Descargar Shining Force III (U) ISO ROM

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Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo: Shining Force III (U)(Saturn).zip
Región: US Country (US)
Género(s): Strategy, Role-Playing
Consola: Saturn (Get Emulator)
Tamaño: unknown
Descargar: 9571
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Información sobre Shining Force III ISO

Ignore the idiot known as Chulapi. A truly superb RPG. Great story, game engine and music.

Escrito por True Gamer

Sega's answer to Nintendo's Fire Emblem series, the Shining Force games are turn-based strategy RPGs where you control a small army of warriors, knights, mages, and archers and fight against the forces of evil. The main functional difference between Fire Emblem and Shining Force is that there is no perma-death in Shining Force. / Shining Force III was released as a three-part game, but due to the colossal failure of the Saturn, only the first scenario was released outside Japan. This makes Shining Force III a generally shorter game than I and II. That all being said, SFIII is still quite enjoyable, especially if you like FE. If you have never played FE but don't know where to start, the SF series is a great starting point. They are much more forgiving than FE, but play pretty much the same.

Escrito por Tilde Gunderson

a Short RPG with great Music but a horrible story

Escrito por Chulapi