Tecmo Super Bowl: 1995
Mega Man Xtreme 2 - Xtreme Mode from start
Ocarina of Time - Gender Neutral
Zelda II: The Adventure of Lady Link
Pokemon Emerald Epsilon
Super Mario Bros. 4: The Undiscovered Zones
Sonic Gaiden
Rockman X - 2016 New Year's Hack
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Edition
Dragon Quest I & II - Doubled
Roll-chan World 2
F-Zero - The Revenge
Vine Man
OutRunners Restoration
Easy special & weapon select
Mario Party 6 PAL 60hz Patch
Luigi's Turn
Dragon Ball Raging Blast X360 Anime Music
Nintendo World Cup: All-Team Versus Version
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker for SNES
Shining Force War of the Gods
Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom
Pokemon - Septo Conquest
Pac-Man - The New Levels
Black dawn
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Quan Chi
Samurai Shodown Anthology - Hidden Characters
Sour Music Kart
Golden Axe II - Linkuei's Color Palette Hack