Roll-chan 5 ハックロムをダウンロード

Roll-chan 5 ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: NES
オリジナルゲーム: Mega Man 5
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Action > Platformer
変更: G,T
製作者: Zynk Oxhyde
制作日: 06/10/2016
最終変更: 06/11/2016
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: ROLLCHAN5 v1-1.rar
ダウンロード数: 159
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 1.1

Roll-chan 5 について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Roll-chan 5 説明書

??Rolle&chan 5

Hacked by Zynk Oxhyde



Date Released:


v1.0 December 28, 2015; In commemoration of Rockman/Mega Man 28th Anniversary and beyond! Yay! XD




This is a player sprite hack of Rockman 5/Mega Man V for the NES!

This hack changes Rock's player sprites into his sister Roll!

There are currently 2 types of patches:

* Classic Roll

* Rockman/Mega Man 8 Roll




In the year 20XX, Protoman has unbelievably committed atrocities against the world, commanding an army of rampaging robots

bent to destroy everything in its path. As chaos ensues, Protoman suddenly invaded the Light residence and kidnapped his

creator, Dr. Light.

To reach Protoman, Rock, has given his combatant sister Roll, his buster powerup, making her charged Roll Buster more power

& range; despite him being benched for this act. Without Dr. Light's guidance, they must act in urgency and use what he left 

after the kidnapping, with Tango only having a few upgrades. However, Dr. Cossack has offered them his help and created a new 

ally, Beat the blitzing blue bird!




(v1.1 - 06/10/2016)

* New colors for the Title logo

(v1.0 - 12/17/2013) - initial release

* Rockman/Mega Man's player sprites are changed into his sister, Roll!

* The Opening scenes!

* The Get Weapon screen!

* Replaced Rush with Tango!

* See the Ending. <3

* Other notable changes:

  * The Titlescreen, of course!

  * The 1UP

  * Weapons menu edited

  * Weapon colors changed

  * On the Stage Select screen, PRESS START changed to STAGE SELECT

  * Rockman/Mega Man texts changed to Roll

  * Blues/Proto Man has a mouth

  * Edited most of the Robot Masters' look

  * A lot of other things left unmentioned (I forgot :p)

  * Dr.Wily sprites updated


ZIP file:


1. This readme

2. ROLLCHAN5-JP folder


   b. ROLLCHAN5-JP-MM8.ips

3. ROLLCHAN5-US folder


   b. ROLLCHAN5-US-MM8.ips


How to use patch to unaltered ROM:


* Use ROLLCHAN5-JP.ips on Rockman 5 (J) ROM

* Use ROLLCHAN5-US.ips on Mega Man V (U) ROM


How to patch on hacked Rockman 5/Mega Man V ROM:


* Can be patched in any order. Just bear in mind that patch (J)/(U) to corresponding (J)/(U) hacks.

* May cancel some changes in extensive hacks.


Using Roll on other hack projects:


Zynk doesn't mind others using Roll's sprites on their own hacks; although giving him credit would suffice ::)

You may use Roll as base for your own level hacks, or turn her into Hatsune Miku or other female characters... 


ROM Information:


File:   Rockman 5 - Blues no Wana! (J).nes

Length: 524304 Bytes (4 Mbit)

CRC32:  9D01E44C

MD5:    433E0032 BE55A0EF 23E7E673 11977FE6

SHA1:   0FC06CE5 2BBB65F6 019E2FA3 553A9C1F C60CC201

File:   Mega Man 5 (U).nes

Length: 524304 Bytes (4 Mbit)

CRC32:  5E023291

MD5:    D7D22BF9 EDFB1646 9975F7F4 D8DA518F

SHA1:   1748E9B6 ECFF0C01 DD14ECC7 A48575E7 4F88B778




Zynk Oxhyde - Hacking and Roll Sprites




Capcom Sprite Assembler by Matrixz

MegaFLE X by Matrixz

WindHex hex editor by Bongo`

YY-CHR ROM graphics editor by YY

FCEUX NES emulator debuggers


Special Thanks:

--------------- - for hosting the patch

Sprites Inc. - for the ripped sprites of Roll from various Rockman/Mega Man games (

board2 - for the General Megaman Hacking thread (








Zynk Oxhyde is not related/affiliated with Nintendo & Capcom in any way.

Capcom owns this game & characters all rights reserved.

This patch is not for profit! This patch is free! Don't distribute this in pre-patched ROMs!

Don't ask Zynk Oxhyde for ROMs. Get your ROMs from anyhow you like.