Télécharger Final Fantasy Legend II Text Cleanup ROM Hack

Final Fantasy Legend II Text Cleanup Jeu
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Paramètres Info
Console: GB
Jeu Original: Final Fantasy Legend II
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: T
Créateur: vivify93
Date de création: 12/19/2013
Dernière modification: 02/21/2019
Paramètres Info
Nom de fichier: FFLII_textcleanv0-1.zip
Descargas: 23
Conditions requises: No Special Requirements
Version: 0.1

Description Final Fantasy Legend II Text Cleanup

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Lire Final Fantasy Legend II Text Cleanup

                                Final Fantasy Legend II Text Cleanup
                                         v0.1 (Dec 19 2013)

- No ownership is claimed by vivify93 over Final Fantasy Legend II or the franchise from which it

- Apply this patch only to "Final Fantasy Legend II (U).gb".

- Send bug reports to vivify93 via PM on ROMhacking.net.

- If a modder wishes to use this in their project, they are asked to please credit vivify93.

- Players are encouraged to keep a backup of their original ROM or project in case an error occurs.

This project is comprised of many minor yet essential text updates. Consider playing the fan
translation of SaGa 2: Legend of the Relics - Goddesses of Destiny by Crimson Nocturnal instead
of this.

- Changes battle message typo "damages" to "damage".

- Updates several item names.

- Updates several enemy names.

- Fixes grammar errors in most battle messages.

- The term MAGI is now in proper case.

- Added icons to a handful of equipment.
(Hammer   > {axe}Hammer
 Rocket   > {cannon}Rocket
 Parasuit > {armor}Parsuit
 Selfix   > {armor}Selfix)

- Changed several equipment, item, and skill names.
({sword}Defend   > {sword}Defense
 {sword}Sabre    > {sword}Saber
 {potion}Curse   > {potion}Cross
 {sword}XCalibr  > {sword}Xcalbur [Excalibur]
 {bow}Samurai    > {bow}Yoichi
 {book}Fog       > {book}Virus
 Elixier         > {potion}Elixir
 {potion}Body    > {potion}Health
 ChainSaw        > Chainsaw
 Jyudo           > Judo
 Temptat         > Tempt
 {shield}Samurai > {shield}Genji
 {sword}Muramas  > {sword}Murmasa [Muramasa]
 {glove}Ninja    > {glove}Genji
 SpeedUp         > {potion}Haste
 Lightng         > Lit Bolt
 W-Pincer        > 2Pincers
 W-Attack        > 2 Hits
 W-Kick          > 2 Kicks
 {potion}Life    > Revive
 P-Skin          > PoisSkin [Poisoning Skin]
 P-Blast         > PsiBlast
 D-Beam          > DarkBeam
 MadSong         > Mad Song)

- Altered many enemy names.
(Toadstol > Toadstul
 LiveOrk  > Live Oak
 P-Worm   > PoisWorm [Poison Worm]
 Ironman  > Steelman
 Mazin    > Majin
 Tarantla > Tarntula [Tarantula]
 Ant Lion > Antlion
 Leviathn > Levithan [Leviathan]
 P-Toad   > PoisToad [Posion Toad]
 GianToad > Giantoad
 Salamand > Salmandr [Salamander]
 Triceras > Tricera
 Baby-D   > Whelp
 Young-D  > Drake
 Great-D  > Elder D.
 BabyWyrm > Komodo
 Wyrm Kid > Wyrm
 Wyrm     > Myrmidon
 Cocatris > Coctrice [Cockatrice]
 Roc      > Rukh
 SabreCat > SaberCat
 WereRat  > Wererat
 WereWolf > Werewolf
 DemoLoad > DarkLord
 Athtalot > Astaroth
 Skelton  > Skeleton
 Warrior  > DeadHero
 Spector  > Specter
 Samurai  > Yoichi
 Ninja    > Genji
 Gang     > Brigand
 Wh. Belt > Wht.Belt 
 Bl. Belt > Blk.Belt 
 Terorist > Terrorst 
 MechBug  > Mech Bug
 Intrcept > Intceptr 
 WarMach  > Warmech
 Susanoo  > Susano’o)

- Removed dashes in favor of spaces in the multi-hit skills (e.g. 8-Legs becomes 8 Legs).

- In abbreviated item or ability names, dashes are now periods.

- Updated font; imported many item icons from Final Fantasy Legend III.

- Changed the spelling of village #2.
(2nd Town > Second Town)

- Corrected battle messages' spellings of “damages” to "damage".

- Cleaned up grammar of some battle messages.
({Character}’s {Stat} gained by ##. > {Character}’s {Stat} rose by ##.
 Winded the whip.                   > Wound the whip.
 {Target} repulsed the attack.      > {Target} repelled the attack.
 Run!!                              > Fled!
 {Target} splitted                  > {Target} split)

- Changed menu selection "Abil" to "Skill".

- Stat names are in proper case.

- Put MAGI is in proper case; there has also been minor dialogue text cleanup.

- Stealth Translations: Windhex32
- Square Enix
…and all you SaGa fans out there!