4 46
Egress- Lvl1 16-
Special Traits
Swordman: 25% Lightning Resistance

Hero:	  50%   Lightning Resistance
	  Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	  Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)


Sarah is one of the first units you recruit, and probably you will like to have her around for most 
of the game (if not the entire game). Unlike the "female healer" cliche, she's kinda bossy and 
has some temper.

As a Vicar, she is more resistant compared to the other characters.
As a M.Monk, she has an edge in Strength and Agility over the others.
20/20 Average Stats 
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
60.45  75.10   40.88   65.76   55.54 HP/Def  Vicar      Sarah
65.89  60.44   62.84   53.11   65.48 Str/Agi MasterMonk Sarah
Move: 5 Type: Priest
Heal  - Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 7 - Lvl3 22- Lvl4 40
Detox - Lvl1 4 - Lvl2 13- Lvl3 33- Lvl4 45
Blast - Lvl1 8- Lvl2 16- Lvl3 25- Lvl4 36
Slow  - Lvl1 19- Lvl2 29- 
Special Traits:
Priest: 25% Wind Resistance

Vicar:  50% Wind Resistance
 	Can cause Muddle by attacking
	Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

M.Monk: 50% Wind Resistance
	Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)


I ALWAYS hated mounted units in S-RPGs, because I feel that the horse (Or mount) is always the one 
that does most of the work, it's the one risking its life so a guy can go faster to wherever he 
wants so he can swing his weapon against another dude.

For that reason I love knights in Shining Force: THEY ARE THE HORSES TOO!

...Err, anyway. Chester is your first Knight (being a friend of Bowie, of course). He's always there 
to help, and he'll become a good shield for your squishier units, while being able to dish out damage 
and support with some spells.

Both as a Paladin and as a Pegasus, Chester has more defense than any other Knight.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
80,09  24,31   60,47   77,31   53,20 Defense Paladin Chester
72,38  27,78   66,42   64,38   64,46 Defense Pegasus Chester
Move: 7 Type: Horse - Knight/Paladin
Move: 7 Type: Float - Pegasus

Heal - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 27- Lvl3 34
Detox- Lvl1 23- Lvl3 33
Boost- Lvl1 35

Blast - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 25- Lvl3 30- Lvl4 40
Muddle- Lvl2 32
Slow  - Lvl1 34
Special Traits:
Knight:  Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

Paladin: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/8)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	 25%   Resistance Ice

Pegasus: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)
	 25%   Wind Resistance


Just like the Knights are the horses, Warriors are dwarves! Except Jaha. Jaha is supposed to be a Hobbit!

Jaha is the last of your original group of friends. Being a Warrior, his game is going on the front line 
and crush as many evil skulls as he can.

Compared to the rest of the Warrior type of characters, Jaha has an edge on Strength. 
He's also the only Warrior you get for a long time, so make good use of him!
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
75.14  27.05   73.46   66.39   43.22 Strength Gladiator Jaha
80.78  24.20   66.44   60.45   55.80 Strength Baron     Jaha
Move: 5 Type: Warrior - Warrior/Gladiator
Move: 6 Type: Warrior - Baron

Dispel - Lvl1 22
Muddle - Lvl1 23- Lvl2 32
Katon  - Lvl1 24- Lvl2 34- Lvl3 41

Heal   - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 33
Detox  - Lvl1 26- Lvl2 37
Sleep  - Lvl1 30
Attack - Lvl1 35
Special Traits:
Warrior:   Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)

Gladiator: Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   Incr. Critical Attack Damage (150%)
           25% Fire Resistance

Baron:     Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   Incr. Double  Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   +1 Range of Movement



Kazin is your first Mage (If you don't count Bowie!). 
As in most cases, mages are squishy but very dangerous if used properly, even more in 
this mod as magic got some neat upgrades.

He got some big changes. His selection of spells as a Mage/Wizard is more offensive, 
with the three elements, and Sleep.

