P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (E) (Six Appeal Compilation)
P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (E)
P.H.M. Pegasus (UE)
Pac-Man (UE)
Pac-Mania (UE)
Paperboy (U)
Parallax (E)
Paranoia Complex (G)
Passport to London (UE)
Pastfinder (UE)
Patton vs Rommel (UE)
Paul Whiteheads Schachschule (G)
Pawn, The (UE) (v2.3)
Penetrator (U)
Perry Mason - The Case of the Mandarin Murder (UE)
Pharaoh's Curse (UE)
Pharaoh's Revenge (UE)
Pick'n'Pile (UE) (Six Appeal Compilation)
Pick'n'Pile (UE)
Pictionary - The Game of Quick Draw (UE)
Pinball Construction Set (UE)
Ping-Pong (U)
Pink Panther (E) (Kind of Magic Compilation)
Pipe Mania (E)
Pipe Mania (E) [alt]
Pirates of the Barbary Coast (UE)
Pirates! (UE)
Pit-Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (UE) (SuperFighter Compilation)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (UE)
Pitfall! - Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure (UE)