Descargar Playable Golbez Edition ROM Hack

Playable Golbez Edition Juego
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Parámetro Info
Consola: SNES
Juego Original: Final Fantasy II
Tipo: Improvement
Género: Role Playing
Modificaciones: G,L,T,GP,Other
Creador: Fauntleroy
Fecha de creación: 06/11/2017
Última modificación: 06/11/2017
Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo:
Téléchargements: 62
Requisitos: No-Header (SNES)
Versión: 3.1

Descripción de Playable Golbez Edition

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Información de Playable Golbez Edition

|                          |
| Final Fantasy II/IV SNES |
|                          |
|    - GOLBEZ EDITION -    |
|                          |
|       Version 3.1        |
|                          |
|                          |
|   Release:  06-11-2017   |
|                          |
|                          |
|          - By -          |
|                          |
|       "Fauntleroy"       |
|                          |
|  [email protected]   |
|                          |

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| Table of Contents |
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II........Update History
III...Setup Instructions
IV........Special Thanks

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| I. Introduction |
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Thank you for downloading my GOLBEZ EDITION patch for Final Fantasy
II/IV (Super Nintendo Entertainment System version).

Final Fantasy II/IV was one of my favorite video games as a child.
I loved the world of Cecil and his friends and created a "sequel"
of sorts using Mario Paint and my VCR.  I was about twelve years
old at the time.  That was over 30 years ago!  :)

I remember wasting many hours using Game Genie codes to get a
glitchy version of Golbez as a playable character.  The game gave
us just a hint of what a playable Golbez would be like, and darn
it, I wanted more!  This hack is my answer to that childhood dream.

The hack alters events of the game such that Golbez joins the party
after Cecil and friends destroy the Giant of Babil.  Obviously this
requires many other changes along the way, to the party lineup, and
so forth.

I don't want to spoil everything, but I will say upfront that Edge
is no longer a playable character.  One of the final five teammates
had to go to make room for Golbez.  I like Edge, but I find him to
be the least vital of the final five characters to the overall
storyline.  Also, Edge is the character most similar to how I
envision Golbez in terms of his stats, equipment, etc.  So, Edge
was the natural choice to be converted into a fully-playable
Golbez.  Edge is still a part of the game world, though.  Trust me,
he will pop up from time to time!

Lots of other changes were made, too.  Some are big and some are so
small that you might never notice them.  The changes are relatively
minor until Cecil reaches Troia, and become more pronounced after
Cid rescues the team from the Tower of Babil.

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| II. Update History |
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06-11-17 - Version 3.1 Update Release includes these changes:
    - This is strictly a bugfix release.
      * Rydia's special magic still listed as Call in the menus,
        rather than Summn.
      * A misplaced byte causing the NPC Kain from the prologue to
        reappear in the Baron lobby in the late game.
      * Another misplaced byte causing some NPCs to disappear from
        Damcyan in the late game.
      * Random typos.

08-23-16 - Version 3.0 Update Release includes these changes:

     - This version is a complete rebuild from the ground up using
       the brilliant FF4kster editing program designed by Pinkpuff!
       Here's a quick overview of what's new:
         * All new text, rewritten from back to front!  This means
           no more engrish... but the tone is still true to the
           original 1991 North American release.  (And yes, "You
           spoony bard!" was intentionally left in.)
         * Many enemies and enemy abilities were renamed to make
           them more in line with more recent releases of the game.
         * Item and spell names are now all consistent with those
           used in my General Leo Edition hack of Final Fantasy VI.
         * BUG FIX:  Golbez will now display properly in the
           Chocobo's Forest, Chocobo's Village, and when loading a
           saved game in the Lunar Subterrane.
         * Golbez's Taunt command was pretty underwhelming in the
           earlier releases, so his commands are now Pressure and
           Cecil's Dark attack.
         * Golbez's stats now reflect his Level 50 stats in The
           After Years, including still having spells left to learn
           when he joins the party.
         * Damcyan is no longer depopulated!
         * You can now find Cid in Baron's prison during the raid
           on the castle.
         * The auto-battle between Edge and Rubicante is restored.
         * Fusoya's Regen command now restores 100 HPs per round.
         * New treasure chests!  New shops!  New townspeople!
         * There are a handful of new items, including shields.
         * Minor adjustments were made to some treasure, shops,
           item stats, prices, etc.
         * Yes, those are Red Mages you see in some towns!
         * And some fun secrets for you to find yourself!  :)

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

10-01-14 - Version 2.1 Update Release includes these changes:

     - It was just brought to my attention that a glitch in the
       last release prevented Cid from equipped the body armors and
       helmets that he should be able to use.  I am sorry that so
       much time went by without this being noticed.

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

03-24-14 - Version 2.0 Update Release includes these changes:

