DOOMSDAY ハックロムをダウンロード

パラメータ 情報
コンソール: SNES
オリジナルゲーム: Zombies Ate My Neighbors
タイプ: Complete
ジャンル: Action
変更: G,S,L,T,GP,Other
製作者: Zombie101
制作日: 07/19/2020
最終変更: 07/22/2020
パラメータ 情報
ダウンロード数: 73
必要事項: No-Header (SNES)
バージョン: 1.0d


Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.



July 19th 2019 

By: Zombie101 AKA Rom Hacking Man

Thank you for downloading DOOMSDAY 

 This is a Complete Hack. - There will probably 
Never be any updates made to this Hack/Game. 

This Level contains some flashing 
images and lights! - It might bother 
people with sensitive eyes. 

From what I have tested and know, 
this Hack is compatible with all emulators 
for SNES and Android.  

You can check out the trailer for the game at

Whats New.

48 New Levels.
6 New Bonus Levels.
Random Starting Items
Reverse Cycling ( Hold L butten while going though Item Inventory ) 
Weapon amount pickups have been Changed.

 - Obtain a headerless ROM of the North American version of Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Headerless ROMs have the .sfc extension)
 - Download Lunar IPS (
 - Place both the ROM and the .ips patch inside the Lunar IPS folder.
 - Run Lunar IPS and click on "Apply patch"
 - A window will pop up. Select the .ips patch.
 - A second window will appear. Select the ROM.
 - Lunar IPS will apply the patch to the ROM and it'll be ready to play!
 - (Optional) Rename the patched ROM to "DOOMSDAY" for easier identification. 

 Special Thanks to everyone who helped 
me on this journey! - Thank you all for your 
guidance, lessons, support and love! 

 Thank you to my inspirations, my fans, 
family and friends for all that you've done 
to help me out! 

 Thanks to my Big Bro, for instilling the 
love of gaming within me. If not for you 
and the ZAMN game, I wouldn't be who 
I am today. Thanks for always playing 
games with me and making me believe 
in my dreams. 

Thank You to:
The Oh-No! Team 
(Special Thanks for creating this amazing code!) 

Stanley Decker and Sloat 
(Special Thanks to them for Creating the 
Version 1.1 code.) 

Jon Grunes 
(Special thanks to Jon Grunes for helping 
me to Patch the Randomized Starting Weapons 
and Reverse Inventory Cycling! - Your encouragement 
and kind words meant so much as well!) 
(Special thanks to Droter for helping with the 
Custom Item Loot table, For letting me use the 
"ZAMN The Sequel" Pirana Plant and SkyHurricane 
Doctor Toungue Skull Sprites. Thanks as well for 
the Custom Background Level Pallettes! - Thank 
you for the support and the kindness you've shown!) 

(Thank you for the support and for helping me 
out with everything that you did and for pointing 
me to others who could also help me out!) 

Cody Guthrie 
(Special Thanks For being the best Big Brother 
anybody could ever ask for! Thank you for being 
one of the biggest parts of this game's insperation!
I hope you enjoy playing this game over and over, 

(Special Thanks for allowing me to use the net and 
have the access I've needed in order to get this 
project completed! You're the Bomb!) 

Erin Max 
(Special Thanks for your hard work in helping me 
to promote and spread the word! For the cool Posters 
and everything else you've done!)