Parámetro | Info |
Consola: | GBA |
Juego Original: | Pokémon: FireRed Version |
Tipo: | Improvement |
Género: | Role Playing |
Modificaciones: | G,S,L,T,GP |
Creador: | tkim |
Fecha de creación: | 07/15/2018 |
Última modificación: | 03/24/2019 |
Parámetro | Info |
Nombre del archivo: | Pokemon |
Téléchargements: | 66 |
Requisitos: | No Special Requirements |
Versión: | 180715 |
Clasificación: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v180715'; Developer-oversight fix. Cleaned up changelog to exclude change reversions. Extras: [*]Fixed an error where the Vermilion Gym Guide mentioned "Bird"-type instead of the "Flying"-type. [*]Entei and Raikou now has the move Roar moved up to being able to be learned at lvl 51 instead. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v180629'; Mr. Nido's contest stat fix Catch 'em All: [*]Fixed an issue where Mr. Nido had incorrect contest stats. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v180628'; Tiny game-balance change Extras: [*]The following items are now available: - Shell Bell will occassionally spawn as a hidden item at Tanoby Ruins. - Mental Herb will occassionally spawn on the shore heading towards the Trainer Tower. - A Choice Band can be found in Vermilion City. - White Herb can be stolen off of Gia & Jess' Pok?mon. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v180626'; Mostly bug fixes. Also cleaned up the Changelog to allow better comprehension. GB Sounds: [*]Fixed an issue where 8-bit version of the tune "Victory! (Gym Leader Battle)" did not play after inducing an evolution and exiting battle with the Pok?mon Champion. Catch 'em All: [*]Staryu can now also be found by fishing in Vermilion City. Extras: [*]The Game Engine Optimization implemented by RichterSnipes has been removed due to incompatibility with mGBA (accurate emulator). [*]The tutorial girl's dialogue has revised to be sensible. (Omitted "too") [*]The Move Tutor's script at Cape Brink has been altered to include more dialogue. [*]Players will now be required to re-enter/refresh the map after learning a move from a Move Tutor in order to teach another Pok?mon. Decapitalization: [*]Decapitalized a letter in "MR. Nido". Other: [*]Fixed an issue where Bulbasaur's icon was the wrong color. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v171001' Catch 'em All: [*]Fixed a bug in the implemented RTC which caused evolutions to occur at the wrong times. Time-based evolutions are now based on R/S/E's time. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v170929' GB Sounds: [*]Two 8-bit fanfares from the Gen II games will now play for certain fanfares. (inaccurate) [*]The music played during Link Battles will now play the standard Kanto battle or Kanto Gym battle theme. [*]Battle Mew! music from Pok?mon Emerald has been ported. Catch 'em All: [*]All 251 Pok?mon can now be caught without the use of the external sav file. [*]Faraway Island is now accessible. Talk to the sailor in Vermilion City while holding the Old Sea Map. [*]Event items will now be given away by the Event Person at a Pok?mon Center after unlocking Mystery Gift. Therefore the old lady at Seven Island has been reverted to default. [*]The Event Person will give away an Egg containing Pichu with the exclusive move Surf if the National Dex is unlocked. [*]Spawns at Altering Cave are no longer randomized and is handled sequentially by interacting with the Event Person on the upper level of a Pok?mon Center. [*]Minor adjustment have been made with custom Pok?mon locations (ex. Sudowoodo is now rare to find). [*]The release of the other two legendary beasts is now controlled by a map script in Pallet Town instead of the Hall of Fame to allow "re-rolling" for better Stats. [*]Fixed a bug in the Hall of Fame map script with the previous quests not showing up correctly. Extras: [*]Volt Tackle can now be learned by breeding within the Pikachu family while holding a Light Ball. [*]The Flame Body and Magma Armor Abilities will now reduce Egg cycles by half. [*]Hidden Power Types can now be checked by an NPC at the Prize