Final Fantasy - Revelations (Core Hack)
Golden Sun - Bass Hack
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Advanced Edit 2
Legend of Zelda: Awakening of Onyx
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival colour restoration
NEW Super Mario Bros. 3 Returns
Ultimate Superman
F-Zero X - No 64DD crash
Nintendo Vs. Capcom
Rockman X - 2017 New Year's Hack
Pokémon: Ruby - Festa 2002 Demo Recreation
New Awakening
Space Station Silicon Valley - Bug Fixes
Super RPG: Luigi Purgatory
Deltarune 60FPS Hack
Enable Amakusa
Rockman 2 - Gray Zone
Dr. Wario
Metroid Origin
Layla: The Iris Missions
Ninja Warriors Again - Blood Patch
Streets of Rage 2 - PLUS ULTRA: SECOND SQUAD
Future Tank
The Final Star 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: The Challenges
Donkey Kong Redux
Final Fantasy 1: Adamant Edition
Darkwing Duck Advance
Raiden Trad - arcade style tiles/sprites/colors
Sonic CD Pal to NTSC Complete Patch