Descargar Megaman Z ROM Hack

Megaman Z Juego
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Parámetro Info
Consola: SNES
Juego Original: Mega Man X
Tipo: Improvement
Género: Action > Platformer
Modificaciones: G,T
Creador: Falchion22
Fecha de creación: 06/08/2016
Última modificación: 06/12/2016
Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo: MegaManZ.rar
Téléchargements: 2006
Requisitos: No-Header (SNES)
Versión: 2.0

Descripción de Megaman Z

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Información de Megaman Z

Megaman Z:
Completed on 08Jun2016 by Falchion22

Here is a hack that I began back in 2007. I lost interest in it and put it on hold and uploaded what I had done at the time.
After playing various Megaman hacks, I was inspired to start work on this project again.

1.Edited Megaman X to look like Zero. Changed Title Screen.
2.Changed 90% of dialogue.
3.Edited Get Weapon Portrait to look like Zero.
4.Changed Dr. Light into Dr. Wily.
5.Edited Boss select screen "Megaman X" icon into "Z"
6.Zero can use the upgrades given to him, but his armor looks the same.

Also, Zero has no ponytail. I apologize for my lack of asm coding knowledge, but I am hoping this hack will inspire someone to find a way to include his hair.

This patch requires Mega Man X (U) (V1.1)[!].smc, and a patching program such as Lunar IPS. 

********************* Rom must have a header ***********************

ROM / ISO Information:

?Mega Man X (USA) (Rev 1).smc
?CRC32: DED53C64
?MD5: DF1CC0C8C8C4B61E3B834CC03366611C
?SHA-1: C65216760BA99178100A10D98457CF11496C2097
?SHA-256: B8F70A6E7FB93819F79693578887E2C11E196BDF1AC6DDC7CB924B1AD0BE2D32

Special Thanks:
Also, I want to thank Justin3009, Xstuff, and Protorock for helping me with this project and for answering my questions.

** Dr. Wily sprite was edited by Umiliphus **
** Opening history from wikipedia **