Télécharger Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix ROM Hack

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix Jeu
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Paramètres Info
Console: GEN
Jeu Original: Streets of Rage 2
Type: Addendum
Genre: Action > Beat 'Em Up
Modifications: G,S,GP
Créateur: eskayelle
Date de création: 02/29/2020
Dernière modification: 03/03/2020
Paramètres Info
Nom de fichier: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix v1.06.7 [U] [h].ips.zip
Descargas: 154
Conditions requises: SMD Format (GEN)
Version: 1.06.7

Description Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Lire Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix

::Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage
::MD+ Remix
::By eskayelle
::February 2020
::What you'll need --
::1) A copy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix.bin ROM
::2) A patching program (Lunar IPS, FLIPS, Unipatcher...)
::3) A Terraonion MegaSD cartridge (and a formatted microSD card)
::4) A console compatible with the MegaSD (Genesis/Mega Drive or Analogue Mega SG)
::Please note: 
::This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix .ips patch is made specifically for the TMNT of Rage Remix ROM.
::Do not patch it directly to an original Streets of Rage 2 ROM.  Doing so will provide unexpected and unwanted results.
::Do not patch it to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... of Rage ROM.  Doing so may provide unexpected and unwanted results.
::What you'll do --
::1) Apply a copy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix.ips patch to an original SOR2 Genesis / Mega Drive ROM.
::2) Apply to the patched ROM a copy of this MD+ Remix .ips patch.
::3) Be sure to rename the extension of the newly patched MD+ Remix ROM to .md (not .gen or .bin).
::4) Download the .zip of the .cue sheet and music files from MEGA.
::5) Extract all .wav music files and .cue sheet to an empty directory/folder.
::6) Move the MD+ Remix .md file to that same directory/folder.
::7) Place the folder with the .md, .cue, and .wav files on the root of the microSD card you will be using with the MegaSD.
::Note: Do not place the .ips file in the folder.
::8) Insert microSD card in MegaSD, locate the directory, and play!
::Note: If you are using an Analogue Mega SG, be sure to enable cartidge audio via the Mega SG's Settings > Audio menu.
::Besides allowing players to take advantage of the Mega SG's MD+ music features, 
::this patch applies the following changes to the TMNT Remix game:
::1) Makes a minor change to the title screen to reflect the game's MD+ focus. 
::2) Revises ending credits to reflect Infinest.
::3) Adjusts Raph's sai spin move to throw enemies in a forward direction.
::4) Changes "Players" to "Turtles" in the options menu.
::5) Adjusts offsets to music tracks to align with the TMNT MD+ Remix .cue sheet.
::Big thanks to the following folks for their previous work on SoR 2 and in turn the available assets and documentation.
::1) Carzj for the original TMNT Edition hack.
::2) SCD for the restoration hack.
::3) Dha Lau Hoo the portraits tutorial and guidance on editing name titles at the player select screen.
::4) Metal64 for the character physics guide.
::5) Wake for help with formatting the color schemes for the new portraits.
::6) savok for the run code and guidance on making mini-portraits.
::7) Sharpnull for the image compression utility.
::8) J-Vizzle for playtesting.
::Special thanks to MarkeyJester, Reaper Man, and RadioShadow for guidance on hacking the SoR2 title screen!
::Credits as well the The Spriters Resource and Enscripture for the Shredder TMNT Tournament Fighters sprites.
::Plus Ti for the No Friendly Fire hack.
::And Infinest for creating the hooks that allow SOR2 games to take advantage of MD+.
::Known Issues --
::During the Duel, often when Stage 3 is selected,
::the first round will play the Select Your Turtle music ($0118),
::instead of Skull and Crossbones ($0109).
::It fixes itself in Round 2.
::(Regardless, offset A308 is properly set to $0109, Skull and Crossbones.)
::Often during campaign Stage 3, specifically the pirate ship area (Stage 3-5), 
::the music will not switch over to Skull and Crossbones ($0109).
::After defeating Mr. X, when the stage clears, rather than playing the stage clear tune,
::the game may instead continue the Revenge of Mr. X song.
::When this happens, it'll play through the initials entry screen,
::only to stop when the ending song (Flying High) starts.
::In Stage 6-2, the game will unpause the Wave 131 song,
