Paramètres | Info |
Console: | NES |
Jeu Original: | Mega Man 3 |
Type: | Complete |
Genre: | Action > Platformer |
Modifications: | G,S,L,T,GP,Other |
Créateur: | StalkerMaestro |
Date de création: | 08/07/2018 |
Dernière modification: | 08/08/2018 |
Paramètres | Info |
Nom de fichier: | Rockman 3 - Winternight Endless Version.rar |
Descargas: | 52 |
Conditions requises: | No Special Requirements |
Version: | 1.0 |
Notation: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
ROCKMAN 3 WINTERNIGHT ENDLESS VERSION HECHO POR STALKERMAESTRO -STK- ======================================================================================================================== MARZO - AGOSTO 2018 ======================================================================================================================== DESCRIPCION ============================================================ El presente romhack trata de un juego sin final, el objetivo es alcanzar el mayor puntaje en recorrer las diferentes escenas basadas en el juego rockman 3 winternight (si no lo jugaste te invito a que lo pruebes Considero que fue un trabajo muy digno de hacer, estudiar el romhack de rock5easily (rockman 3 endless) fue algo complicado. La dificultad de este presente juego es equilibrada, y tambien tiene muchas sorpresas con respecto a los escenarios alternos al juego original lo que le da un toque atractivo. -STK- ======================================================================================================================== INSTRUCCIONES ============================================================ PARA APLICAR EL IPS, LO QUE DEBEN HACER ES CONSEGUIR EL LUNAR IPS.EXE, AL ABRIRLO, PONEN EN APLICAR EL PARCHE, SELECCIONAN UN ROM DE ROCKMAN 3 JAPONÉS(EL ORIGINAL, NO LA VERSION [USA]) Y DESPUES SELECCIONAR EL PARCHE IPS DEL JUEGO "ROCKMAN 3 WINTERNIGHT ENDLESS VERSION", DESPUES ABRE EL ROM DE ROCKMAN 3 JAPONÉS, Y ESTE ROM SE HABRÁ CONVERTIDO EN EL "ROCKMAN 3 WINTERNIGHT ENDLESS VERSION" ESO ES TODO Y ASI PODRAN JUGAR EL ROMHACK. SI NO LO SABES PARCHAR MIRA ESTE VIDEO: ============================================================ ============================================================ EXPLICACIONES ACERCA DEL ROMHACK ============================================================ RESTAURACION DE ALGUNOS CAMBIOS Dado que algunos codigos comprometían al codigo original destinado para el sistema de endless, se han restaurado los siguientes cambios: ARMAS -Hard Knuckle (Rocket Punch) ya no se puede frenar con la tecla B -Accelerate Missile (Magnet Missile) ya no tiene ese efecto de aceleracion que lo caracteriza -Spark Shock (Double Volt) ya no dispara hacia delante y atras ROBOT MASTERS Spark Man ya no tiene efectos de sonido, cuando los tenía, al escucharse el efecto de sus chispas, bugeaba a la puerta y podias escapar de el en la escena de la pelea. ============================================================ ============================================================ ACOTACIONES ============================================================ Algunas escenas superan los 7 screens que es lo comun en cada escena. Romhack base Rockman 3 endless by Rock5easily El track de wily boss fue modificado aumentando a un semitono (D min) y ahora es usado para todas las peleas de rockman. Este trabajo viene de realizarse desde marzo del presente año 2018. Espero lo disfruten tanto como lo disfruté yo haciendo este romhack. -STK- ======================================================================================================================= PROGRAMAS USADOS: MEGAFLE X FCEUX ======================================================================================================================= PAGINA EN FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK PERSONAL: CANAL EN YOUTUBE: EMAIL: [email protected] ======================================================================================================================= ANTERIORES ROMHACKS DE ROCKMAN 3 JAPONÉS: ROCKMAN 3 Stalker Attack ROCKMAN 3 Speed Bound: ROCKMAN 3 Winternight: ======================================================================================================================= AGRADECIMIENTOS A: TSUKIKURO ROCK5EASILY ======================================================================================================================== IN ENGLISH ROCKMAN 3 WINTERNIGHT ENDLESS VERSION BY STALKERMAESTRO -STK- ======================================================================================================================== MARCH - AUGUST 2018 ======================================================================================================================== DESCRIPTION ======================================================================================================================== The present romhack is about a game without end, the goal is to achieve the highest score in the different scenes based on the game 3 winternight rockman (if you did not play it I invite you to try it . I think it was a very worthy job to do, studying the romhack of rock5easily (rockman 3 endless) was somewhat complicated. The difficulty of this present game is balanced, and also has many surprises with respect to alternative scenarios to the original game which gives it an attractive appearance. -STK- ======================================================================================================================== INSTRUCTIONS ============================================================ DOWNLOAD LUNAR IPS.EXE SEARCH IN GOOGLE TO APPLY THE IPS, WHAT YOU MUST DO IS TO GET THE LUNAR IPS.EXE, OPEN IT, APPLY THE PATCH, SELECT A ROCKMAN 3 JAPANESE ROM (THE ORIGINAL, NOT THE VERSION [USA]) AND AFTER SELECTING THE IPS PATCH OF THE GAME "ROCKMAN 3 WINTERNIGHT ENDLESS VERSION", AFTER OPEN THE ROCKMAN 3 JAPANESE ROM, AND THIS ROM WILL HAVE BECOME THE "ROCKMAN 3 WINTERNIGHT ENDLESS VERSION" THAT IS EVERYTHING AND SO YOU CAN PLAY THE ROMHACK. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW IT PARCH, LOOK AT THIS VIDEO: ============================================================ ============================================================ EXPLANATIONS ABOUT ROMHACK ============================================================ RESTORATION OF SOME CHANGES Since some codes committed to the original code destined for the endless system, the following changes have been restored: WEAPONS -Hard Knuckle (Rocket Punch) can no longer be stopped with the B key -Accelerate Missile (Magnet Missile) no longer has that accelerating effect that characterizes it -Spark Shock (Double Volt) no longer shoots forward and backward ROBOT MASTERS Spark Man no longer has sound effects, when he had them, when he heard the effect of his sparks, he would bumble at the door and you could escape from him at the scene of the fight. ============================================================ ============================================================ ANNOTATIONS ============================================================================================================== Some scenes exceed 7 screens which is common in each scene. Romhack base Rockman 3 endless by Rock5easily The wily boss track was modified to increase to a semitone (D min) and is now used for all rockman fights. This work has been done since March of this year 2018. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed doing this romhack. -STK- ======================================================================================================================== USED PROGRAMS: MEGAFLE X FCEUX =================================================================================================================================================================================== PAGE ON FACEBOOK: PERSONAL FACEBOOK: CHANNEL IN YOUTUBE: E-MAIL: [email protected] ============================================================ ============================================================ PREVIOUS JAPANESE ROCKMAN 3 ROMHACKS: ROCKMAN 3 Stalker Attack ROCKMAN 3 Speed Bound: ROCKMAN 3 Winternight: ============================================================ ============================================================ THANKS TO: TSUKIKURO ROCK5EASILY