Project ZM ハックロムをダウンロード

Project ZM ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: GBA
オリジナルゲーム: Metroid: Zero Mission
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Action > Platformer
変更: G,S,L,T,GP,Other
製作者: Cosmic
制作日: 07/08/2020
最終変更: 07/08/2020
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: Proj_ZM_071.7z
ダウンロード数: 184
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 0.7.1

Project ZM について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Project ZM 説明書

Project ZM v0.7.1 -- 07/08/2020
Fixed the following:
- In hard mode, the elevator in Brinstar 0 is missing
- Auto charge beam was missing. Depending on player reception it will either stay or go.
- The regular patches still have unknown items enabled messages
- Map station messages could use a second line of text
- [UNK_ITEMS] It's possible to skip Kraid with a shortcharge (You still have to kill him though)
- Forgot to add pitblock shortcut to the Norfair 4 missile tank
- More ambiguous explosive weapon messages
- speedboost blocks in brinstar 1 were accidentally made no reform shot blocks, not no reform speedboost blocks
- Power bomb display in NG+ has not been changed to yellow to match the new PB design

Gameplay changes:
- Made Kraid harder by having his nails always have hard mode speed
- Reduced mecha ridley fireball health and improved fireball/missile drops

Known Issues:
[UNK_ITEMS] Completing the chozo trial acts as though you didn't have the fully powered suit
(Vanilla bug) Every certain number of frames, you cannot exit the zipline

Project ZM v0.7.0 -- 07/07/2020
Introducing separate patches for unknown items (proj_zm_xxx_unk, proj_zm_xxx_rtoggle_unk)

Gameplay changes:
- Bomb cooldown was brought back down to 7 frames (vanilla) from 11 frames. Spam away!
- Enemy drop rates are doubled, some enemies higher than that
- Fixed and reintroduced cutscene skipping with B
- raygun: Beam Autocharge
- Captain Glitch: Respin out of shinespark

World design changes:
- Replaced reforming speedbooster blocks in Brinstar 1 with no reform speedbooster blocks
- Prevented a possible softlock in Chozodia 5E
- [UNK_ITEMS] Swapped the location of plasma beam and wave beam
- [UNK_ITEMS] Swapped the location of space jump and speed booster
- [UNK_ITEMS] Removed chozo hints
- Removed the invisible crateria power bomb tank
- Removed the leftover gravity suit block in ridley

Aesthetic Changes:
- Added a black border to inactive HUD weapons

Known issues:
- Power bomb display in NG+ has not been changed to yellow to match the new PB design
- [UNK_ITEMS] Completing the chozo trial acts as though you didn't have the fully powered suit
- (Vanilla bug) Every certain number of frames, you cannot exit the zipline

Project ZM v0.6.4 -- 04/07/2020
raygun: Fixed small issue with GBA controls.

Project ZM v0.6.3 -- 04/06/2020
raygun: More fixes for SM controls patch (ziplines)

World design changes:
- You start at your ship
- An elevator connects Crateria and Brinstar
- "Wisconsin" was deleted from landing site

Gameplay changes:
- Ridley is more aggressive
- Mecha Ridley used to check for 100% to be harder, now it's >10%
- Took out the experimental Time Attack always on tweak
(You can still play time attack by pressing A on a completed save, then pressing Up Left Right Down)

Aesthetic changes:
- Hud weapons changed back to be yellow when armed

- Power bombs are yellow and more rounded off in HUD
- Power bomb tanks are yellow/orange (including the one the pirate carries)
- Power bomb blocks are yellow/orange
- Power bombs have a flashier animation when placed

- Bombs make use of yellows and greens, looks neat and helps with visual cues

Project ZM v0.6.2 -- 03/29/2020
â—˜ Further fixes for SM controls patch
â—˜ World design change: Chozodia 22 correctly scrolls both vertically and horizontally
â—˜ Added back the solid wall effect in Brinstar 2 before using long beam statue
â—˜ Fixed bad backgrounds in the map station download screens due to tiles having transparency
â—˜ Balance changes: Plasma beam is 50% weaker in all forms
â—˜ Removed cutscene skip shortcut as it causes issues with sounds that cannot be fixed
â—˜ Message boxes close faster, about as soon as the expansion tank sound plays