::rather than play the song assigned at its track offset...
::unless Stage 6-2's music and Duel Stage 6's music are the same value.
::Track Info --
::Byte Indicators for Songs: 01 XX 72 4E B9
::Stage Music Offsets:
::230B8 - Intro (#$010A - SOR Super Mix)
::70E0 - Select Your Player ($0118 – Select Your Turtle)
::99D6 - Stage 1-1 (#$0100 - Fire!)
::9A70 - Stage 1-2 (#$0103 – Smooth Criminal)
::9CA6 - Stage 1-3 (#$0117 – Ready Funk)
::9A91 - Unknown
::9C7E - Stage 2-1 (#$0107 – Big Apple, 3am)
::9CA6 - Stage 2-2 (#$0117 – Ready Funk)
::9B58 - Stage 2-3 (#$0107 – Big Apple, 3am)
::1A940 - Stage 2-3 Boss  (#$0102 – Fight!)
::9E4E - Stage 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, & 3-4 (#$010F – Dreamer)
::9CC8 - Stage 3-5 (#$0109 - Skull and Crossbones)
::9EC2 - Stage 3-6 (#$010F - Dreamer)
::9FAC - Alien House (Stage 3-7) (#$0114 - Underground)
::A020 - Stage 4-1 and 4-2 (#$0111 – Under Logic)
::A0BE - Stage 4-3 (#$0108 – Down the Elevator)
::A0E0 - Stage 4-4 Boss Room (#$0102 – Make #$0112 – Never Return Alive)
::9D6E - Stage 5 (all) (#$0106 – Slow Moon)
::9BC0 - Stage 5-3 Boss (#$0102 – Fight!)
::9C0C - Stage 6-1 (#$010D – Wave 131)
::9D96 - Stage 6-2 (#$0104 – Guile)
::9A02 - Stage 6-2 Boss (#$0102 – Fight!)
::A160 - Stage 7-1 (#$0101 – Go Straight)
::A180 - Stage 7-2 (#$0115 – Bury My Shell)
::9BAC - Stage 7-2 Boss (#$0102 – Fight!)
::A20A - Stage 8 (all) (#$011A – Back to the Industry)
::1EC84 – Shiva (#$010E – Final Boss)
::1EF14 - Mr. X (#$0113 – Revenge of Mr. X)
::89BC - Stage Clear (#$010B – Clear Two)
::22D6E – Ending (#$011B – Flying High)
::7AAC - Game Over (#$0119 – Game Over)
::633E - Hi Score Table (#$010B – Clear Two)
::NOT USED: #$0116
::Duel Music Offsets:
::A288 - Stage 1 (#$0112) – Make Fight! (#$0102)
::A2AC - Stage 2 (#$0117) – Keep Ready Funk (#$0117)
::A308 - Stage 3 (#$0116) – Make Skull and Crossbones (#$0109)
::A332 - Stage 4 (#$0102) – Make Never Return Alive (#$0112)
::A38A - Stage 5 (#$0106) – Make Bury My Shell (#$0115)
::A3DE - Stage 6 (#$010D) – Make Guile (#$0104)
::A420 = Stage 7 (#$011A) – Keep as Industry (#$011A)
::A44A = Stage 8 (#$010A) – Make Final Option (#$0105)
::Level Music Bytes (#$01XX, where track XX is provided below):
::00 = Go Straight ingame mix - BGM 00  |  Fire!
::01 = Go Straight unused mix - BGM 01  |  Go Straight
::02 = Never Return Alive (Boss theme) - BGM 02  |  Fight!
::03 = At the Bar used version - BGM 03  |  Smooth Criminal
::04 = At the Bar Unused Slow Version - BGM 04  |  Guile
::05 = Jungle Base - BGM 05  |  Final Option
::06 = Slow Moon - BGM 06  |  Slow Moon
::07 = Spin on the Bridge - BGM 07  |  Big Apple, 3am
::08 = Too Deep - BGM 08  |  Down the Elevator
::09 = Little Money Avenue - BGM 09  |  Skull and Crossbones
::0A = SOR Super Mix - BGM 10  |  SOR Super Mix
::0B = Stage Clear - BGM 11  |  Clear Two
::0C = Silence
::0D = Wave 131 - BGM 12  |  Wave 131
::0E = Max Man - BGM 13  |  Final Boss
::0F = Dreamer - BGM 14  |  Dreamer
::10 = Silence
::11 = Under Logic - BGM 15  |  Under Logic
::12 = Never Return Alive with Rain Effect sound at the beginning - BGM 16  |  Never Return Alive
::13 = Revenge of Mr. X - BGM 17  |  Revenge of Mr. X
::14 = Alien Power - BGM 18  | Underground
::15 = Expander - BGM 19  |  Bury My Shell
::16 = Ready Funk (clean version) - BGM 20 |  Ready Funk
::17 = Ready Funk (Motor version) - BGM 21  |  Ready Funk
::18 = Player Select - BGM 22  |  Select Your Turtle
::19 = Game Over - BGM 23  |  Game Over
::1A = Back to Industry - BGM 24  |  Back to the Industry
::1B = Good End - BGM 25  |  Flying High
copy "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix v1.52.1 [U] [h].bin" a.bin
flips "TMNT MD+ Title Screen.ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT MD+ Infinest Credit.ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT Kaizo - Raph Sai Rev.ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT Kaizo - Reverse Raph Sai Spin.ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT Kaizo - Players.ips" a.bin
flips "MD+ Streets Of Rage 2 (Patch by infinest).ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT MD+ 1.06 Checksum.ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT MD+ Songs.ips" a.bin
flips "TMNT MD+ Final Music Swaps.ips" a.bin
ren a.bin "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix v1.06.7 [U] [h].md"
flips -c -i "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix v1.52.1 [U] [h].bin" "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix v1.06.7 [U] [h].md" "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage MD+ Remix v1.06.7 [U] [h].ips"