Lifeforce (UE)
Lightforce (E)
Little Computer People (UE) [b-savegame]
Little Computer People (UE) [b-savegame] [alt]
Lode Runner (UE)
Lode Runner (UE) [alt]
Lode Runner's Rescue (U)
Logo + Ultra Competition (E)
Lords of Chaos (UE)
Lords of Chaos (UE) [alt]
Lords of Conquest (U)
Lords of Conquest (E)
Lost in Space (UE)
Lost Tomb (UE)
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (E)
Lucky Luke (E)
Lunar Outpost (UE)
M.U.L.E. (UE)
Macadam Bumper (UE)
Madness (UE)
Magic of Endoria (G)
Magic Serpent C64 (G)
Magnetron (UE)
Mail Order Monsters (UE)
Mail Order Monsters (UE) [alt]
Mainframe (UE)
Mancopter (UE)
Mandragore (Q)
Mandroid (UE)
Maniac Mansion (U) (Lucasfilm)