Kazin has the edge in Agility and MP compared to all the other mages in your force.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
60.75  85.36   40.46   45.50   67.70 MP/Agi Wizard     Kazin
65.37  75.56   40.48   50.62   60.46 MP/Agi Sorcerer   Kazin
Move: 5 Type: Mage

Blaze  - Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 10- Lvl3 23- Lvl4 36
Freeze - Lvl1 7 - Lvl2 18- Lvl3 28- Lvl4 40
Bolt   - Lvl1 13- Lvl2 31- Lvl3 43- Lvl4 47
Sleep  - Lvl1 17

Dao	- Lvl1 21- Lvl2 32
Apollo	- Lvl1 24- Lvl2 36
Neptune	- Lvl1 27- Lvl2 43
Atlas	- Lvl1 40- Lvl2 48
Special Traits:
Mage:     25% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance

Wizard:   50% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance

Sorcerer: 50% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance



Slade is a thief, a new class introduced in SF II. And continuing the Shining Force 
tradition of class and races, Slade is a humanoid rat.

This guy starts fragile, but with patience and some levels, he'll pick up pace. 
And once he promotes, becomes a Ninja! It's worth the effort.

The Thief class doesn't really steal anything, like in Final Fantasy, but it has more 
probabilities to do double attacks.

As a Kid I always chose him in my team because he's the guy that started all the trouble. 
He should help with this mess, don't you think? ...In any case, I like him.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
61,27  36,90   62,10   56,91   76,14 Ninja   
Move: 6 Type: Warrior - Thief
Move: 7 Type: Stealty - Ninja

Katon   - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 30- Lvl3 40
Raijin  - Lvl1 26- Lvl2 35- Lvl3 44
Special Traits:

Ninja: Incr. Critical Attack Damage and Chance (150%, 1/8)
       Incr. Double   Attack Chance                 (1/16)
       Incr. Counter  Attack Chance		     (1/8) 


It's a turtle with a helmet!

Kiwi has quite low HP for a front line warrior, but his gigantic defense will protect 
him from most physical attacks nicely.

He also packs a punch, with pretty high attack power, and with the new accesories 
he can boost it a bit.

When he promotes, he transforms into a Monster! After promotion Kiwi will develop some 
flame-throwing skills, which are a line of four spells with high power but also high
MP costs.

This little guy is the first missable character in the game! And he's always tired.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
60.39  31.00   109.60  90.52   40.60 Monster		 Kiwi
Move:5 Type: Stealthy - Tortoise
Move:7 Type: Float    - Monster

Kiwi Flame Breath - Lvl1 20 -Lvl2 27 -Lvl3 33 -Lvl4 40
Special Traits:
Tortoise: 25% Fire Resistance

Monster:  50% Fire Resistance  
	  25% Wind Resistance
	  Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/8)


This character HAS to be inspired by the Ugly Duckling tale.

Peter is a pretty damn good unit, and in the original game it was probably the most powerful 
guy you had, although now things should be a bit more balanced and Peter should stand out less.

Peter will learn Fire and Wind based spells, for those moments where you need a ranged attack,
or you don't want to send him too far (or heck, to take advantage of elemental weaknesses!). 
Also, being a phoenix, Peter is able to resurrect if he has been defeated in battle without going
to a church! Pretty useful if someone gets a lucky shot against him.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
76,93  32,46   111,16  60,44   60,34 Phoenix		Peter
Move: 6 Type: Float
Phoenix kid/Phoenix

Blaze   - Lvl1 3 - Lvl2 12- Lvl3 28- Lvl4 40
Blast   - Lvl1 7 - Lvl2 15- Lvl3 25- Lvl4 37
Special traits:
Phoenix Kid: 25% Fire Resistance
	     Auto-Resurrection after battle

Phoenix:     50% Fire Resistance
             Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
             Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	     Auto-Resurrection after battle


May is a centaur archer, which means she has superior moving range compared to other 
ranged units, like archers/snipers. While she's not as fast as the elven archers, 
she's quite superior in defense, also has more HP than them.

Lastly, thanks to the new spells her class learns, and the increased range of
promoted-class bows, now she's more flexible.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
67.19  21.58   63.86   58.46   60.44 Balanced Bowknight   May
Move: 6 Type: Horse

Sleep   - Lvl1 15
Muddle  - Lvl1 18- Lvl2 33
Detox   - Lvl2 24
Special Traits:
Ranger:    Incr. Double Attack Chance (1/16)

Bowknight: Incr. Critical Attack Chance (1/8)
	   Incr. Double   Attack Chance (1/16)
	   Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)


Gerhalt is a Wolfman! 

