Nintendo World Cup: Pause Fix ハックロムをダウンロード

Nintendo World Cup: Pause Fix ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: NES
オリジナルゲーム: Nintendo World Cup
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Sports
変更: GP
製作者: Dacicus
制作日: 08/16/2011
最終変更: 02/03/2016
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: NWCPause.7z
ダウンロード数: 8
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 1.00

Nintendo World Cup: Pause Fix について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Nintendo World Cup: Pause Fix 説明書

| Nintendo World Cup: Pause Fix |

Author: Dacicus
Version: 1.00

In addition to this Readme.txt file, you should have received a file called 
NWCPause.ips with the following properties:

Size: 35 bytes
MD5: 0f5d7792ccb67bc1415d5ae7bd567d8f
SHA1: 4cbb02471a21f59917ec75b2abd2db44c673ef03

This hack allows any of the NES controllers to pause the game during a match.
Originally, only controllers 1 and 3 (for those with a Four Score or Satellite)
could pause. The idea for this hack arose from the inability of player 2 to
pause during online play. It is compatible with my All-Team Versus Version
hack, but the fix works in both Tournament Mode and VS Match Mode. The
assembly code changes are explained below.

This hack is in IPS format. The patch should be applied to the U.S. version of
the Nintendo World Cup ROM:

GoodNES 3.14: Nintendo World Cup (U) [!].nes
Size: 262,160 bytes
MD5: fc0cd7c1b00d73d18e1f8af142c98fb8
SHA1: 75a2abb0d34be656ee98a9417f85a90ea4a2cbf8

Patching Example:
- Get Lunar IPS from and extract it to a
  directory of your choice
- Start the Lunar IPS program
- Click "Apply IPS Patch"
- Navigate to the NWCPause.ips file and open it
- Navigate to a copy of the Nintendo World Cup ROM and open it
- You should get a message box saying that the file was successfully patched

After patching, the file should have the following properties:

Size: 262,160 bytes
MD5: 5587c4cc7d5c55447f4c0ed0b0b4a9ea
SHA1: f4670e58f4f239066c651e855f7f0b69bdd1e7d6

The status of controllers 1-4 is stored in RAM at $00DA-$00DD, respectively,
with bit 4 indicating the status of the Start button for each controller.
The game checks the status of the controller 1 start button via:

$EA94:A5 DA     LDA $00DA ; Accumulator now has controller 1 state
$EA96:29 10     AND #$10  ; Check if Start pressed
$EA98:F0 1C     BEQ $EAB6 ; If not, go to $EAB6

This hack changes it to:

$EA94:4C 00 BF  JMP $BF00 ; Jump to unused space
$EA97:EA        NOP
$EA98:F0 1C     BEQ $EAB6 ; If Start not pressed, go to $EAB6

$BF00:A5 DA     LDA $00DA ; Accumulator now has controller 1 state
$BF02:05 DB     ORA $00DB ; OR with controller 2 state
$BF04:05 DC     ORA $00DC ; OR with controller 3 state
$BF06:05 DD     ORA $00DD ; OR with controller 4 state
$BF08:29 10     AND #$10  ; Check if Start pressed
$BF0A:4C 98 EA  JMP $EA98 ; Jump back