Exchange in Celadon post-game. [*]The Stats Judge has been revised to behave more like HeartGold's/SoulSilver's. He now mentions all the highest Stats that are equal to each other. [*]Female players will now receive a pink VS Seeker instead. [*]The Celadon Mansion will now be referenced as Celadon Condominiums or Condominiums. [*]EV-lowering Berries' descriptions has been revised. [*]The player will now face others when participating in battles at the Trainer Tower. [*]Items sold from the vendor on Two Island has been revised. [*]Moves that allow Type-changing will now display the whole word. (ex. Electric instead of Electr) [*]Fixed a script looping bug involving the Move tutor at Cape Brink. [*]TM23 (Iron Tail) has been relocated to Rocket's Hideout. Other changes: [*]Revised Lostelle's dialogue at Berry Forest. [*]Moves that never miss now correctly display the accuracy of '-'. [*]EVs for a Stat will now cap at 252. Pok?mon that already have 255 EVs in a single Stat will keep them unless an EV-lowering Berry referring to that Stat is consumed. [*]Flutes can now all be found at the Rocket's Hideout instead. [*]Eggs will no longer show up when healing at a Pok?mon Center. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v170714' Wardrobe: [*]Fixed an issue where the rival's overworld sprite in the nicknaming entry did not reflect his in-game overworld sprite. **************************************************************************************************** 'Unofficial Pokemon Throwback v170707' (modified version of RichterSnipes' Pokemon Throwback v170328) GB Sounds: [*]Fixed longstanding issue where 8-bit version of the tune "Victory! (Gym Leader Battle)" resets after exiting battle with the Pok?mon Champion. [*]GB Sounds function has been altered to behave more natively as an item to the 3rd Gen games. [*]Fanfares from NPCs has been adjusted to play proper fanfares when receiving or finding items. Catch 'em All: [*]Bill's Teleporter has undergone some adjustments and will now behave as if the player had traded a Pok?mon that evolves through trade. (Make your one and only Up-Grade count!) [*]Sun Stones are no longer sold by the vendor on Two Island. A Full Restore at Ruin Valley has been replaced with a Sun Stone. [*]The rock containing the other Fossil will now be situated at Tanoby Ruins. [*]Interacting with the Fossil Doctor when the player has both the Dome Fossil and Helix Fossil will now display the correct options. [*]Altering Cave is now functional and the Pok?mon that is to spawn there will be randomized everytime the player enters the Hall of Fame. [*]Navel Rock will now show up on the Town Map by default. [*]Celebi will now join the player's Party, if able, after entering the Hall of Fame for the second time. Extras: [*]Declining to use another Repel will no longer unfreeze NPCs on the map. [*]TM10 (Hidden Power) has been relocated to Route 2 from Sevault Canyon. [*]The Pickup ability will now randomly find a Sitrus Berry instead of a Full Restore. [*]The player will now face Super Nerd Miguel at Mt. Moon. [*]Bright Powder can now be found underneath where Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo was positioned by using the Item Finder. [*]Lostelle will now give out a rare Berry post-game everytime the player enters the Hall of Fame. [*]The Stats Judge will now appear outside of the Trainer Tower post-game. [*]EV-lowering Berries from Pok?mon Emerald has been ported. [*]Pok? Marts will now give out a Premier Ball for every purchase of 10 Pok? Balls or more post-game. Decapitalization: [*]Decapitalized "TRAINER TOWER owner" and "HELIX/DOME FOSSIL". Other Changes: [*]Interacting with certain NPC Pok?mon will now be recorded in the Pok?dex. [*]Minor graphical tile change on Four Island, Bond Bridge, Cape Brink. [*]Bill will now be absent from his cottage if he is waiting at Cinnabar Island for the player. [*]Articuno will no longer be visible through the binoculars on Route 15 if it is caught or defeated. [*]Adjusted rival's movement when the player chose Bulbasaur as their starter Pok?mon.