Télécharger Silo Mission ROM Hack

Silo Mission Jeu
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Paramètres Info
Console: N64
Jeu Original: GoldenEye 007
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Shooter
Modifications: L,T
Créateur: Dragonsbrethren
Date de création: 11/04/2007
Dernière modification: 01/27/2016
Paramètres Info
Nom de fichier: silomission.zip
Descargas: 27
Conditions requises: No Special Requirements
Version: 0.9

Description Silo Mission

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Lire Silo Mission


 GoldenEye 007 Silo Mission
  Version 0.9 - November 4th, 2007
  Created by Dragonsbrethren


   This is a brand new mission that takes place in the Silo. Rather than trying to describe it
  myself I'll just paste Wreck's excellent in-game briefing text here:

    Following the Death of Alec Trevelyan, the Janus Crime Syndicate had seemingly went into
    hiding. MI6 has since gained information through a contact in the FSB confirming the group's
    recent activities. Apparently, they've elected a new member to head their organization.
    Like the former, this person's identity remains a mystery.

    According to our source's intel, Janus plans to complete their original goal of crippling
    the world's economy. But with both Goldeneye satellites out of orbit, they've been forced to
    use a more conventional method. By seizing a decommissioned missile silo in Uzbekistan, and
    taking the staff hostage, final launch preparations have already been issued.
    The target: London.

    Listen carefully, 007. You'll need to use the data scrambler to deactivate a laser grid
    located on the top level. A commandant's fingerprints may be required to access the control
    panel, so try scanning any objects he may have touched. Search around for two keys, as the
    launch computer likely uses a dual-lock mechanism. Also, be a good lad and erase the data
    stored in their mainframes for me.

    You should recognize this facility, James. It's an exact duplicate of the one you'd visited
    back in Kirghizstan. I know how much you hate doing the same things twice, but variety isn't
    always the spice of life. Sometimes you need to give what's around you most often a chance...


  This archive (silomission.zip) should contain the following files:



   The files in the individual directory are for use with the Goldeneye Setup Editor and can be
  ignored if you simply want to patch your ROM and play.


   Just patch silomission[dragonsbrethren].ips to a US Goldeneye ROM in .z64 format with your
  favorite IPS patching program or the Goldeneye Setup Editor. If the hack doesn't work your
  ROM is most likely in the wrong format, a few programs exist that can convert it for you,
  including the Setup Editor.

   After patching, if you're using Project64, you'll need to change the game settings to get
  it running as good as the original. Right click on your ROM in the game list, chose "Edit Game
  Settings" and change the settings to the following:

    ·CPU core style:			Recompiler
    ·Self-modifying code Method:	Change Memory & Cache
    ·Memory Size:			4 MB
    ·Advanced Block Linking:		Off
    ·Default Save type:			Use First Used Save Type
    ·Counter Factor:			2

    ·Larger Combile Buffer		·Use TLB
    ·Register caching
    ·SP Hack


   I've been having a problem with random crashes and I have no idea how to stop them from
 occurring. If I held back on releasing this until these crash bugs were fixed chances are it
 would never get released. They don't occur too often so don't be too worried about them.
 If you're concerned about losing progress feel free to make a savestate before entering each
 fuel room, especially the last one. I suspect these crashes are emulator-only problems but
 I have no way of confirming it. If the mission seems to run at a low frame rate (And your
 computer can usually handle running Goldeneye at full speed) try restarting the emulator and
 see if that helps.


  These are people I thought deserved some credit for helping to make this mission possible.

   ·SubDrag     For the Setup Editor, of course. Also his useful tutorials, help with a few
               things I was having problems with, and testing the mission.

   ·Wreck       Lots of help near the end of the mission. Wrote the briefing and most of the
               dialogue. Came up with that little alcove in the second fuel room, which I then
               redesigned. The laser beams and plants are his ideas. Also tested the mission.

   ·zoinkity    The vent clipping hack, which didn't make it into the final version of the
               mission but I thought he should be credited anyway.

   ·bmw         I got the idea for the laser grid from a screenshot and description he posted.
               His Library mission is awesome so go play it if you haven't already.

   ·Googie      Offering to test the mission.

   And everyone involved in the creation of the Goldeneye Setup Editor. Being able to hack the
  greatest FPS of all time is awesome and it's all thanks to you guys.


  Here is my contact information:

   ·Forums:     http://dragonsbrethren.elazulspad.net/forum/

   ·Email:	[email protected]
   ·AIM:	Dragonsbrethren

   The forums are my prefered means of contact, responses to email will be slow and to be
  completely honest I haven't even been on AIM in two years. Why do I keep it listed?
  It helps pad out the contact section, of course.


  GoldenEye 007 was created by Rare, damn them for not creating another Bond FPS.
  I think the rights to the game itself are owned by Nintendo but don't quote me on that.
  MGM owns the James Bond character. I own every change I made to the game.

 ©2007 Dragonsbrethren Industries