Mega Man: Indonesian Artifact ハックロムをダウンロード

Mega Man: Indonesian Artifact ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: NES
オリジナルゲーム: Mega Man 5
タイプ: Complete
ジャンル: Action > Platformer
変更: G,S,L,T,GP,Other
製作者: Anandastoon
制作日: 05/07/2013
最終変更: 11/25/2018
パラメータ 情報
ダウンロード数: 119
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 1.0

Mega Man: Indonesian Artifact について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Mega Man: Indonesian Artifact 説明書



 I'm beginner hacker from Indonesia.
 My age is 18 years old when I submitted this.


 1. Matrixz's MegaFLEX.
 2. Rock5Easily's Rockman 5 Editor, Parameter Editor and Sprite Viewer.
 3. Yum0987654321 and Kain for suggesting title from 'Artefact' to 'Artifact'.
 4. YY-CHR, the great tile editor.
 5. FCEUX, great emulator for making ASM datas.
 6. Dwiki Prayoga as tester (beta version).
 7. Insectduel as tester.
 8. Zieldak as tester.
 9. RHDN, the great place of ROMHacks.


 (I'm Indonesian, sorry for my English)
 Please patch this ips file into Mega Man V (U), not Rockman 5 (J).


---<( I. GRAPHIC )>---

 New Graphic for robot masters, Levels, weapons, etc.
 Some tilesets was made by me. It's fun for changing NES graphics.
 Also I made most of the boss graphics from scratch, while there're 3 robot masters
 which was integrated from other robot master.

---<( II. MUSIC AND SOUND )>---

 I usually use Fruity Loop and write the hex code from scratch by reading the
 notation block one by one, 80% of the drums from whole music are my creation, 
 making the drum in hex editor directly is easier than reading in FL (or any
 other musical softwares).

 Most of the musics' source are song from my country, Indonesia,
 while others are from well known song in the world.
 I knew some of them are ridiculous and didn't really fit on the stages,
 But, I just want to pick their notation only then I rearrangement again.
 Here the sources :

 	1.  Opening : Dr. L. Manik - Desaku (My Village)	

	2.  Title : Michael Bubble - Sway

	3.  Password Screen : J. S. Bach - Orchestral Suite 2 (My Remix version)
		I don't know which OS2 song was used in my hack,
		but, search in the Internet the filename "bachos2.mid"

	4.  Stage Select : Opick - Assalamu'alaikum

	5.  Selected Stage : Snada - Neo Shalawat
		(Go to Minutes 2:00 to the actual song)

	6.  Puzzle Man : Project Pop - Ingatlah Hari Ini (Please Remember This Day)
		Weapon Name : Puzzle Power

	7.  Sultan Man : Camelia Malik - Rekayasa Cinta (Modified Love)
		Weapon Name : Hunter Mine

	8.  Frozen Man : Nidji - Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Soldier/Warrior)
		Weapon Name : Frozen Dash

