Konami Wai Wai World Centered Camera ハックロムをダウンロード

Konami Wai Wai World Centered Camera ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: NES
オリジナルゲーム: Konami Wai Wai World
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Action > Platformer
変更: GP
製作者: KingMike's Translations
制作日: 06/30/2010
最終変更: 02/15/2016
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: wwscroll.zip
ダウンロード数: 73
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 1.0

Konami Wai Wai World Centered Camera について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Konami Wai Wai World Centered Camera 説明書

Wai Wai World 1 Scroll Fix
2010 KingMike

One feature of this game is that the camera will only scroll
when the player is a quarter of the way from the edge of the screen.
While this limitation may have been put in place for the 2-player
co-op mode (so that both players don't have to stand so close together),
it is kind of frustrating in single player mode, as it leads to making
blind jumps.

So, this patch will center the camera.
I have just briefly tested this in 1 and 2-player mode.
In 2-player mode, it will scroll as either player approaches the center,
but will stop if the other reaches the one-quarter boundary.

If you want to use a Game Genie for the same effect on a real console,
the codes are below.

Since this code is in the fixed ROM bank, a 6-letter code should be fine.
EETILY (add EG to the end for an 8-letter code)
EAOIVA (add AG to the end for an 8-letter code)
The two codes change these two bytes:
$1D7F3, from $C0 to $80 (right scroll X-coordinate)
$1D826, from $40 to $80 (left scroll X-coordinate)