Scarica Easy moves and Zarak Rom Hack

Easy moves and Zarak Gioco
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Parametro Informazioni
Console: SNES
Gioco Originale: WeaponLord
Tipologia: Improvement
Genere: Action > Fighting
Modifiche: GP
Ideatore: Docrow
Data di creazione: 03/01/2019
Ultima modifica: 05/25/2019
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: WeaponLord-easymov+boss.rar
Downloads: 45
Requisiti: Header (SNES)
Versione: 1.0

Descrizione Easy moves and Zarak

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Easy moves and Zarak

Note: Many emulators may not support Weapon Lord. If this occurs, use Bsnes...
Button Key


Hold buttons:
X= x button
Y= y button
Bb= b button
A= a button

PARRY: Hold Y or L and press or D, or F, or U

Buttons config:
BACK SLASH:             QB  L button
BACK STRIKE:            MB  R button
BACK THRUST:            FB  X button
FORE SLASH:             QF  Y button
FORE STRIKE:            MF  A button
FORE THRUST:            FF  B button

Special Move List---Command---description or fatality effect
Korr  (barbarion master warrior)

FLAMEWHIRL:        hold Bb or A and press B      frenzy
POWER PUSH:        near F+F + X or R             thrown       
ELBOW SMASH:       F+F + Bb or A                 grounder 
HEART STRIKE:      hold X or R and press U       body burst
360 FIRE STRIKE:   hold X or R and press B       head smash 
DUAL FIRE STORM:   hold X or R and press D        
TAROK STRIKE:      hold Bb or A and press U      decap,head split
TAROK KNEE STRIKE: B+F + A                       decap 
360 BACK FLAME:    hold Bb or A and press F      deflect 
LONG KICK:         B+F + X or R                  guard break 

Talazia  (the bird of prey)

AIR SLICE:         hold X or R and press F
AIR TEAR:          hold X or R and press U      skull,body burst, 
EAGLE SLASH:       hold X or R and press B      Double hit  
AIR FRENZY:        hold Bb or A and press D     frenzy,
REVERSE CLAW:      hold Bb or A and press B     grounder
FALCON STRIKE:     hold Bb or A and press F     gut,guard break,
TALON STRIKE:      hold R and press D           head crush,head split,deflect
SKY KICK:          B+F + B or A                 grounder/stun
TALON BLADE:       F+F + X or R                 decap,
PREY FLING:        B+F + X or R                 thrown
SHADOW SLASH:      F+F + B or A 

Bane  (the lone wolf)

CURSED SLAM:       hold X or R and press U    head split
MUTILATOR:         hold X or R and press D    standing body burst,
BERSERKER:         hold Bb or A and press F   head crush, frenzy 
CURSED KICK:       hold Bb or A and press U   decap 
HAMMER BLAST:      hold Bb or A and press D   grounder 
IRON FIST:         F+F + X or R               guard break 
FANG GUTTER:       B+F + Bb or A              stun, gut 
HEAD ROCKER:       B+F + X or R               deflect, 
HAMMER WAVE:       D+D + Bb or A              grounder,
BONE CRUSHER:      D+D + X or R(REPEATx2)     body burst, hit in floor

Zorn  (the defiler)

AXE LIFT:          hold Bb or A and press D    thrown
HELL FIRE:         hold Bb or A and press U    gut, head split 
ARRISE:            hold Bb or A and press B    decap       
CORPSE STRIKER:    hold X or R and press F     ground decap 
SHIELD SCREAMER:   hold X or R and press B     head crush, deflect, 
HELL SHIELD:       hold X or R and press D     guard break 
ANCIENT AXE:       F+F + X or R        
ROLLING CUTTER:    B+F + X or R        
AXE TRIP:          D+D + Bb or A               grounder/stun
HELL GRINDER:      D+D + X or R                body burst, frenzy 
Jen-Tai  (the war queen)

RAM TOSS:          hold Bb or A and press U  thrown
DEATH BLADE:       hold Bb or A and press B  frenzy 
BACK BLADE:        hold Bb or A and press F  decap  
DOWN STRIKE:       hold X or R and press D   ground decap        
BACKHAND BLAST:    hold X or R and press B   head split,head crush,deflect 
SHIELD RAM:        hold X or R and press F+F 
FACE BREAKER:      B+F + X or R      guard break
SHIELD SPIKE:      B+F + Bb or A     gut,stun 
LEG BREAKER:       F+F + BB or A     body burst,grounder 
AURA STRIKE:       F+F + X or R  

Divada  (mistress of death)

SOUL DISPLACER:    hold X or R and press B    aerial teleport
SOUL BOMB:         hold X or R and press F    body burst,grounder 
SOUL SLICE:        hold X or R and press U    ground decap,decap,head split 
HELL DEFLECT:      hold Bb or A and press D   deflect 
PSYCHO BLADES:     hold Bb or A and press F   gut,frenzy 
SOUL SLAM:         hold Bb or A and press B   stun, linear teleport 
SOUL DRILL:        F+F + X or R               head crush,head split,
DEATH WHIRL:       B+F + Bb or A              slide
HEEL KICK:         F+F + Bb or A              guard break 
Zarak  (the aracne demonlord)

WARP SPIDER:       hold X or R and press B        skull, projectile
WIDOW'S GRIP:      hold X or R and press D        thrown,fatality pt2
CHAOS:             hold X or R and press F        frenzy 
GUILLOTINE STRIKE: hold X or R and press U        ground decap,head crush
WEB SLAP:          hold Bb or A and press B       deflect 
POWER SLICE:       hold Bb or A and press U       gut,stun, 
POWER VAULT:       F+F + Bb or A                  guard break,kick
INFERNO:           B+F + X or R                   body burst 
WEB RIP:           D+D + Bb or A                  thrown,grounder,fatality pt1 
