パラメータ | 情報 |
コンソール: | NES |
オリジナルゲーム: | Mother |
タイプ: | Addendum |
ジャンル: | Role Playing |
変更: | G |
製作者: | Rodimus Primal |
制作日: | 09/01/2015 |
最終変更: | 07/05/2016 |
パラメータ | 情報 |
ファイル名: | Earthbound Beginnings 25th Faithful Edition.zip |
ダウンロード数: | 84 |
必要事項: | No Special Requirements |
バージョン: | 1.1 |
評価: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
============================================ Earth Bound Beginnings 25th Faithful Edition ============================================ This is a title screen patch for Mother 25th Faithful Edition. This also changes the map to say Earth Bound as well. Since Nintendo decided to release their originally unreleased localization of Mother as Earth Bound Beginnings on the Wii U, I was disappointed that they didn't attempt to clean up their game and give it a proper title screen. Before that, DragonDeplatino did and excellent hack known as Mother 25th Anniversary Edition. He cleaned up the graphics AND the translation as well. Then ShadowOne333 improved on that by making the game simpy say Mother, and to rename things to better match Earthbound (Mother 2) such as naming Giegue to Giygas. Well, this patch is for those who want the the game to have the title that Nintendo has decided to release the game as and enjoy the improvements made by DragonDeplatino and ShadowOne333. Instructions: -Get an Earth Bound (Proto).nes ROM. I cannot tell you where to get one. -Download Mother 25th Faithful Edition here: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2318 and patch your ROM with a patching program. I prefer Lunar IPS. -Patch your ROM with one of the two patches included with this package. -Earth Bound (M25FE).ips will change the title screen to Earth Bound. -Earth Bound Beginnings (M25FE).ips will have the title as Earth Bound Beginnings. Either patch will also change the Map screen to say Earth Bound instead of Mother as well. Credits: -DragonDeplatino for doing an amazing job with Mother 25th Anniversary Edition. -ShadowOne333 for improving it with the 25th Faithful Ediion. -Nintendo for making the Mother series.