Imp Skimp ハックロムをダウンロード

Imp Skimp ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: SNES
オリジナルゲーム: Final Fantasy III
タイプ: Bug Fix
ジャンル: Role Playing
変更: G
製作者: Leet Sketcher
制作日: 03/03/2017
最終変更: 03/03/2017
パラメータ 情報
ダウンロード数: 4
必要事項: Header (SNES)
バージョン: 1.4

Imp Skimp について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Imp Skimp 説明書

Final Fantasy 3 (US/SNES), Final Fantasy 6 (JP/SFC)
Imp Skimp Bug fix patch

FF3-ImpSkimp-H0.ips: The fix patch for a headered SNES v1.0 ROM file. Apply to fix the Imp Skimp Bug.
FF3-ImpSkimp-HR0.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES v1.0 ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF3-ImpSkimp-N0.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SNES v1.0 ROM file. Apply to fix the Imp Skimp Bug.
FF3-ImpSkimp-NR0.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES v1.0 ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF3-ImpSkimp-H1.ips: The fix patch for a headered SNES v1.1 ROM file. Apply to fix the Imp Skimp Bug.
FF3-ImpSkimp-HR1.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES v1.1 ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF3-ImpSkimp-N1.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SNES v1.1 ROM file. Apply to fix the Imp Skimp Bug.
FF3-ImpSkimp-NR1.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES v1.1 ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF6-ImpSkimp-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Imp Skimp Bug.
FF6-ImpSkimp-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF6-ImpSkimp-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Imp Skimp Bug.
FF6-ImpSkimp-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
readme.txt: This file.
Imp Skimp-Fixed.rtf: An index of the new code.
Imp Skimp-Original.rtf: An index of the old code.


Medium to high.

The game does a lousy job of updating monsters in Imp status. The only way to change a monster's sprite to an Imp is via the Imp spell, but this always changes the sprite as long as it hits, even if the monster doesn't actually gain the status. This can happen either with immunities or with enemy Runic. Also, other spells that can grant Imp status to monsters, such as Rippler and Sour Mouth, don't update the sprite. The Pugs, if they've been turned into Imps, will revert upon stepping back despite still having Imp status. Finally, if Celes absorbs the Imp spell via Runic, she will still transform into an Imp, then abruptly change back. This patch fixes all of these bugs.

If you are upgrading to version 1.4 from an older version of this patch, apply the reverse patch first to erase the older version.

v1.4 (March 3, 2017): Fixed a bug that caused Bio Blaster's poisonous bubble to appear to fire on the party during back attacks.

v1.3 (January 3, 2017): Previous version was also broken; battles still wouldn't start. This has now been fixed for real.

v1.2 (September 8, 2016): Previous version was broken; battles wouldn't start. This has now been fixed.

v1.1 (September 8, 2016): Fixed some delay issues.

v1.0 (May 6, 2016): Initial release.