Télécharger Metroid: Spooky Mission ROM Hack

Metroid: Spooky Mission Jeu
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Paramètres Info
Console: GBA
Jeu Original: Metroid: Zero Mission
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G,S,L,T,GP
Créateur: MAGConst
Date de création: 02/26/2018
Dernière modification: 03/03/2018
Paramètres Info
Nom de fichier: Spooky Mission.7z
Descargas: 2002
Conditions requises: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.2

Description Metroid: Spooky Mission

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Lire Metroid: Spooky Mission


	//																						   //
	//								METROID: SPOOKY MISSION	v1.2							   //
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1. Terms of use
2. How to patch
3. Changes to game mechanics and hints
4. FAQ
5. Credits


1. Terms of Use
	Nintendo plz dont steal. This is free don't pay the cashes for this.
2. How to patch
	Use Lunar IPS to patch a clean Zero Mission (U) rom. Can't tell you where to find the rom, but Lunar IPS can be found here:
3. Changes to game mechanics and hints
	-Super Missiles have longer delay between shots
	-Kraid's health is buffed
	-Required to get three 'spooks' to enter final area
	-Press up to enter door frames
	-You have tractor beam like in Prime games and AM2R (hold charge to suck in drops)
	-Kraid's fingers now drop super missiles
	-Cannot click A on map screen to bring up world map.

4. FAQ
	Q: How do I get out of the first room?
	A: How do you usually use doors in games?
	Q: What is that barrier in the hub? I already have powergrip so how unlock?
	A: You need to get the three spooks to unlock it.
	Q: Where do I go first?
	A: You can go to any area first, even if you think you can't get in. Some have secret passages to get through.
	Q: Where can I find super missiles?
	A: Everywhere. Seriously, you can get almost any of them as your first one.

	Q: Why is the boss at the bottom of the mansion impossible?
	A: Blame captain glitch. Jk, go find plasma beam it will make your life easier,
	Q: I patched the rom and everything is broken.
	A: Sorry to hear that.
	Q: How do I get the super secret ending?
	A: No.
	Q: Is there supposed to be a different image for low% hard?
	A: No, because we had to use that for the secret ending.
	Q: I am missing two items and I can't find them.
	A: The energy tanks require screw attack to get them. Mansion and hell.
	Q: Castle is too hard, how do I beat it?
	A: You don't. You find Ing and beat him.
	Q: Who the hell made the ripper room in the clock tower?
	A: Me.
	Q: Why is there so much backtracking in hell?
	A: Stop asking questions.
	Q: I got gravity suit but I still take damage from blood. Why?
	A: Because the blood is actually tourian acid. The beer is lava.
	Q: I found the super secret room! What is it for?
	A: Nothing. Continue as though you saw nothing.
	Q: Where is the credits room?
	A: Close to the entrance to hell. You'll need to think of a trick to get to it.
	Q: Do the speed booster blocks near the entrance to hell lead to anything?
	A: Not really, unless you count the entrance to hell.
	Q: Why do I not like this hack?
	A: Because your name is Bob and you are bad.
	Q: What are those weird blocks in the map rooms?
	A: You'll find out if you wait long enough.
	Q: Is there a way to check what items I am missing?
	A: If you beat the game and reload your save, the item counters will be there.
5. Credits

		-Created MAGE
		-Pretty nice guy overall, but man you need to get back to speedrunning. When is samus gfx editor?
		-Level Design
		-Can't make scrolls to save his life. And also doesn't know which rom version he is using.
		-Level Design
		-Takes 45 years to make a room.
		-Level Design
		-Terrible level design. Good thing we redid escape shaft. Confuses elevators with saves.
		-Boy you need to do more for next hack.
		-Roasts Cosmic too hard. Better call the fire department to put this one out.
		-This room (wait am I copying this from somewhere)
		-Don't ask him about save stations. PLEASE don't ask him about save stations.