He doesn't need weapons to deal good damage.With high Attack Power, and nice Defense 
and Agility, he's a balanced unit.

He has higher chances to counterattack and learns the Desoul line of spells, which can 
cause instant death, although he has very low MP.

When he promotes, he's capable of poisoning with his claws!
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
80.36  23.48   108.34  60.01   65.72 Gerhalt	      Wolfman
Move: 5 Type: Stealthy - Wolfman
Move: 6 Type: Stealthy - Wolf Brawler
Wolfman/Wolf Brawler

Desoul  - Lvl1 13- Lvl2 33
Special Traits:
Wolfman:         Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

Wolfman Brawler: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/8)
		 incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	         Chance to cause Poison with attacks


Luke is part of the Birdman race. They are characterized by the ability to fly and act as 
a more agile warrior type unit.

Luke has pretty good Attack Power and Agility, and okay Defense. Also has a small selection 
of spells that improve his offensive and add a supporting side, while being able to heal 
himself makes him last a lot longer, and be able to scout with less worries.

Compared to Skreech, Luke has superior HP and Agility.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
66.22  33.97   64.09   53.19   72.28 HP/Agility Bird	Luke
Move: 7 Type: Fly   - Birdman
Move: 6 Type: Float - Bird Battler
Birdman/Bird Battler

Blast   - Lvl1 3 - Lvl2 8 - Lvl3 24- Lvl4 36
Muddle  - Lvl1 11- Lvl2 33
Heal    - Lvl1 19- Lvl2 28
Special Traits:
Birdman:         25% Wind Resistance

Birdman Battler: 50% Wind Resistance
		 Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	 	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)


Rohde is a historian you met in your adventures, and is the guy that helps you with the caravan.

His class is Brass Gunner, and he rides a tank to battle!

Brass Gunners have high HP, Attack and Defense, but low Agility, have a Move of 4, and are 
the only class without any sort of spell to compensate those stats (and because you're on a TANK).

Rohde himself has the highest HP and Defense of the Brass Gunners, but has the lowest speed too.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP     Att     Def     Agi
75,48  0      70,10   75,48   40,85 HP/Def Brass Gunr	Rohde
Move: 4 Type: Brass Gunner
Brass Gunners have no spells
Special Traits:
Brass Gunner: 50% Fire Resistance
	      Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)
	      Incr. Critical Attack Damage (1/16)


Rick is a young centaur you met along the way.

Rick possesses superior Agility compared to any other centaur, giving him the chance to be the 
fastest Paladin or Pegasus Knight.

On the other hand, his defense isn't as high as the others, so the choice is yours if you want 
to maximize his strong point or give him a boost on defense by taking one promotion or the other.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
75,42  24,23   60,11   63,89   68,17 Agility Paladin	 Rick
70,37  26,99   66,45   52,29   77,37 Agility Pegasus     Rick
Move: 7 Type: Horse - Knight/Paladin
Move: 7 Type: Float - Pegasus

Heal - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 27- Lvl3 34
Detox- Lvl1 23- Lvl3 33
Boost- Lvl1 35

Blast - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 25- Lvl3 30- Lvl4 40
Muddle- Lvl2 32
Slow  - Lvl1 34
Special Traits:
Knight:  Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

Paladin: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/8)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	 25%   Resistance Ice

Pegasus: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)
	 25%   Wind Resistance


Elric is an elven archer. Archers in Shining Force are a little tricky to use as they are unable 
to attack to surrounding cells, and they rely on the range of their bows to deal with enemies.

Elric has the edge on Agility over Janet, and has pretty good Attack Power, although he is fragile. 
But of course, he shouldn't be taking hits...

When he promotes to Sniper, he starts to learn several spells that aid his main form of attack by 
limiting foes' movement and spells.
20/20 Average Stats
Move: 5 - Type: Archer       - Archer, Sniper
Move: 4 - Tupe: Brass Gunner 
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
62.80  23.31   65.57   47.76   70.44 Agility Sniper	Elric
70,36  XX      68,33   70,22   52,47 Agility Brass Gnr  Elric

Dispel  - Lvl1 23
Slow    - Lvl1 27- Lvl2 34
Sleep   - Lvl1 30
Special Traits:
Archer: Incr. Double Attack Chance (1/16)

Sniper: Incr. Critical Attack Chance (1/8)
	Incr. Double   Attack Chance (1/16)
	Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)

Brass Gunner: 50% Fire Resistance
	      Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)
	      Incr. Critical Attack Damage (1/16)


Here comes another lance-wielding centaur!

