Dragon Warrior III - Spell Name Update ハックロムをダウンロード

Dragon Warrior III - Spell Name Update ゲーム
パラメータ 情報
コンソール: GB
オリジナルゲーム: Dragon Warrior III
タイプ: Improvement
ジャンル: Role Playing
変更: T
製作者: Dragoon ZERO
制作日: 06/15/2019
最終変更: 06/15/2019
パラメータ 情報
ファイル名: DragonWarriorIII_SpellUpdate11.zip
ダウンロード数: 9
必要事項: No Special Requirements
バージョン: 1.1

Dragon Warrior III - Spell Name Update について

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Dragon Warrior III - Spell Name Update 説明書

Dragon Warrior III (GameBoy Color) Spell Name Update

By Dragoon ZERO (gt_dragoon AT yahoo DOT com)

Changes in v1.1: 
Both of these were pointed out by gamerdude535. Thank you very much!
- Firebolt was incorrectly named Kafrizzle, it has been corrected to Kasizzle
- Disperse has been renamed Blasto which comes form the IOS/Android versions

For better or for worse (I think there's a little of both), this patch updates the
spell names to those used in Dragon Quests IV DS, V DS, and VIII. Some names didn't
require changes, some didn't have updated names available, and I made a few changes
based on nothing more than my personal preferences.

I wasn't aware of the patch for the NES version until I was almost finished with
this. I did use it to check my work and I know I took at least one name (Morph)
from there, so I thank Reiska for that. Spell names that appear anywhere in dialogue
have NOT been updated. I'll try to fix that if I get around to updating the rest of
the game.

Apply the patch to a clean US version ROM. The changes are listed below.

Blaze - Frizz

Upper - Buff

IceBolt - Crack

Increase - Kabuff

Firebal - Sizz

Return - Zoom


SlowAll - Deceleratle

BlazeMore - Frizzle

RobMagic - Drain Magic

SnowStorm - Crackle

BlizMost - Kacrack

Firebane - Sizzle

TwinHits - Oomph



BlazeMost - Kafrizzle


Blizzard - Kacrackle

BeDragon - Puff!

Firebolt - Kafrizzle - Kasizzle (corrected in v1.1)

Transform - Morph

Explodet - Kaboom

Chance - Hocus Pocus

Outside - Evac

X-Ray - Peep

StepGuard - Safe Passage

Passtime - Tick-Tock

CurseOff - Sheen





Expel - Poof

Antidote - Squelch

Infernos - Woosh

SpeedUp - Acceleratle

Surround - Dazzle

Sleep - Snooze

Defense - Kasap

HealMore - Midheal

Beat - Whack

NumbOff - Tingle

Infermore - Swoosh

StopSpell - Fizzle

Disperse - Remove - Blasto (changed in v1.1, taken from IOS/Android)

Awaken - Cocka-Doodle-Do

Barrier - Insulatle

HealAll - Fullheal

Defeat - Thwack

HealUs - Multiheal

Infermost - Kaswoosh

Vivify - Zing

Sacrifice - Kamikazee

Revive - Kazing

Ironize - Kaclang


Thordain - Kazap

HealUsAll - Omniheal

Repel - Holy Protection






YellHelp - Yell Help

EagleEye - Eagle Eye *menu thing, Eye For Distance is excessively long*


Tiptoe - Padfoot

MapMagic - Snoop

Smell - Smell Loot *menu thing, Nose For Treasure is excessively long*
