Scarica Roll-chan No Constancy Rom Hack

Roll-chan No Constancy Gioco
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Parametro Informazioni
Console: NES
Gioco Originale: Mega Man 2
Tipologia: Addendum
Genere: Action > Platformer
Modifiche: G,T,GP
Ideatore: Sfon
Data di creazione: 11/17/2019
Ultima modifica: 11/17/2019
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: RollchanNCv3a.7z
Downloads: 104
Requisiti: No Special Requirements
Versione: 3a

Descrizione Roll-chan No Constancy

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Roll-chan No Constancy

Roll-chan No Constancy
Version 3a

This patches IKA's "Rockman No Constancy" to replace Rockman with Roll.
It uses assets from Zynk Oxhyde's "Roll-chan 2" version 2.1.


Patching Instructions
* Patching programs like "Floating IPS" can apply IPS or BPS/Beat patches.
* Some emulators can apply patches in memory at run-time.
* BPS patches are recommended because they have checksums to detect errors and incorrect files.

Patching Order
* 1st: Rockman No Constancy (1.0 or 1.2 or 1.3, normal or hard)
* 2nd: One of the RCNCv3a patches (see below)

Patch Types
* 1-0 is used with Rockman No Constancy 1.0, 1-2 with 1.2, etc.
* "normal" or "hard" means use with that type of Rockman No Constancy.
* "classic" gives classic style Roll. "mm8" gives Mega Man 8 style Roll.

Gameplay Patches (only these have gameplay changes)
* B1-2 is an alternate patch for 1.2. It changes the weapons gained from Heatman and Clashman to behave more like they do in 1.3.
* H1-3 is an alternate patch for 1.3 hard. It reduces invincibility time and starting lives, and increases damage done by many enemies.

"1.0" "1.2" and "1.3" refer to Rockman No Constancy version, NOT Roll-chan No Constancy version. Roll-chan No Constancy's versions are in the form of [number][letter] with no decimal points to make them harder to confuse.


I recommend 1.3 (more polish) or the gameplay patches (more evil).

Rockman No Constancy 1.3
More polished than previous versions. Normal difficulty has small changes that tone down some of the crueler parts. Hard is a lot more merciful than it was in 1.0, but is still a lot harder than 1.0 normal.

Rockman No Constancy 1.2
Has changes to graphics, weapon/item behaviors, and more resembling those in 1.3; but with the level design of 1.0. It has no hard version.

Rockman No Constancy (1.0)
Much older, more primitive version. Normal isn't a lot harder than 1.3, but is more evil in some places. Hard is much harder than in 1.3.

Gameplay Patches
B1.2 (normal only) and H1.3 (hard only) resemble 1.0 in difficulty and 1.3 otherwise. Don't let the extra hit Blocky (pillar of blocks enemy) can take in 1.0 hard compared to H1.3 fool you, H1.3 is also harder than 1.0 hard in some ways.


Rom Information
* Rockman 2 - Dr. Wily no Nazo (Japan)
* CRC32: 30B91650
* MD5: 055FB8DC626FB1FBADC0A193010A3E3F
* SHA-1: FB51875D1FF4B0DEEE97E967E6434FF514F3C2F2
* SHA-256: DEB88223311ACA8CA566B99D4063CA29D389D939FEE455F83AFAEC97C6F0A5D1
* Size: 262,160 bytes
* Header Type: iNES (16 bytes)
* Header: 4E 45 53 1A 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Rockman No Constancy 1.3 modifies the header.
* 1.3 Header: 4E 45 53 1A 10 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



From the Author of Roll-chan No Constancy 2:
* Anyone may use, modify, or upload this patch.
* The original author is not responsible for any version modified or uploaded by someone else.

From the Roll-chan 2 v2.1 readme:
"Zynk doesn't mind others using Roll's sprites on their own hacks; although giving him credit would suffice ::)
You may use Roll as base for your own level hacks, or turn her into Jill Valentine or other female characters..."


Version History

v3a November 17th 2019
* Remade Roll-chan No Constancy, restoring everything to exactly how it appears in Rockman No Constancy except for a few intentional changes. No more modified enemies from Roll-chan 2.

v2b November 17th 2019 (released with v3a)
* Rockman No Constancy 1.2 support with alternate patches to improve some weapons.
* Alternate patches for Rockman No Constancy 1.3 hard to make it harder.
* Minor graphics corrections.
* Appearance of some robot masters restored to Roll-chan 2 versions.
* Roll-chan No Constancy and Rockman No Constancy version numbers added to startup.
* Patching over Roll-chan 2 no longer required.
* New versioning scheme to avoid confusion with the supported versions of other patches.

Previous versions will no longer be referenced by their old names except in the list below.

v2a (previously v2.0) November 3rd 2019
* Rockman No Constancy 1.3 now supported.
* Patches for Rockman No Constancy 1.0 updated.
* New shooting stance for Roll in No Constancy 1.3.
* Title screen updated.
* Palettes in ending fixed.
* Appearance of some robot masters restored to Rockman No Constancy versions.
* Broken text after robot masters fixed.
* Changed some of Roll's weapon/item colors.
* MM8 Roll now uses the same color as classic Roll in hard mode.
* Name changed to "Roll-chan No Constancy"
* New patching order for end-users.

v1b (previously v1.1) September 12th 2016
* Updated to Rollchan 2 v2.1.

v1a (previously v1.0) September 11th 2016
* Several compatibility problems fixed.
* Title screen changed to "Rollchan No Constancy"
* Bomb's color is darker to be different from normal and item 2.
* Roll-chan 2 weapon icons have been edited to match the new weapons.
* Green outfit for hard mode changed to pink. Classic uses light pink, MM8 uses dark pink.