Scarica Mario Kart R Rom Hack

Mario Kart R Gioco
Consdividi con gli amici:
Parametro Informazioni
Console: SNES
Gioco Originale: Super Mario Kart
Tipologia: Complete
Genere: Racing
Modifiche: G,S,L,T
Ideatore: d4s
Data di creazione: 03/23/2004
Ultima modifica: 07/27/2020
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file:
Downloads: 2912
Requisiti: Header (SNES)
Versione: 1.1

Descrizione Mario Kart R

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Mario Kart R

MARIO KART R					released on 23th of March 2004

			a d4s/science production



    ?- - ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?
  ?       ??????????????????=> Information <=-?????????????Ŀ      ?
  ?- - ???:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?? - -?
          ?- - ?????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?

                        Release by   : d4s/science
                        Release date : 23-03-2004
                        Program type : Snes Hack
                        Release type : IPS Patch

  ?- - ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?
  ?       ????=> Features <=-????????????????????????Ŀ      ?
  ?- - ???:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?? - -?
          ?- - ?????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?

		in case you didnt know, this is a ips patchfile that will
		convert a revision 1.0 super mario kart(u) rom image
		to my special and very own version of mario kart.

		features that are unique to this hack and that have never been in a mario
		kart hack before are:

		- completely overhauled graphics, including a new menu, titelscreen
  		and all new track themes.i've basically touched up every tile
  		that's in the rom in one way or another.
		- the new track themes are:

		- night lane
		- hot desert
		- bubbly clouds  
		- acid bath
		- dead anchor
		- deep forest
		- sunset beach
		- a new driver (kirby) with its own track theme and music.
		- updated and edited sound samples and music 
		(just bowsers victory theme to show it is actually possible to hack the music,
  		i'm far too bad when it comes to composing music so i left the rest as it was ;)
  		the engines have less annoying engine sounds, they sound more like trucks now. :>
		- music swapped all around to fit the stages.

		- driver sprites have their ugly black outlines removed 
		and some basic anti-alaising was added where possible,
  		besides they have received a less saturated palette, 
  		i didnt like it as colourful as the original was.
  		you most likely wont notice the difference, though.
		- very crude anti-hacking mechanism, will only prevent the most clueless "hackers" from editing my hack.
  		just a sidenote: if you aren't up to the task of editing the graphics and swapping the music yourself,
  		don't take my hack, change the levels around and release it as your own work.
  		i see that this happens alot with bouches smw hack. if you want to know something, you can always
  		ask me( d4s[at]scyence[dot]net ) and i'll see if i can help.
  		ripping stuff will only destroy your reputation.
		stuff that is also featured in this hack but has already been done in other hacks:

		- 24 racetracks edited. the tracks aren't totally new, they are basically updated versions
  		of the old ones with lots of shortcuts, turbo-arrows and the likes.
  		what was important to me was that you could still drive them in GP mode with
  		the CPU-drivers.i mean, of what use is a mario kart hack with tracks you can only drive alone, tell me that.
  		the graphics and sound editing took me about a month of my precious spare time and when i was done with that
  		i did the 24 levels in no more than one day, today, to be precise. ;)
  		to be honest, i hate level editing and i wanted to get that done as fast as possible and here it is. ~_=
?- - ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?
  ?       ???????????????????????????=> Known Bugs and Stuff <=-?Ŀ      ?
  ?- - ???:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?? - -?
          ?- - ?????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?  		
          	- two tiles of kirbys graphics have been located, but could not 
          	  be'll notice them when you beat the game.
          	- the kirby stage music turns back to normal speed after one loop
          	  when in final lap.
		- i know some of you waited for AI data edit.
		  i could have done it but didn't do it
		  for two reasons:
		  1. i'm lazy ;)
		  2. that way, ok! impalas mario kart hack will
		     have atleast one original feature when its released. :>          	  

  ?- - ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?
  ?       ???????????????????????????=> Usage information <=-?Ŀ      ?
  ?- - ???:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?? - -?
          ?- - ?????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?

                 Use your favorite IPS patching program (snestool etc)
                 to apply the patch to a known-good version 1.0 rom
                 of Super Mario Kart(U).
                 the patch has a checksum correction feature.
                 that means if you start the patched rom and
                 zsnes/snes9x gives you a bad checksum message,
                 your original rom was corrupt.
                 get another one.
  ?- - ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?
  ?       ???????????????????????????=> Special Thanks <=-?Ŀ      ?
  ?- - ???:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?? - -?
          ?- - ?????????????????????????????????????????????? - -?                 

		fusoya (lunar compress)
		bouche (audio)