Eric is the most offensively oriented Knight, as his Attack Power is the highest of them all. 
This comes at a cost, his Agility and Defense isn't as high as other Knights.

He's one of the four characters that you can recruit in Creed's Mansion. If you don't choose him 
the first time, you can go back later to get him and the others!
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
76,28  24,90   67,65   70,36   55,38 Attack Paladin	 Eric
70,20  24,33   73,77   56,78   68,33 Attack Pegasus      Eric
Move: 7 Type: Horse - Knight/Paladin
Move: 7 Type: Float - Pegasus

Heal - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 27- Lvl3 34
Detox- Lvl1 23- Lvl3 33
Boost- Lvl1 35

Blast - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 25- Lvl3 30- Lvl4 40
Muddle- Lvl2 32
Slow  - Lvl1 34
Special Traits:
Knight:  Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

Paladin: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/8)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	 25%   Resistance Ice

Pegasus: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)
	 25%   Wind Resistance


Karna is a Priest, and one of the four characters you can recruit in Creed's Mansion.

Depending on what promotion you give her, she will edge in one stat, either Agility or 
Defense, plus she has more MP than the other healers of the Force.

She works well either way, so just go for whatever class you find more appealing.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
50.79  85.68   40.23   55.26   65.08 MP/Agi	Vicar	Karna
60,87  70,79   58,89   62,12   57,59 MP/Defense M.Monk  Karna
Move: 5 Type: Priest
Priest/Vicar/Master Monk

Heal    - Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 5 - Lvl3 22
Blast   - Lvl1 8 - Lvl2 16- Lvl3 26- Lvl4 37
Boost   - Lvl1 12- Lvl2 30
Aura    - Lvl1 31- Lvl2 38- Lvl3 46- Lvl4 55
Special Traits:
Priest: 25% Wind Resistance

Vicar:  50% Wind Resistance
 	Can cause Muddle by attacking
	Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

M.Monk: 50% Wind Resistance
	Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)


And here we have the Dwarf! But... it has no beard.

Of all the Warriors, Randolf has the highest defense in both promotions, and also shares 
the highest HP with Jaha. Because Gladiator and Baron have bigger differences now, you 
should choose wisely what promotion you want the most.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
75.70  26.24   66.40   72.82   43.24 Defense Gladiator Randolf
80.77  23.26   60.57   66.44   55.10 Defense Baron     Randolf
Move: 5 Type: Warrior - Warrior/Gladiator
Move: 6 Type: Warrior - Baron

Dispel - Lvl1 22
Muddle - Lvl1 23- Lvl2 32
Katon  - Lvl1 24- Lvl2 34- Lvl3 41

Heal   - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 33
Detox  - Lvl1 26- Lvl2 37
Sleep  - Lvl1 30
Attack - Lvl1 35
Special Traits:
Warrior:   Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)

Gladiator: Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   Incr. Critical Attack Damage (150%)
           25% Fire Resistance

Baron:     Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   Incr. Double  Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   +1 Range of Movement


The last recruitable character from Creed's mansion.

Tyrin is a Mage, and knows elemental magic plus the Desoul line of spells.

Compared to the other mages, Tyrin is not as fast, and has a bit less MP, but on the other 
hand, he has a much higher Defense, comparable to even front line characters, and superior HP.

Those traits make him less risky to command around the battlefield, and you could even use him 
to bait evil forces and whipe them out with a strong spell if you feel confident.

Tyrin learns Freeze spells a bit faster than Kazin, but takes a bit longer for the others.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
71,36  75,56   40,48   61,84   50,61 HP/Def Wizard 	Tyrin
71,31  70,16   40,42   66,08   45,17 HP/Def Sorcerer 	Tyrin
Move: 5 Type: Mage
Blaze  - Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 11- Lvl3 24- Lvl4 37
Freeze - Lvl1 5 - Lvl2 17- Lvl3 27- Lvl4 39
Bolt   - Lvl1 16- Lvl2 33- Lvl3 43- Lvl4 50
Desoul - Lvl1 23- Lvl2 47

Dao    - Lvl1 21- Lvl2 32
Apollo - Lvl1 23- Lvl2 36
Neptune- Lvl1 28- Lvl2 44
Atlas  - Lvl1 40- Lvl2 47
Special Traits:
Mage:     25% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance

Wizard:   50% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance

Sorcerer: 50% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance


Higgins is a Paladin, thus meaning that he's the first unit to be recruited that's already promoted.

