Descargar SOR2 - the New Challengers - Air Combo ROM Hack

SOR2 - the New Challengers - Air Combo Juego
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Parámetro Info
Consola: GEN
Juego Original: Streets of Rage 2
Tipo: Improvement
Género: Action > Beat 'Em Up
Modificaciones: G,S,T,GP,Other
Creador: Dha_Lau_Hoo
Fecha de creación: 02/28/2020
Última modificación: 02/28/2020
Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo:
Téléchargements: 61
Requisitos: BIN Format (GEN)
Versión: 1.26AC

Descripción de SOR2 - the New Challengers - Air Combo

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Información de SOR2 - the New Challengers - Air Combo

Streets of Rage 2 - The New Challengers - Air Combo Version
(Readme File)
Hack Author: Dha Lau Hoo

This hack features the new challengers from "Super Street Fighter II - the New Challengers" as playable characters. They are T. Hawk, Fei Long, Cammy, and Dee Jay.


T. Hawk
Powerful grapple attacks
Storm Hammer:         Grab an enemy, press C, and then press B quickly.
Elbow Smasher:        Grab an enemy in the front and press B
Rising Hawk:          Forward, forward, B
Double Kick:          Press BC at the same time, or hold B for 1 second and release
Diving Hawk:          Forward A
Defensive Special:    A

Fei Long
The most balanced character (He is not Bruce Lee.)
Raging Air Kick:      Jump and press down + B
Blazing Fist:         Forward, forward, B
Kung fu Parry:        Press BC at the same time
Lightning Kick:       Down A
Flame Kick:           Forward A
Defensive Special:    A
(Fei Long does not have a charge attack. Holding B will not have any effect.)

Fast and agile
Spiral Arrow:         Forward, forward, B
Psycho Fist:          Press BC at the same time, or hold B for 1 second and release
Cannon Spike:         Forward A
Defensive Special:    A

Dee Jay
The best projectile
Dread Kick (single):  Forward, forward, B
Dread Kick (double):  Forward, forward, A
Max Out:              Press BC at the same time, or hold B for 1 second and release
Hyper Fist:           Forward A
Defensive Special:    A

The sprites were provided by the following artists, and modified by the author to be used in this hack.
T. Hawk, Fei Long, Cammy, and Dee Jay by Lord Zymeth
Akuma by luis-mortalkombat14 (Special effects by Yawackhary, Cyrus Annihilator, and Croix)

You must apply the IPS patch to this ROM:
No-Intro Name: Streets of Rage 2 (USA)
(No-Intro version 20130710-102701)
ROM/File SHA-1: 8B656EEC9692D88BBBB84787142AA732B44CE0BE

Have fun!