Project ZM v0.6.1 -- 03/21/2020
â—˜ Emergency fix for GBA controls in main patch
â—˜ World design change: Pirates in Chozodia E moved closer to middle of room

Project ZM v0.6 -- 03/20/2020
â—˜ Gameplay changes:
	- SM Controls was rewritten and is now a togglable ingame option, in place of sound settings. (GBA Controls default) Worry not, the audio is now stereo by default.
	- Shinespark steering was rewritten to allow for vertical steering.
	- SM Style item grabbing was simplified.
	- A complete overhaul of ZM's physics by Captain Glitch! Samus' momentum is preserved, midair morphing doesn't stop you, and you can even build up a speedboost on multiple platforms. Mockball is a thing. Get ready TASers!
	- Super Metroid style projectiles: Running and shooting makes the projectile as fast as it is set + your move speed, but when standing still it doesnt care about your move speed.
	- Gravity Suit requires Varia to be resistant to heat, weak acid and lava. This ensures that Varia is now an item more worth grabbing.
	- Elevator and boss intro cutscenes can be skipped by pressing B.
â—˜ Visual changes:
	- New compact HUD and map graphics.
	- The mothership has its own unique breakable tiles graphics.
	- Varia suit determines the bigger suit graphics, not Gravity Suit.
	- In light of the above change, gravity suit has had a very slight adjustment to its palette to look okay in low power form.
â—˜ Fixed errors:
	- Unable to toggle unknown items
	- Grabbing unknown items played the wrong message and sound
	- Gravity suit not visible
	- Tiling error in Brinstar 14
	- Tiling error in Brinstar C
	- Minimap map station tiling error in tourian
	- Player was able to springball off of corners of tiles without high jump
	- Poor enemy placement in Norfair A, Chozodia 1D and Chozodia 5A
â—˜ World design changes:
	- Plasma beam is locked behind a super missile hatch, which means a requirement of at least one boss to be defeated before it can be accessed
	- The path below the wave beam chozo in Brinstar 15 now too contains beetles to skip the statue for a faster early varia
	- Added a zeb to Brinstar 15
	- Rooms containing zebs now have a hardmode variant with the unused blue zebs
	- Tourian has a map station.
	- Brinstar A was given a left steep slope on Kraid's part of the gate, no longer requiring a jump
	- The floor in Brinstar 10 was flattened, no longer requiring a jump
	- Norfair 20 has more blocks replaced with speedbooster blocks which should make sparking through it easier.
â—˜ Balance:
	- Redid rinka drops to hopefully be more fair. Below is technical information about changes made.
|	0x400 Total drop chance budget		|
|No drop: 		|	25C or 16C 	--> 100	|
|Small energy: 	|	A or 0 		--> A	|
|Large energy: 	|	32			--> 32	|
|Missile: 		|	15E or 258 	--> 2BA	|
|Super Missile: |	A			--> A	|
|Power Bomb: 	|	0			--> 0	|

Project ZM v0.5.1 -- 02/10/2020
â—˜ Made the secret path to power grip more obvious
â—˜ Made the super missile block near varia suit room into a missile block, and more obvious so people don't get stuck/lost as much
â—˜ Weakened Mecha ridley's missiles to make 4% more viable
â—˜ Fixed a bunch of tiling errors in the room before varia suit

Unexplored and undownloaded vertically flipped map tiles look whack.

