Scarica Adventure Island 3: The Lost Isles Rom Hack

Adventure Island 3: The Lost Isles Gioco
Consdividi con gli amici:
Parametro Informazioni
Console: NES
Gioco Originale: Adventure Island III
Tipologia: Complete
Genere: Action > Platformer
Modifiche: L
Ideatore: Aether Knight
Data di creazione: 03/23/2008
Ultima modifica: 07/29/2014
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: AdventureIsland3TheLostIsles.rar
Downloads: 143
Requisiti: No Special Requirements
Versione: 1.0

Descrizione Adventure Island 3: The Lost Isles

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Adventure Island 3: The Lost Isles

Adventure Island 3 ; The Lost Isles
1992 Hudson Soft
2007,2008 Aether Knight Hacks


Thank you for downloading the IPS patch "Adventure Island 3 ; The Lost Isles" for the NES. This patch contains "reconstructed" levels for all 8 worlds of Adventure Island III.


First you will need a patching tool. This can be found at or through
a search at for "IPS Patching". Please apply this patch to the "Hudson's Adventure Island 3 (U)" ROM.


This hack was started back in December 2007. Most of the levels were finished by mid February. The title screen was ripped from the translated NES ROM "Adventure Island 4". Since I am an amateur ROM hacker (is there a professional ROM Hacker?) in every sense of the word, this took much longer to edit than someone with more experience and abilities. Also you'll notice that the palette on the title screen is a little off :P

All 8 worlds and 8 levels each have been altered. (with the exception of world 4-4 although most enemies have been changed) This is not meant to be a "hardtype" hack but later levels can be very challenging. All levels can be completed without any enhancments. (hammer, dinosaur etc.) However it is recommended that you save your items for later levels.

I've tested this patch thoroughly but there is always a chance I missed something somewhere. If you do find a glitch, I'd like to know about it so drop me a line at [email protected]


The following made this patch possible...

- master higgins (Agave utility)

- (Hex Workshop)

- Kent Hanson (TLP)

- NeoDemiforce (for the "Island" logo from Adventure Island 4)