Compared to the other Paladins, Higins is the balanced one; he doesn't have the edge in any stat, 
but that also means that Higins doesn't have an inferior stat. That said, he has a few HP points more.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
77,50  23,02   62,11   69,24   57,80 Balanced Paladin  Higins
Move: 7 Type: Horse

Heal - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 27- Lvl3 34
Detox- Lvl1 23- Lvl3 33
Boost- Lvl1 35
Special Traits:
Paladin: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/8)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)
	 25%   Resistance Ice


Skreech is the other Birdman of this game, and he's an optional character you could miss 
and not even notice you did.

Compared to Luke, he is more offensively oriented, with higher Attack Power and MP to cast 
more spells. the higher MP also means he can support others with Heal for longer.

On the other hand, he's slower and has less HP.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
60.22  40.84   67.16   53.20   69.89 MP/Strength Bird Skreech
Move: 6 Type: Float - Bird Battler
Blast   - Lvl1 3 - Lvl2 8 - Lvl3 24- Lvl4 36
Muddle  - Lvl1 11- Lvl2 33
Heal    - Lvl1 19- Lvl2 28
Special Traits:
Birdman:         25% Wind Resistance

Birdman Battler: 50% Wind Resistance
		 Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	 	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/16)

Janet is the second elven Archer of the game. Also, she's in a relationship with Elric and 
joins the Force to fight alongside him.

Compared to her lover, she has higher Attack Power but lower speed, while in the other stats
are pretty similar. She's also the strongest Brass Gunner in the game, although promoting into 
Brass Gunner means no spells, so choose wisely!
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
63.14  23.39   70.48   47.42   65.26 Attack Sniper	Janet
70,83  XX      75,89   70,07   45,28 Attack Brass Gunr  Janet
Move: 5 Type: Archer	   - Archer, Sniper
Move: 4 Type: Brass Gunner

Dispel  - Lvl1 23
Slow    - Lvl1 27- Lvl2 34
Sleep   - Lvl1 30
Archer: Incr. Double Attack Chance (1/16)

Sniper: Incr. Critical Attack Chance (1/8)
	Incr. Double   Attack Chance (1/16)
	Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)

Brass Gunner: 50% Fire Resistance
	      Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)
	      Incr. Critical Attack Damage (1/16)


She's a Sorcerer! This class loses their Mage spells and instead learns a series of summoning spells.
Summon spells act in a different way compared to other offensive magic, the base damage they do is 
divided by the number of targets, so you may want to aim single enemies for full damage.

Taya is the balanced Sorcerer of the game.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
68.60  72.65   40.58   55.48   55.43 Balanced Sorcerer  Taya
Move: 5 Type: Mage
Dao	- Lvl1 21- Lvl2 32
Apollo	- Lvl1 24- Lvl2 36
Neptune	- Lvl1 27- Lvl2 42
Atlas	- Lvl1 40- Lvl2 46
Special Traits:
Sorcerer: 50% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance

Frayja joins the force as a Vicar... Thankfully, because the
Master Monk clothes would make him awkward as hell...

Vicars are, simply put, improved Priests. Frayja himself excels
at HP and MP, while his other stats are a little lower.

He learns a good variety of spells and Vicars can cause the 
status Muddle to their enemies by attacking.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
75,42  80,20   36,46   50,06   50,52 HP/MP   Vicar     Frayja
Move: 5 Type: Priest

Heal	- Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 10- Lvl3 50- Lvl4 58
Detox	- Lvl1 5 - Lvl2 14- Lvl3 34- Lvl4 42
Attack  - Lvl1 41
Aura	- Lvl1 30- Lvl2 38- Lvl3 44- Lvl4 60
Special Traits:
Vicar:  50% Wind Resistance
 	Can cause Muddle by attacking
	Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)

Jaro is the last Centaur that joins your force, and it also happens to be a promoted Pegasus Knight.