â—˜ Mid-air ballsparking -- This enables initiating a morph ball shinespark while in the air.
â—˜ Better morph rolling -- When you are in morph ball form, standing still pauses the morph ball's animation.
â—˜ SM style item grabbing -- This makes item grabbing more like Super Metroid in that it doesn't take you to the status screen every time.
â—˜ SM style item toggling -- You can toggle abilities on and off with [select] in the status screen, a la super metroid.
â—˜ Extra minimap color -- Pink map tiles are heated secret rooms.
â—˜ Fusion style R-shot -- In Fusion, samus could fire a charged beam without interrupting her spin jump by pressing [R]. This ASM brings that functionality back to Zero Mission.
â—˜ Toggle R button -- Instead of having to hold down R to arm missiles or power bombs, the R button toggles them on and off. A great choice for mobile or keyboard play.
â—˜ Shinespark steering -- You can steer shinesparking. This can be used for advanced techs like the one shown in the example up top.
â—˜ Morph ball speed booster -- Samus can now start speed boosting without having to exit morph ball.
â—˜ Prime style charge tractor beam -- With a fully charged beam you can suck in item drops like missiles or energy.
â—˜ Enable unknown items -- Samus' suit is now compatible with unknown items, right from the start!
â—˜ Faster shinespark recovery -- When samus sparks into something, she recovers faster.
â—˜ Suitless spacejump in liquids -- You can spacejump in liquids without the gravity suit.
â—˜ Walljump with spacejump -- You can now walljump when you have spacejump or space + screw attack.

â—˜ Low% is now as low as 4%. (Morph, bombs, Ice beam, missile tank)
â—˜ All unknown items and power grip can be skipped.
â—˜ A bunch of rooms were changed to make low% without power grip possible.
â—˜ There is a power bomb shortcut at the very beginning of Tourian for faster lategame item cleanup.
â—˜ The missile block in kraid's room was removed.
â—˜ The room in the mothership that brought up low% hard to 10% has been changed so the missile blocks never reform.
â—˜ Two pirates have been moved, so that perfect stealth is humanly achievable.
â—˜ Long beam room has a different enemy layout on hard mode.
â—˜ Some enemies at the bottom of the first room in Kraid spawn correctly now.
â—˜ The PB tank in norfair was made impossible to obtain early.
â—˜ There is a new way to skip mua and zipline activation, but it has its own set of challenges... (Hint: It's in a secret room)
â—˜ The Ridley fight begins as soon as you enter his room, not after getting gravity suit.
â—˜ Tourian has more rinkas in hard mode, and the mother brain room has more spots to use power grip.
â—˜ Cutscenes have been skipped.
â—˜ The black space pirates are now weak to any beam. Plasma beam is not required.
â—˜ Hard mode and Time attack mode are always available.

biospark -- author of MAGE, provided lots of help putting this together. These were his contributions:
		Customizable 4th minimap color
		Enable Unknown Items (+ GFX / Text)
		Enable use of Power Bombs before Bombs
		Fusion style R-shotting
		Item percentage scaling
		Metroid Prime-style tractor beam (Suck in drops with charge beam)
		Mid-air ballsparking
		Removal of chozo statue hint system
		Remove intro closeup of Samus' face
		SM-style ability toggling in the status screen
		Adjustable Starting Room
		Two-Line Text Boxes

Captain Glitch -- Aside from general help with this project, his contributions include:
		Adjustable escape timers
		Better Morphball Rolling
		SM style controls
		SM style item grabbing
		Toggle missile select with R
		gravity suit taking heat damage
		shinespark steering
		speedbooster in morphball
		unlocking of Kraid's doors
Cosmic -- bullied biospark and glitch to make this a thing. Also added:
		Modified Capt. Glitch's faster item grabbing ASM to have a faster jingle (still needs work)
		Modified biospark's unknown items ASM so that any suit can have the fully powered gfx
JumZhu.Diwa -- Made the walljumping with space jump tweak

Passar -- author of the patch that makes borders on tiles less noticeable

Metroid_Prime_Stratton, Cosmic, Capt Glitch, raygun -- Decompiled version of Capt Glitch's Charge beam concentration ASM.

Metroid Advance Game Construction (MAGConst) -- The metconst subcommunity dedicated to hacking the GBATroids.

Metroid Construction -- The #1 source for all things hacking metroid!

Metroid: Zero Mission speedrunners -- provided lots of input on what to change in this hack.