Dragoon X Omega - Gold Edition ハックロムをダウンロード

Dragoon X Omega - Gold Edition ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: NES
オリジナルゲーム: Dragon Warrior
タイプ: Complete
ジャンル: Role Playing
変更: G,S,L,T,GP
製作者: Sliver X
制作日: 01/20/2003
最終変更: 10/07/2015
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: dxo20.zip
ダウンロード数: 54
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 2.0f

Dragoon X Omega - Gold Edition について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Dragoon X Omega - Gold Edition 説明書

Changes list:

Version 2.0f (GOLD)

Fixed the Blue Headed Vin bug.

Improved (But not totally fixed) the Sonic Orb music bug.

Version 2.0 (GOLD)

Hacked the Dragonlord song, the Ending Song, Inn Song, 
Rainbow Bridge Song, Harp Song, Happy Princess Song (Nixed),
and Death Song.

Hacked the Main Status Screen, adding a portrait of the

Much better ending. 

Mine/Tomb redone for the sake of being more coherent.
(And yes, the final dungeon is supposed to be fairly

Chests redrawn and switched to palette 2 (Fixes random blue metal
floor bug and "color bleeding" from chests in dungeons.)

Treasure changes.

Dialogue changes, and fixed all unintentional typos. 

Fixed an embarrassing amount of typos in the manual.

Edited the font in the Neverborn battle/Ending so they use the same
font as the rest of the game.

A few overworld changes.

Small graphical touch ups to a few monsters.

Version 1.0 (OMEGA)

Hacked the Battle Theme, the Flute song, and the Cave song. Rewrote the 
ending yet again, rewrote a lot of the battle text, fixed some tiny bugs,
did a little work on some of the map layouts, rewrote a few parts of the
dialogue, and cleaned up (hopefully) all the bug problems. 

Version 0.98

Yet another little map error I found,only this time with the overworld.
It wasn't quite as bad as the previous bug in v 0.90, but it did suck.
Pretty much one of the biggest sub-quests in the game was pointless
because of this, so I fixed it in this version. I guess I really shouldn't
have cancelled the beta test phase after 2 days. I feel like an idiot
letting obvious crap like this slip past me.

This is a bigger update than 0.91,and among the new changes are:

Rewrote the ending.

Got rid of the ugly ass "shadow" tiles in the towns.

Made a few minor map fixes.

Redrew the metal brick walls.

Re mapped some people on a few levels. (Now there shouldn't be any more
people in walls.)

Altered some of the monster and weapon/armor/shield stats.

Made the last battle MUCH harder.

Rewrote some of the dialogue to make some points of the plot make more

And a few small changes "under the hood" you probably won't notice.

I've personally went through the entire game myself, and everything looks
like it should now. This is the next-to last release of Dragoon X Omega,
so if you spot any small problems, such as spelling, etc, let me know and 
I'll be sure to fix them in version OMEGA, which should be out this fall
sometime hopefully. Now the game is where it should have been at the
time I first released it: basically lacking only the final music and
sfx changes.

Version 0.91

Wow, there was a room that once you took the stairs down,you couldn't 
get back out. What sucks worse is that this room holds one of the most
important items in the game,and you can't beat it without it.
And the funny thing is that I caught this bug a few weeks ago, and 
I was certain I'd fixed it. (Obviously not though.)

I did a quick run through with all the levels to make sure any other 
"little" errors like this were gone, and everything looks OK now.
So at least you should be able to beat the friggin' game now.