Descargar Final Fantasy Restored ROM Hack

Final Fantasy Restored Juego
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Parámetro Info
Consola: NES
Juego Original: Final Fantasy
Tipo: Improvement
Género: Role Playing
Modificaciones: G,T,GP
Creador: AstralEsper
Fecha de creación: 05/25/2011
Última modificación: 07/15/2019
Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo: FF
Téléchargements: 209
Requisitos: No Special Requirements
Versión: 1.0

Descripción de Final Fantasy Restored

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Información de Final Fantasy Restored

||                              ||
||    Final Fantasy Restored    ||
||                              ||

  I. Introduction
 II. Bug Fixes & Enhancements
     A. Bug Fixes
     B. Enhancements
     C. INT Patch
III. Settings
     A. Menu Color
     B. Battle Speed
     C. Magic Defense
     D. Random Number Generator
     E. Boss HP
 IV. Retranslation
     A. Generally
     B. Names and Terminology
  V. Credits
 VI. Contact
VII. What is Final Fantasy Rebalanced?


Final Fantasy Restored is a tribute to the original Final Fantasy, refashioning the game into
what it was intended to be when it was first created. Most prominently, it is a compilation
of every known bug fix in the game. This amounts to at least 50 or so bug fixes, and materialy
changes the way that the game plays. I am only responsible for a couple of these fixes, none
of which have much of an impact on the game. I have, where known, noted who is responsible for
which patch in the "Credits" section. First and foremost, the trio of anomie, Paulygon, and
Alex Jackson should be mentioned, who were the ones to fix most of the core bugs in the game.
Disch (of FFHackster fame) and Grond also provided a couple fixes. In addition to fixing bugs,
it also restores the original graphics that were censored in the North American version.

It is also a retranslation (of sorts) of the original Japanese text. I have wherever possible
tried to preserve the terminology in the Japanese version, and when that was impractical, used
terms from subsequent official translations. Grond's Strings Expansion patch was essential in
implementing proper terminology and item/spell/enemy names. This patch expands the maximum
usable characters to a reasonable level.

The translation of the script is based on x_loto's fan translation, cross-referenced with
Final Fantasy: Origins and Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls. Where possible, I have tried to
preserve the original meaning while giving the text a more natural feel. Lenophis' DTE Fixer
Upper was key in fitting most of the script into Final Fantasy Restored.

This patch also incorporates several enhancements not intended in the original game. With the
exception of the Improved RNG patch (replaces the awful RNG the game was made with and makes
the game more random), which is optional, _these do not affect gameplay in any substantive
way_. They are purely cosmetic or convenience-based, such as the Buy-10 option or the Dash
Button. These enhancements also include new music by LeviathanMist, originally composed for
the Final Fantasy Rebalanced project. Please note that some of this music requires applying an
optional patch to access.

It's noteworthy that no official release of Final Fantasy fixes every bug. Even FF: Origins
does not fix the Critical Hit Bug or the Intelligence Bug, which are the two biggest bugs in
the game. This will provide you with the most authentic Final Fantasy experience possible, as
it was designed to be, unencumbered by bugs, censorship, or text data limitations. It is my
hope that you find it enjoyable.


See the ?Bug Fixes and Enhancements? sticky on the Final Fantasy Gamefaqs board if you want
more information on these bugs. All of the bugs mentioned below are fixed.

* The airship can land on the caravan.

* House saves before restoring MP. Also, correct message to reflect the fix.

* Monk Armor bug, it looks at whether a weapon is equipped instead of checking armor.

* Running looks in the in-battle data instead of the permanent data.

* Weapon category/element attack values are never loaded.
* Weapon index is used for critical value.
* Enemies use their category/element as a category/element attack, and the warrior's
  category/element attack as the category/element to attack.
* Weapon elemental attack is used as elemental weakness when magic is cast.
* The player class is used as the creature type when magic is cast. Fortunately, only Dia
  uses it and no class has bit 4 set.

* Target-dark and evade should not be applied when the target is asleep/stopped.
* Hit% should be applied even if asleep.
* Hit chance should not clamped until after evade is subtracted.

* Status attacks are attempted on misses after the first successful hit

* Enemies always wake from sleep.

* Enemy-cast all-allies spells (e.g. BarFire) don't hit the caster.

* Poison doesn't work on enemies.

* After battle, your warriors might be sorted incorrectly

* Mute status prevents Drink as well as Magic and Item.

* If you gain enough experience for 2 levels at once, you only get one at the time (you get
  the second after the next battle) and the "for next level" number on the status screen is

* If you enter a map (by teleporting, exiting a shop, or exiting a menu) in the top/left 7
  rows/columns, sprites will walk through you until you step verically/horizontally.

* In the 2-large-6-small enemy formation, the game shifts one too far so the third enemy
  uses the palette selection bit for the second enemy.

