Scarica Super Flyin Again Rom Hack

Super Flyin Again Gioco
Consdividi con gli amici:
Parametro Informazioni
Console: NES
Gioco Originale: Super Mario Bros. 3
Tipologia: Complete
Genere: Action > Platformer
Modifiche: G,S,L,T,GP,Other
Ideatore: Blue Finch
Data di creazione: 05/01/2020
Ultima modifica: 05/03/2020
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: Super Flyin Again (IPS Patch & README).zip
Downloads: 134
Requisiti: No Special Requirements
Versione: 1.0

Descrizione Super Flyin Again

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Super Flyin Again

 Super Flyin Again
 by BlueFinch
 May 1st, 2020

The chief thing that makes this romhack different is the change to Mario’s flight engine. 
In the smash hit game “Super Mario Maker”, Nintendo added the ability in the SMB3 game style 
for Raccoon Mario to recharge his flight by bopping enemies. I added that to Super Flyin, and 
it is in this hack also...


So, as in the first edition of "Super Flyin", Mario can do the following:
	Recharge his flight timer by hitting an enemy.
	Hit enemies underwater.
	Goombas won't die after hitting them.

Everyone can fly in this game, and everyone can slide.
Little Mario can fly. Fire Mario can fly. Hammer Suit Mario can fly.
Hammer Suit Mario can slide (but he is not used at all in this hack).
You cannot “flutter” unless you have a tail, so once your flight timer runs out, and you’re tailless… 
you will fall like a stone! 

Keep in mind, you may or may not be able to beat the level without a certain powerup, 
but you can at least look ahead a little bit before starting over. That is why I programmed 
them all to have flight ability. Now that is some super flyin…
Mario can grab shelled enemies on his descent instead of automatically kicking them. 
you do this by holding b on the way down toward the shell. (Concept ported from Super Mario Maker / coded for NES by OrangeExpo)
Death and Life: 
Mario has a quick death animation and return to overworld (coded by OrangeExpo)
Mario has infinite lives and there are powerups everywhere. This game is about playing the levels, not beating the game under constraint of lives, or powerups (there are a lot of powerup opportunities in this game)

Auto Re-Powerup:	
Mario Resets to Raccoon Mario…	or Retains Active Powerup
When he dies.
When he touches a goal card…		unless he is wearing a 'superior' suit: Tanooki / Fire Leaf
When he touches a treasure chest…	unless he is wearing a 'superior' suit: Tanooki / Fire Leaf

Mario does not reset to Raccoon Mario after entering the pipe in the hidden fortress level inside of the king's castle.
The point of that mini fortress is to give you the in-level Fire Leaf if you can beat the level with it.
b4b) Powerups:
Raccoon Suit:
Can do everything he normally does, but can also tail attack underwater.
this makes him to not use his swimming frames, but hey, you can't have it all!
Fire Leaf Suit:
Replaces the frog suit, and doesn't apologize for that at all. (next hack will have my conception of an improved Frog Suit which…[secrets])
Fire Leaf Tech: 
	Press B for a fireball
	Hold Up and Press B for a tail attack
	Hold Down and Press B for a statue which can move around and even gain p-speed.
The Fire Leaf statue is much faster in transition than Tanooki's, as I don't use the "poof" frames. I have found this to be way better for gameplay and flow.
The Fire Leaf cannot tail attack underwater. Hey, you can't have it all!

Tanooki Suit:
Can do everything he normally does, but his statue doesn't lose x velocity when activated. This means he can slide around while a statue, which is valuable tech for this hack. He still “poofs” in and out of transition, so it will end up feeling slower than Fire Leaf (because it is).

Animations work as they ought to. This is ensured by some code I had previously written to check if the person who is in flight is wearing a certain suit. Basically, if there are “tail frames” to draw, they’re drawn; otherwise, they don’t try to draw them. If the game DID try to draw tail frames on Fire Mario, for instance, it would repeat some leg frames, and look weird. Centaurio? 