Being a Pegasus, he's not as resistant as a he could be by being a Paladin, but he has much better movement range and 
superior Attack Power. Jaro is the balanced Pegasus of the game, and as such, he hasn't weak stats, but also 
isn't the strongest in any.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
70,51  26,95   67,36   59,34   70,76 Balance Pegasus     Jaro
Move: 7 Type: Float - Pegasus

Blast   - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 25- Lvl3 30- Lvl4 40
Muddle  - Lvl2 32
Slow    - Lvl1 34
Special Traits:
Pegasus: Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	 Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)
	 25%   Wind Resistance

At long last, we have a dwarf... WITH A BEARD!

Gyan joins promoted as a Gladiator, and he's pretty curious. Unlike his companions, 
his HP and Defense are a little lower, but his Agility is far superior, so he'll get 
to act more often, and he may avoid an enemy getting a turn over him, which is always nice.
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
70,92  26,30   70,74   62,20   55,99 Agility Gladiator   Gyan
Move: 5 Type: Warrior - Warrior/Gladiator
Dispel - Lvl1 22
Muddle - Lvl1 23- Lvl2 32
Katon  - Lvl1 24- Lvl2 34- Lvl3 41
Special Traits:
Gladiator: Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   Incr. Critical Attack Damage (150%)
           25% Fire Resistance

Sheela joins already promoted to Master Monk.

Sheela has the highest HP of the avaiable Master Monks, and the other stats are well balanced.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
74,54  50,22   60,13   57,53   60,59 HP/Balanced M.Mnk Sheela
Move: 5 Type: Priest
Heal   - Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 5 - Lvl3 37- Lvl4 48
Blast  - Lvl1 7 - Lvl2 18- Lvl3 36- Lvl4 44
Boost  - Lvl1 20- Lvl2 41
Muddle - Lvl1 11- Lvl2 33
Special Traits:
M.Monk: 50% Wind Resistance
	Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/16)
	Incr. Double  Attack Chance (1/8)


Zynk is a Mechanical Soldier and his class is Robot. 

He (It?) is similar to other "creature" like units, he can't use weapons, but that's not 
much of a problem because Zynk's stats are pretty good, with high Attack Power.

He takes less damage from lightning attacks, and his critical attacks hit harder than 
other characters. Also, learns the Raijin spells.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
73,58  32,15   109,08  60,56   60,46 Robot		 Zynk
Move: 5 Type: Float
Raijin   - Lvl1 1 - lvl2 30- Lvl3 38
Special Traits:
	Incr. Critical Attack Damage (150%)
	Incr. Counter  Attack Chance (1/16)	
        25% Lightning Resistance


Chaz is the last mage-type unit, and he promoted to Wizard.

Compared to the others, Chaz is balanced in his stats. 
Also you have to love the long hair and the mustache.
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
65.46  80.25   40.54   50.74   60.19 Balanced Wizard	 Chaz
Move: 5 Type: Mage
Blaze  - Lvl1 1 - Lvl2 11- Lvl3 33- Lvl4 42
Freeze - Lvl1 6 - Lvl2 26- Lvl3 37- Lvl4 48
Bolt   - Lvl1 16- Lvl2 33- Lvl3 44- Lvl4 50
Dispel - Lvl1 22
Special Traits:
Wizard: 50% Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning Resistance


After seeing him in several ocasions, he will end joining you.

Lemon is a Baron, and he's the fastest one. Compared to Gladiators, 
Barons have higher HP and Agility and their spells are more guided to support roles.

Lemon, just like Peter, will revive after falling in a battle!
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
80.66  24.22   62.40   62.78   60.20 Agility Baron      Lemon
Move: 6 Type: Warrior - Red Baron

Heal   - Lvl1 22- Lvl2 33
Detox  - Lvl1 26- Lvl2 37
Sleep  - Lvl1 30
Attack - Lvl1 35
Special Traits:
Baron:     Incr. Counter Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   Incr. Double  Attack Chance  (1/16)
	   +1 Range of Movement


Claude is a Golem, and the last secret character.

