Scarica Ikari Warriors Proofread Rom Hack

Ikari Warriors Proofread Gioco
Consdividi con gli amici:
Parametro Informazioni
Console: NES
Gioco Originale: Ikari Warriors
Tipologia: Improvement
Genere: Action > Shooter
Modifiche: T
Ideatore: Mister Xiado
Data di creazione: 07/30/2018
Ultima modifica: 07/31/2018
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: Ikari Warriors
Downloads: 11
Requisiti: No Special Requirements
Versione: 1.0

Descrizione Ikari Warriors Proofread

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Ikari Warriors Proofread

ÿþ       T%P%P%P%f%P%f%P%f%P%P%P%f%P%P%P%f%P%P%P%W%       

       Z%W% T%c% ]% Q% Q% Q% Q% `%W% T%]%       

        Q% Q%Q%  P%c%   Q%   c%Q% Q%        

       T%]% Z%c% W% Q% Q% Q% Q% `%]% Z%W%       



Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% `%W% T%c% Q% Q% Q% Q% W% Q%

Q%     Q%   Q%   c%   c%Q% Q%Q% Q% Q%   l%W%Z%P%c%

Q%  Q%  Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% Q% `%]% Z%c% Q% Q% Q% Q%Z%P% Q%


Name: Ikari Warriors Proofread (as in baked bread)

Function: Improvement

Author: Mister Xiado

Version: 1.0

Date: 20180730

Tools used: FCEUX for effecting the changes, LunarIPS for extracting the IPS from the hacked ROM.

This hack for Ikari Warriors (NES) makes the ending screen make more sense, with a lead in to Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road. All existing save states will work with this hack, as no addresses in the ROM have been changed. This is not a "localization", and no memes or other easily-dated content have been added.

How to use this hack:

I recommend copying the original Ikari Warriors ROM to a new location, or to a new filename in the same location, and using LunarIPS to bind the hack IPS file to the ROM.

No-Intro Name: Ikari Warriors (USA)

(No-Intro version  20130731-235630)

File SHA-1: 6EADBBE4C2A1F7EDE2978F149B63270C72DB281F

ROM SHA-1: 744C6638C3D7E39BD331A3B88F56AFFA9A0C4E4B

Thanks to:

SNK of the past, for setting the bar for NES games so low that Deadly Towers seems fun by comparison.