F-15 Strike Eagle (E)
F-16 Combat Pilot (E)
F1 Tornado (E)
FA Cup Football (E) (ROM)
FA Cup Football (E) (Virgin)
Fairlight - A Prelude (E)
Falcon - The Renegade Lord (E)
Falcon Patrol (E)
Fall of Rome, The (E)
Fantastic Soccer (E)
Fantasy World Dizzy (E)
Fast Food (E)
Fearless Fred and the Factory of Doom (E)
Fernandez Must Die (E)
Feud (E)
Fifth Quadrant, The (E)
Fight Night (E)
Fighter Bomber (E)
Fighter Pilot (E)
Fighting Soccer (E)
Fighting Warrior (E)
Final Blow (E)
Final Fight (E)
Finders Keepers (E)
Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy (E)
Fire One (E)
Fire Track (E)
Firefly (E)
Firelord (E)
Firetrap (E)