Level Schematic:
Overworld Tile			Terminates With...			Nominal Level Space
King’s Fortress			Princess Letter (Hammer in Letter)	1 - End Castle
						Toad House (Fire Leaves x6)       	White Toad House (via either door. only triggers once)
						Bonus Fort (Fire Leaf in Chest)  	5 Dungeon 1 (via either door once Toad House is completed)
TR for Training			Goal Card                         	1-1
Sandy Boom Trap			Tanooki in Chest                	World 2 Hammer Bros 2     
1-1 					Goal Card                         	1-2
1-2  					Goal Card                         	3-7
Chance Fortress			Fire Leaf in Chest                	3-Dungeon 1
The Pyramid				Hammer in Chest                   	2-Pyramid Outside / Inside
1-3						Hammer in Chest                   	7-1
Dungeon B				Fire Leaf in Chest                	2-Dungeon
1-4						Goal Card                         	6-4
Bonus-5					Tanooki in Chest					6-10
Bonus-6					Fire Leaf in Chest                  7-9
Water Boom Trap			Tanooki in Chest                	World 3 Hammer Bros 2
Dungeon A				Fire Leaf in Chest                	1-Dungeon
Grand Dungeon			Bowser's Key to Princess Chamber  	6-Dungeon 3


Thanks to the Following...

Captain Southbird for giving the romhacking community his disassembly of Super Mario Bros. 3. 
He has done a great work and is rightly considered the godfather of modern SMB3 hacking. 

The disassembly of Super Mario Bros. 3 has made it possible for anyone to look underneath 
the hood of this wonderful game and make sensible and creative changes to the core of the game, 
due to its sensible and extensive commentary and labelling. Without the disassembly, we would be 
slaving away in a sea of hex values, where most of us would drown immediately. 
So then, Captain Southbird, we salute you! Branch, technically always!

OrangeExpo for his invaluable help on some major things, including the multi-boomboom battle code. 
I did augment it later to handle my Treasure BoomBoom, but he is completely responsible for the 
base code from which everything else grew. He is mentioned in a couple of other places throughout 
this document, detailing his other help.

JoeSmo for various times on twitch when we walked through some ASM issues. 
Sometimes we got it, and sometimes we didn't! We had fun, though. 
JoeSmo designed the second-to-last level of the game, also.

Michael for the same thing. Sometimes we got it, and sometimes we didn't! 
I appreciate the assistance and fellowship, as it was the path toward the solution. 
Michael is the author of SMB3 Foundry, which is the newest level editor, and spiritual successor to SMB3 Workshop.

Koopa for programming a funky and cool rendition of the chorus from “Earthquake Weather” by Beck for my overworld music. 

BlueCrush, EvilElf, and Eddie for helping in playtesting the final version of this hack. 
Their feedback was helpful to make it polished and smooth.

The larger SMB3 Prime community for the various kinds of support and knowledge and 
camaraderie, including KP who generously helps everyone. 

My God and Savior Jesus Christ for the gift of eternal life and forgiveness 
of sins by believing in His name.

If I didn’t mention someone’s name either here or throughout the document, please let me know. 
I have made a solid effort to remember anyone who helped me in any way. 


Super Flyin’ Again officially released on Friday, May 1st, 2020.

This hack concludes my Super Flyin’ series. Thank you for playing, and please know I will always be making more romhacks of this wonderful game as long as the Lord gives me breath in my lungs, and as long as Nintendo allows us to peacefully exist next to our younger, smarter, cooler and more handsome brother, Super Mario Maker 2. 

I welcome solicitations for collaboration, as well as ideas for new projects, both from experts in romhacking as well as from those who know little to nothing about the game, and maybe always thought “it would be cool if you could do this or that”. 

That is the spirit of romhacking, after all – “it would be cool if you could do that”; so then, let’s do it!

 			BlueFinch //  [email protected]  // May 1st, 2020