     - At long last, and with the help of some expert hackers, I've
       finally given Golbez his Pressure (Press) and Taunt commands
       as seen in The After Years.  This means that Golbez no
       longer has the Dark Wave command, but I don't think this is
       a big loss.  Pressure attempts to cast Hold on all enemies,
       as it does during the boss fight with Golbez at the Dwarf
       Castle.  Taunt, if successful, will cause the target's next
       attack to only target Golbez.
     - It came to light that Porom's Crocodile Tears (Tears)
       command really is entirely useless, since all it does is
       decrease an enemy's resistance to stealing, and none of the
       party members can steal.  I therefore changed the command so
       that it instead attempts to confuse all enemies, as seen in
       Final Fantasy IV DS.
     - FuSoYa's Regen ability now restores 50 HP per turn, rather
       than 10, and no longer paralyzes FuSoYa while in effect.
     - Golbez's arsenal of Black Magic spells has been reduced in
       order to match what he has in The After Years.  In other
       words, he no longer has status ailment magic.  This brings
       some additional balance to the party setup.
     - Likewise, the White Magic lists for Cecil and Rydia have
       been changed to more closely reflect their abilities in The
       After Years as well as Final Fantasy IV DS.
     - I was also shown how to edit the "who can equip what"
       tables, so now the equipment setup for Golbez is exactly as
       I originally intended.  In short, he can now use all basic
       swords, all rods, shields up through the Genji (he now comes
       equipped with one), plus all of Dark Knight Cecil's gear.
       Additionally, as seen in The After Years, he can also use
       most hammers and most spears.
     - In keeping with other installments in the series, Toroia is
       now "Troia" and the Clerics are now "Epopts."
     - Additionally, some spells have been renamed to more closely
       match naming conventions in more recent Final Fantasy games.
     - Lastly, there is a boss now at the end of the Sylvan Cave,
       and defeating it will result in one very, very cool reward!

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

08-12-13 - Version 1.4 Update Release includes these changes:

     - It was recently pointed out to me that one of the updates in
       Version 1.2 accidentally led to bugs with the Black Chocobo
       Farm in Toroia.  It was actually impossible to enter the
       lower level of the farm or interact with any characters
       inside.  This bug is now repaired.

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

01-01-13 - Version 1.3 Update Release includes these changes:

     - The White Magic learning lists have been modified for all
       characters who use White Magic.  First, the Safe, Shell, and
       Dispel spells are now learned normally.  Additionally, the
       White Magic lists for Rydia and Cecil are expanded.
     - This might be controversial, but Tellah no longer gains these
       "overpowered" spells:  Cure4, Life2, Fire3, Ice3, and Bolt3.
       He does get Safe, Shell, and Dispel, for what it's worth.
     - Similarly, Porom can no longer learn Holy and Palom can no
       longer learn Meteo.  I get that these kids are prodigies and
       all, but it doesn't seem right for them to get these spells.
     - I had several people ask for a special throwable item to be
       used with Cid's new Throw command.  So, I dummied out the
       Piggy's Stick item that was introduced for the last release
       and replaced it with the Wrench consumable item.
     - Speaking of which, the Piggy's Stick and the Excalipur had
       graphical glitches when used with the Throw command.  These
       errors are now corrected.
     - I also made adjustments to some shop inventories, primarily
       to accomodate the Wrench item.  You can now buy Wrenches at
       Agart, Cave Eblana, Tomra, and the Land of Monsters.
     - Likewise, some treasure chests were changed, primarily so
       that Wrenches can be found along the way.
     - Various minor bug fixes.

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

12-01-12 - Version 1.2 Update Release included these changes:

     - There are two new boss monsters:  one is in the Lunar
       Subterrane and one is in the Lunar Core.  But watch out!
       While they're certainly not "super bosses," they aren't
       exactly pushovers, either!
     - Existing boss monster difficulty is increased, particularly
       in sections of the game now featuring a stronger party.
     - Formerly dummied-out commands no longer produce blank
       message windows when executed.
     - Edward's Heal command now restores a respectable amount of
       health when used.  It's actually worth using.
     - Cid can now use the Throw command (guess this is where Luca
       learned it).  Also, the Peep command was renamed "Study."
     - The Chain, Blitz, and Firebute whips now cast Flood, Blitz,
       and Flame when used in battle, respectively.
     - Seven new pieces of equipment were added since the last
     - The Image, Pin, and Smoke spells can be accessed by using
       new equipment items in battle.
     - I accidentally dummied-out the Elven Bow in the previous
       releases.  This has been remedied.  (Sorry!)
     - The Safe effect of the Defender sword and the Shell effect
       of the Elven Bow are restored.
     - The Wooden Hammer casts a weak Bolt2 when used in battle.
       This was partially implemented in the original game.
     - The later knife-type weapons produce the same effect as the
       Dancing Knife when used in battle.
     - There are two new tool items at the Silvera item shop.
     - Some other shop inventories were adjusted.
     - Some equipment powers and attributes were adjusted.
     - Some treasure chest contents were adjusted.
     - Some enemy names were changed or updated.
     - Late game bosses now drop $5000 rather than $0.
     - Various minor bug fixes.

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

02-12-12 - Version 1.1 Update Release included these changes:

     - Golbez is now left-handed as seen in The After Years.
     - Typographical errors in new dialogue text were corrected.
     - Some enemy names were changed or updated.
     - All "normal" enemies now have item drop lists.
     - Existing enemy item drop lists were adjusted.
     - Stated and actual MP costs for summon spells now match up.
     - Some spell MP costs were adjusted.
     - Some equipment powers and attributes were adjusted.
     - Some item monetary values were adjusted.
     - Some shop inventories were adjusted.

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

11-27-11 - Version 1.0 Initial Release

  This version of the hack can still be downloaded at:

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|                         |
| III. Setup Instructions |
|                         |

You will need the 061117golbezhack.ips file as well as an unaltered
copy of the Final Fantasy II SNES American release ROM.

Recommended ROM:
* Final Fantasy II (U) (V1.1)
  * Must not have a header
  * Unmodified ROM CRC32:  76396414
  * Patch Applied CRC32:   B92C0E06

Please do not ask me for ROMs; I will not provide them.

I recommend using the Lunar IPS utility to apply the patch to the
ROM.  As of this writing, you can download Lunar IPS here:

To apply the patch:

1.) Open Lunar IPS and click the Apply IPS Patch button.

2.) Select the 061117golbezhack.ips file.

3.) Select the ROM.

4.) You're all set!  It's that easy!

As far as which emulator to use, I personally like Snes9X.

Snes9X has its own website: