Télécharger Final Fantasy VI Advance Font Facelift ROM Hack

Final Fantasy VI Advance Font Facelift Jeu
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Paramètres Info
Console: GBA
Jeu Original: Final Fantasy VI Advance
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: G
Créateur: vivify93
Date de création: 12/21/2012
Dernière modification: 02/17/2019
Paramètres Info
Nom de fichier: FFVIA_fontliftv0-4.zip
Descargas: 36
Conditions requises: No Special Requirements
Version: 0.4

Description Final Fantasy VI Advance Font Facelift

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Lire Final Fantasy VI Advance Font Facelift

                                      Final Fantasy VI Advance
                                       European Font Facelift
                                         v0.4 (Mar 10 2016)

- No ownership is claimed by vivify93 over Final Fantasy VI Advance or the franchise from which it

- Apply this patch only to "Final Fantasy VI Advance (E) (Eternity).gba".

- Send bug reports to vivify93 via PM on ROMhacking.net.

- If a modder wishes to use this in their project, they are asked to please credit vivify93.

- Players are encouraged to keep a backup of their original ROM or project in case an error occurs.

This project, at first, aimed to simply improve the thin menu font of the European release of FFVI
Advance, which seemed to be a combination of FFIV Advance's menu font and FFV/VI Advance's North
American menu font. Many characters of the font used in Europe were uneven or inconsistent with the
general font style, and so it was cleaned up. However, before release, a wider variant was created.

Since the initial distribution of this project, many of the patches that improved the game, and were
exclusive to the European release, have been made available to the US and Japanese versions.
However, some projects (Namely Rage Fix by Schicksal88 and Woolsey-Slattery Compromise by Black
Telomeres) remain European-exclusive. Therefore, these patches are still necessary.

Consider combining this project with the following others.

- Bregalad's Sound Restoration mod https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/657/
- Novalia Spirit's Color Restoration mod https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/765/
- Novalia Spirit's General Violence mod https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1626/
- vivify93's Graphics Reverter mod https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1085/

All 5 patches are compatible.

There are 2 patches contained in this archive. Choose 1 of the following.

 - FFVIA_EUfontlift_SLIMv0-1.ips: Has a better-looking font that preserves the width of the retail
    European GBA version. All five languages will be perfectly readable.

 - FFVIA_EUfontlift_THICKv0-1.ips: Widens most of the lowercase letters, giving it a feel more like
    the US release. There will be spillover issues with the four non-English languages.

- There are two patches: one that slightly widens the 8x8 font, and one that merely beautifies it
  while keeping it the same width.

- The countdown timer, battle HP display, and MP indicator numbers match the rest of the menu font.

- The standard and inverted question and exclamation marks have been thinned.

- Recreated the mod from scratch for quality assurance.

- Updated numbers were somehow reverted to thicker variants. Fixed.

- Fixed the lowercase standard and accented a's in the thicker font patch, and slightly edited the
  uppercase ?G? for wider, slimmer, and Music Player fonts.

- Further updated standard and inverted question and exclamation marks.

- Modified the menu font to better match the one used in the US release, but its original width
  is retained. (This font is used in the Music Player in both patches.)

- Made a thicker variant of the menu font. There will be two patches.

- Modified a few item and spell icons. Notably, the white magic icon is no longer missing a gray

- Thinned the exclamation and question marks in the 12x12 dialogue font.

- Thinned the countdown timer/battle numbers, as well as the MP display.

- Stealth Translations: Windhex32
- HoRRoR: Square Enix Remakes Font Editor
- Dragonsbrethren: Supplied values for Square Enix Remakes Font Editor
- Square Enix
?and all you Final Fantasy fans out there!