Being a Golem, he's really, really slow, but has godly amounts of HP, high Attack 
and good Defense. He's great to send in the front line and act as a bait, even
more when he has an outstanding 25% of counter attack enemy blows, and he can even stun them!
20/20 Average Stats
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
105.62 14.22   108.33  65.42   40.22 Golem	       Claude
Move: 5 Type: Warrior

Boost Lv1- 1
Special Traits:
Golem: 50% Ice Resistance
       Stun Chance
       Incr. Counter Attack Chance (1/4) 

Stat Chart

If you want to take a quick look and compare the different units this will be much faster.

HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \-------------------------
77.22  40.95   65.12   71.34   56.16 		 Hero   Bowie
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi
60.45  75.10   40.88   65.76   55.54 HP/Def  Vicar      Sarah
50.79  85.68   40.23   55.26   65.08 MP/Agi  Vicar	Karna
75,42  80,20   36,46   50,06   50,52 HP/MP   Vicar     Frayja
Master Monks|
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
65.89  60.44   62.84   53.11   65.48 Str/Agi    M.Mnk  Sarah
60,87  70,79   58,89   62,12   57,59 MP/Defense M.Mnk  Karna
74,54  50,22   60,13   57,53   60,59 HP/Balance M.Mnk Sheela
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
80,09  24,31   60,47   77,31   53,20 Defense Paladin Chester
77,62  24,23   60,09   65,52   68,11 Agility Paladin	Rick
76,28  24,90   67,65   70,36   55,38 Attack  Paladin	Eric
79,37  23,04   62,26   70,69   57,75 Balance Paladin  Higins
Pegasus Knights|
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
72,38  27,78   66,42   64,38   64,46 Defense Pegasus Chester
70,33  26,95   63,53   52,68   77,10 Agility Pegasus	Rick
70,20  24,33   73,77   56,78   68,33 Attack  Pegasus    Eric
70,51  26,95   67,36   59,34   70,76 Balance Pegasus    Jaro
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
75.14  27.05   73.46   66.39   43.22 Strength Gladiator Jaha
75.70  26.24   66.40   72.82   43.24 Defense  Glad.  Randolf
70,92  26,30   70,74   62,20   55,99 Agility Gladiator  Gyan
Barons/Red Baron|
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
80.78  24.20   66.44   60.45   55.80 Strength Baron     Jaha
80.77  23.26   60.57   66.44   55.10 Defense  Baron  Randolf
80.66  24.22   62.40   62.78   60.20 Agility  Baron    Lemon
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
60.75  85.36   40.46   45.50   67.70 MP/Agi  Wizard    Kazin
71,36  75,56   40,48   61,84   50,61 HP/Def  Wizard    Tyrin
65.46  80.25   40.54   50.74   60.19 Balance Wizard     Chaz
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
65.37  75.56   40.48   50.62   60.46 MP/Agi  Sorcerer  Kazin
71,31  70,16   40,42   66,08   45,17 HP/Def  Sorcerer  Tyrin
68.60  72.65   40.58   55.48   55.43 Balance Sorcerer   Taya
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
67.19  21.58   63.86   58.46   60.44 Balanced Bowknight  May
62.80  23.31   65.57   47.76   70.44 Agility  Sniper   Elric
63.14  23.39   70.48   47.42   65.26 Attack   Sniper   Janet
Brass Gunners|
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
75,48  XX      70,10   75,48   40,85 HP/Def  Brass Gnr Rohde
70,36  XX      68,33   70,22   52,47 Agility Brass Gnr Elric
70,83  XX      75,89   70,07   45,28 Attack  Brass Gnr Janet
Bird Battlers|
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
66.22  33.97   64.09   53.19   72.28 HP/Agi Bird B.	Luke
60.22  40.84   67.16   53.20   69.89 MP/Str Bird B.  Skreech
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
61,27  36,90   62,10   56,91   76,14 Ninja             Slade
Weaponless Units|
HP     MP      Att     Def     Agi \------------------------
60.39  31.00   108.60  90.52   40.60 Monster		 Kiwi
76,93  32,46   111,16  60,44   60,34 Phoenix		Peter
80.36  23.48   108.34  60.01   65.72 Wolfman	      Gerhalt
73,58  32,15   109,08  60,56   60,46 Robot		 Zynk
105.62 14.22   108.33  65.42   40.22 Golem	       Claude