	9.  Space Man : Air - Bintang (Star)
		Weapon Name : Aiming Glob

	10. Tune Woman : Opick - Alhamdulillah
		Weapon Name : Synth Burst

	11. Marine Man : Ratu (Queen) - Dear Diary
		Weapon Name : Marine Flow

	12. Batik Man : H. Muntahar - Hari Merdeka (Independence Day)
		Weapon Name : Canting Barrier

	13. Brave Man : Anggun - Mengaku Bujangan (Confessing Celibate)
		Weapon Name : Brave Hound

	14. Dark Man Fortress Map : Mr. X Fortress Map

	15. Dark Man 1 : Meggy Z - Rindu (Missed)

	16. Dark Man 2-4 : Tangga - Cinta Begini (Love Like This)
		Cinta = Love ; Begini = Like This

	17. Wily Fortress Map : Mega Man 8 Wily Fortress Map

	18. Wily Stage : Dewa19 - Risalah Hati (Heart Message)

	19. Regular Boss : Opick - Irhamna
		(Go to Minutes 1:37 to the actual song)

	20. Fortress Boss : (Fariz RM) Rossa - Sakura

	21. Final Boss : Agnes Monika - Tak Ada Logika (No Logic)

	22. Ending : Kahitna - Cantik (Beautiful)			

	23. Boss Fanfare : Original

	24. Final Boss Fanfare : Super Mario World Level Clear

	25. Chasing Wily : I don't have idea what song to change this one

	26. Get Weapon : Cindy Cenora - Gembala Sapi (Cowherd)
	27. Game Over : My Remix of Jungle Book NES Level Clear

	There is several sound effect addition :
		---<(From other Mega Man game)>---
	1. Mega Man Electric shocks. (Created From Scratch)
	2. Mega Man 2 Quick Laser. (Created From Scratch)
	3. Mega Man 3 Cannon. (Just Copy and Paste in cause of same engine)
	4. Mega Man 3 Explosion. (Copy and Paste)
		---<(My Creation)>---
	1. Timer Ticking.
	2. Aiming Glob.
	3. Rising Platform.
	4. Falling Platform.
	5. Wily's bullet.

---<( III. LEVEL )>---

---<( IV. TEXT )>---

 The most text entirely changed in global language (English), althrough I'm suck at
 English grammar.

---<( V. GAMEPLAY )>---

 Attention, please... This is the first time I change whole bosses' AI and I just
 a newbie for 6502 hacking, I believe there's still many bugs in my current project.

 First of all, I learned how to code in 6502 based on other superior MM5 hack like
 RockMan 5G , Endless, Air Sliding, or Even Matrixz's Mega Man 4 Forever and
 PureSabe's RockMan 4 MI.

 So, there're some new stuff... :3

 Oh, thanks Matrixz for giving me some help in the very beginning 9 months ago about
 "how to find enemy pointer and description for RAM Address $0588 and $05A0".  

---<( VI. OTHER )>---

 - No longer enemy invincibility. (I learned from PureSabe's patch, but I didn't
	applied his patch)
 - Climb Faster.
 - Faster recovering.
 - Faster fading (by changing LDY value to 02).
 - Sound Effect addition.
 - After revisiting stages done, weapon will be full again.
 - Not stopped charging while take damage.
 - Some new stuff.
 - Energy Balancer.
 - etc.


 - None


 I'm sorry if my hack is terrible enough, because I just sharing what is in my mind and I just newbie.
 Really, I don't know any ASM languages, and I just self-taught other ASM documentations. But it's very, very hard to applying in the NES rom, until FCEUX come with its breakpoints and Hex Editor feature...
 My hack is easy enough to deal with, and I hope the new re-modified weapons are more useful than the original ones.



- 1.00

  1. Tweaking Marine Man, Frozen Man, Puzzle Man, Boss, Stage Select, and Boss Select Music.
  2. Changing Brave Man, Wily Fortress, and Final Boss Music.
  3. Speeding up Brave Man Ceiling Camping. (Oh What an Irony)
  4. Tweaking Marine Man, and Dark Fortress 2 Enemy Placement a little bit.
  5. Tweaking Marine Man's Kraken AI a little bit.
  6. Adding some challenges to Wily Fortress 2's Press Machine Section.
  7. Making Brave Hound and Puzzle Power more expensive.

- 0.94

  1. Thanks to ZuchZero for showing the pause menu glitch for Batik Man, and now that was fixed.
  2. Fixing Marine Man bug.
  3. Making the Brave Man's Quick Laser Easier.
  4. Fixing a little enemy placement and graphical error.

- 0.91

  1. Fixing a little graphics errors.
  2. Fixing a little 'lame' things in Level Design.
  3. Fixing weird bug in Dark 3 stage upscrolling which found by Zieldak.
  4. Fixing a little ASM and a bit music volume.
  5. Fixing gramatical error in beginning of the story which suggested by Kain.

- 0.88

  1. Fixing fatal scrolling error which found by Insectduel in Dark 1 stage.
  2. Fixing fatal error in beginning battle Wily 4.
  3. Swap enemy in Wily 1.
  4. Change Wily 1 and Wily 2 boss color.

- 0.86

	~First release
