Télécharger FF3us Music Player ROM Hack

FF3us Music Player Jeu
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Paramètres Info
Console: SNES
Jeu Original: Final Fantasy III
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: S,Other
Créateur: Madsiur
Date de création: 03/21/2017
Dernière modification: 06/28/2017
Paramètres Info
Nom de fichier: mplayer133.zip
Descargas: 5
Conditions requises: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.3.3

Description FF3us Music Player

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Lire FF3us Music Player

FF6 Music Player
by madsiur ([email protected])
version 1.3.3
released on 06/28/2017

nh: Patch for headerless ROM
ANTI: Revert patch
music_main: Main Menu Implementation
music_config1: Config menu Implementation (next to "Stereo" option)
music_config2: Config menu Implementation (additional row)

*** Other Files ***
mplayercore.asm: Music player code used by all implementations
mplayerdata.asm: Music player data used by al implementations
soundresume.asm: SPC code (bank $C5) ASM changes used by all implementations
menu.tbl: Menu table file used to edit song names (see mplayerdata.asm)
music_sfc.asm: Reference SFC implementation used as a base for this project.

Patches and files in the "optional fixes" folder have their own readme in 
the same folder.

Space Used (Detail in ASM files)
C5061F-C5063F (all implementations)
C3F091~C3FA20 (depends of implementation)

RAM usage (Song and volume saving)
$D2: Map Song ID
$D3: Map Song Volume 


This hack implement a music player available from the Main menu or Config menu. 
This code is heavily based from FF6-T Edition implementation of the music player
which is more or so a copy of Pandora's Box music player.

If you want to change you song titles or the order / number of entries in the player,
edit the mplayerdata.asm file then assemble either music_main.asm, 
music_config1.asm or music_config2.asm with xkas 0.06. The only thing that you 
should change if you are not in friendly waters are song name (always ends with $00) 
and the playlist (table with all song IDs). 

Song $51 is nothing so it was omitted from the default list. Generally, the songs list 
follow a chronological order with sound effects at the end. You must always end your 
song IDs list with silence ($00). This is how the music player stop reading entries. 
If you want to add more songs and song titles just add more entries, no need of 
extra changes in the code. You can type directly the names since the ASM file use the
menu.tbl table file.

The song selected in the player will play during the whole time you are in the menus 
or until it ends. I coded a current field song save when entering main menu 
and song restore when pressing B to exit the main menu. This should guarantee 
the music player song will never play on the field, even if silence was the 
previous field song.

More implementations should follow, probably implementations made for the optimized 
$C3 bank made by Novalia Spirit. These patches should work with FF3us 1.1 though I 
have not tested them on this ROM.

I'd like to thanks Lenophis for the original music player and tsushiy, 
author of FF6-T Edition for sharing his SFC ASM file two years ago. 
I would also like to thank Novalia Spirit for his $C3 Compendium. 
Without the full documented SFC and US disassemblies, this would have take longer.