Scarica New Clu Clu Land (FDS-hack) Rom Hack

New Clu Clu Land (FDS-hack) Gioco
Consdividi con gli amici:
Parametro Informazioni
Console: FDS
Gioco Originale: Clu Clu Land: Welcome to New Clu Clu Land
Tipologia: Improvement
Genere: Puzzle
Modifiche: Other
Ideatore: Morgan Johansson
Data di creazione: 06/03/2013
Ultima modifica: 09/18/2014
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: 015-New Clu Clu Land - v1.1b [FDS-hack].zip
Downloads: 96
Requisiti: No Special Requirements
Versione: 1.1

Descrizione New Clu Clu Land (FDS-hack)

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi New Clu Clu Land (FDS-hack)

New Clu Clu Land (FDS-hack)
Game release date  : 1992-04-28

If you have intentions of selling cartridges with this patch applied, please don't!

Version: 1.0b

What's this?
This patch makes FDS "New Clu Clu Land"(also called "Clu Clu Land D", "Clu Clu Land 2") 
playable on any NES, without the need of a Famicom Disk System. 
This version is a bit different from the regular version I used to play in my childhood.
Another difficulty level, new puzzles, other soundtracks etc.
This game might uses the extra soundchannels here and there but obviously you cannot hear
it on a standard NES. 

* Converted from FDS to INES mapper 1
* Highscore saving supported!

Apply the patch to the file "Clu Clu Land - Welcome to New Clu Clu Land (1988)(Nintendo)(J).fds".
(I read somewhere that this was the last game released for the FDS..)

Feel free to contact me with ideas, suggestions or even some kind words. :)
I spend *alot* of time with these hacks and if you feel you'd like to support
my work, feel free to use the Paypal-button on my website.

Thanks to
Thanks to the guys at for inspiration and ideas concerning this 

All my hacks are available at my website, currently
The site will sometimes load a little slow, but have patience.

v1.1b	2013-06-03	* Highscore saving/loading implemented
			* Code cleanup

v1.0b	2013-06-02	* First release!

| My releases                                                           |
|                                                                       |
| 001. Mario Bros Classic Series (E)..............Highscore saving      |
| 002. Excitebike (VS)............................NES-patch             |
| 003. Pinball (VS)...............................NES-patch             |
| 004. Ice Climber (VS)...........................NES-patch             |
| 005. Duck Hunt (VS).............................NES-patch             |
| 006. VS Goonies (VS)............................NES-patch             |
| 007. Mario Bros (JU) [!]........................Highscore saving      |
| 008. Excitebike (JU) [!]........................Track saving          |
| 009. Castlevania (VS)...........................NES-patch             |
| 010. Popeye (J) (PRG0) [!]......................Highscore saving      |
| 011. Hogan's Alley (VS).........................NES-patch             |
| 012. Donkey Kong (JU)...........................Highscore saving      |
| 013. Donkey Kong (original edition).............Highscore saving      |
| 014. Donkey Kong Jr (J) (PRG0) [!]..............Highscore saving      |
| 015. New Clu Clu Land...........................FDS conversion        |
|                                                                       |
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