Ghostbusters Remastered (The Real) ハックロムをダウンロード

Ghostbusters Remastered (The Real) ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: NES
オリジナルゲーム: Ghostbusters
タイプ: Complete
ジャンル: Action
変更: G,S,L,T,GP
製作者: Nesrocks
制作日: 10/12/2019
最終変更: 10/13/2019
パラメータ 情報
ダウンロード数: 233
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 1.1

Ghostbusters Remastered (The Real) について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Ghostbusters Remastered (The Real) 説明書

 The Real Ghostbusters Remastered - Version 1.1
 Romhack by Nesrocks - 2019
 Visit and follow on twitter @bitinkstudios
 Special Thanks:
 Macbee for title screen, testing and overall support.
 tepples for dpcm playback code.
 NewRisingSun for PCM.
 | How to use the patch |
 Apply ips on NES Ghostbusters ROM using an ips patcher such as lunarips.
 The correct ROM must be used. Use ROM Hasher to check your ROM.
 No-Intro Name: Ghostbusters (USA)
 (No-Intro version  20130731-235630)
 File SHA-1: C2FAE32AC6C49DA99CD779BADBB64825E35D4C2F
 ROM SHA-1: F411C7903452C9470C8BF73FED334C485F14A8E4

 | How to Play |
 Ghosts have invaded the city of New York. Dana and Louis have been transformed!
 Enter the ZUUL building before PKE reaches 9999 and defeat Gozer so you can rescue
 your friends and save the world from total destruction!
 Ghostbusters is divided into 7 scenes:
 City map:
  - Here you can see current PKE levels, access buildings and stop ghosts
    from reaching the ZUUL building.
  - You can only enter the ZUUL building if you have the ANTI-GHOST SUIT and a BEAM.
  - If you get near a building and it starts flashing that means the building is
    swarming with GHOSTS! Arm yourself with a BEAM and a TRAP and enter it!
  - Every 1000 PKE levels the Staypuft Marshmallow Man will destroy one of
    the buildings, giving more power to the roaming ghosts, and making it harder
	to earn cash, so hurry up!
  - Drive the Ectomobile to your destination. This scene replicates the path performed
    on the city map. Grab fuel barrels and don't hit other cars! 
  - Hint: if you have the GHOST VACUUM you can press A to capture roaming ghosts.
    Just align with them vertically and capture!
  - This is the only place to earn money at the start of the game!
  - Everything you need to save the city can be bought here. Since you're starting your business
    the GHOST VACUUM is free of charge. Selling an item returns you half the price.
  - Hint: the HYPER BEAM can reach farther and it will double the prize money for saving buildings.
 Building front:
  - Time to earn some real cash. Drop the TRAP and don't cross the beams!
  - Don't take too long or the ghosts will escape.
 ZUUL building staircase:
  - Only 23 floors to go. Climb while dodging ghosts.
  - Doors can be opened with the B button. Sometimes they are empty, often times they have
    ghosts, and sometimes they can give you 2 extra lives. Emergency only!
  - You can buy a sound generator so the ghosts will be confused and move slowly.
  - You can buy one ghost food and drop it on the floor. Ghosts will be temporarily attracted
    to it, so use it in an emergency.
 ZUUL top lower side:
  - Marshmallow man is climbing the side of the building.
    You can get on the ledge and shoot him so he goes down
  - If he reaches the top it's gameover!
  - Shoot 5 ghosts without making a mistake to get a bonus!
  - Press the B button to switch sides.

 ZUUL top upper side:
  - Shoot Gozer! Simple as that, it's the final showdown.
  - Be sure to check the lower side to stop the marshmallow man!
  - Press the B button to switch sides.
 | Changelog |
 v 1.1: 
  - Added cheat code for easy mode (start with $10k) and easy mode ending. A+B+Start at the title or lyrics screen. A sound cue replaces the Ghostbusters yell, confirming it.
  - Added visual feedback for PKE penalty when a ghost enters the Zuul building.
  - Updated title screen to include "The Real", "Visit" and version number.
  - Code for building infection completely rewritten for stability, realiability and balance.
  - Fixed correlation of blinking buildings and buildings that contain ghosts.
    (buildings used to secretly have ghosts and not blink)
  - Slightly reduced ghost speed on higher PKE levels.
  - Can't enter Zuul building just by reaching 9000+ PKE anymore.
  - Fixed fuel barrel hitbox.
  - Better car control.
  - Slightly increased sound generator efficiency.
  - Faster parking on GBHQ.
  - Marshmallow Man's animation speed increased when destroying buildings.
  - Fixed sign graphics for floor 16.
  - Ghosts inside Zuul move a lot faster towards food now.
  - Fixed bug where you could "enter" a road, loading to the gas station.
  - Proper graphics for destroyed buildings after coming back to the city map from another scene.
  - City buildings color coded: purple buildings (non destroyed) can be infected.
  - Some items are now fully refundable.
  - Added "REFUND" subtitle under respective items.
  - Fixed the bug where the game would pause when holding the B button on the map. The unexpected pause looked like a crash.
  - Fixed HUD glitch when reaching the top of Zuul Building.
  - Can no longer enter empty or destroyed buildings.
  - Fixed bug where it wouldn't refuel at the gas station if on zero cash.
 v 1.0:
 - First public release.
 - Overhauled graphics. 99% original. Character sprites and slimer adapted from The New Ghostbusters 2 for the Famicom.
 - Doubled performance on many sections of the game.
 - Much improved gameplay/controls everywhere.
 - Heavily rebalanced game design.
 - Countless bugs fixed.
  Known problems:
  - After laying the ghost food ghosts will move for a little while before being attracted to it.
  - When capturing ghosts on the road section, if the player runs out of gas the captured ghosts will respawn on the map screen.
  - On the road section sometimes ghosts or bonus money sprites can get stuck while parking.
  - The HUD will not update when a gameover is reached or when scrolling messages. Gameover will trigger on 9999 PKE as normal, though it may not display the updated value in those cases.