* Healara effectivity should be 0x18.
* Focara should use effect 0E instead of 10.
* Focus (and fixed Focara) always misses.
* Temper should probably be using effect 0B instead of 0D.
* For warrior targets, Attack and Accuracy are never loaded/saved for use by magic. Thus,
  Temper and Saber.
* Defense for enemy targets is loaded from ROM instead of RAM for magic, making Protect not
* For enemy targets, Hit% is never loaded/saved for use by magic.
* Enemy elemental resistance is not stored in the in-RAM data, so spells like BarFire and
  Dispel don't work.
* Several caster bytes are loaded for magic, with wrong values. But none are actually used.
* Spells causing multiple status ailments will claim "Ineffective" if the target has any of
  the ailments (all will still be applied though).
* Int is never used. It should probably be added to spell accuracy.
* Healing spells should also probably use INT in some way.

* Random encounters on the overworld are actually determined by the domain region you were
  in when you entered the world map or at the end of your last battle on it.

* There are several domain mapping errors, most famously on the tip of the Peninsula
  Northeast of Pravoka. Some of these are as simple as adding battle data to void domain
  regions, but others like the PNEOP will require some subtle geographic tweaks.

* If you stand on a door, enter a menu, exit the menu, then step down, the door will usually
  end up elsewhere on the screen. (NOTE: This fix only partially solves the problem).

* There are a number of sprites that start out in non-walkable areas. Sometimes, they can
  even end up outside the bounds of the dungeons.

* The Fire and Wind alters say "Nothing here" instead of their proper message.

* One of the Sages has his second message obscured by incomplete criteria. An old man in
  Onrac uses Wind Crystal lit as a condition for dialogue when the criterion should
  logically be the Water Crystal. The Spring in Gaia uses regular water tiles instead of the
  special tiles with the Spring text message.

* The game has two canoes, one that is usable and one that shows in the item list. This
  combines the two.

* Ribbon's name has an extra space.

* Enemy skills do not display the messages they are programmed to.

* Dead characters probably shouldn't be trying to recover from Sleep or Paralysis.

* Out of battle spells do not have their ID numbers calculated properly

* If a player is in a room and an object is out of a room, the object is not updated. This
  prevents you from being able to shove an NPC out of the way if they're blocking the exit
  of a door.

* The existing turn-order algorithm is not particularly good, and may actually be unfair.

* The Temple of Chaos past tileset has a warp tile with identical graphics to the    
  teleport tile to the past in the Temple of Chaos present. The fact that a tile was    
  apparently programmed and some of the remakes place one there along with the
  conceptual idea that it makes sense for the time gate to be open on both sides
  suggests the lack of a warp back may be a bug.

* Red Mages gain a L1 spell charge on level 22 right after gaining one at level 21
  (inconsistent with their pattern) and then again at level 35 (consistent with their
  pattern), making them the only class to gain ten charges of any spell level (though
  the game caps them at 9). The gain at L22 is probably a bug. 

* Several Magic Defense (Magic Evasion) growth values are strange and possibly bugged. Two
  options are available: one that inverts Magic Defense values so they make more sense in
  context of initial values and game structure (default), and one that simply swaps
  the Monk and Master growth values for a more conservative fix.

* The Mythril Sword is very out of place in Elfheim. Some remakes replace this with the

B. Enhancements

* Credits for much of this work noted in the Bridge Screen.

* The New Game/Continue screen is so boring. Why not have a real Title Screen?

* Magic Defense (retermed "M.Evasion" based on function) is shown on the status screen.

* Walk faster while holding the "B" button

* Default Battle Speed is higher

* Add a "Buy 10" option to the item shop menu

* Item screen is rearranged so that consumable items are on top and Potions come first.

* Confused enemies use something resembling an attack rather than Fire on each other.

* Warp and Exit now have a confirmation step before teleporting you.

* Rearranging poisoned characters after battle is annoying. They are no longer sorted.

* You can now see what is in a chest even if your inventory is full.

* DTE Table has been slightly expanded, and is now usable anywhere.

* String length has been greatly expanded, allowing for better names.

* The crappy PRNG can optionally be replaced with a better one.

* Boss HP can optionally be doubled.

C. INT Patch Configuration
I have implemented a modified version of anomie's INT patch. Generally, I have tried to use
the most conservative reasonable configuration possible without all the bells and whistles I
added to Final Fantasy Rebalanced. In part, this involved changing the healing routine.
anomie initially added a component to make healing spells double, much like damaging spells.
I have changed this so that INT instead affects your chance for a higher healing value within
the normal predetermined range. Magic cast through items do not utilize intelligence, mostly
for balancing reasons. I also included anomie's modification whereby confused enemies
essentially use an unmissable single-hit regular attack on each other, as opposed to the Fire
spell (which never made much sense).

The new functions are:
*Items do not utilize INT
*Add INT to chance-to-hit for status spells
*Add INT to chance-to-double for damage spells
*INT increases average healing
---For Cure, Heal, and Healara: Healed amount is Effectivty + (INT/4)...Effectivity
---For Cura and Healaga: Healed amount is Effectivity + (INT/2)...Effectivity
---For Curaga: Healed amount is Effectivity + INT...Effectivity


Cure                Cura         Curaga       Heal        Healara     Healaga
 0 INT: 16...32     32...64      64...128     12...24     24...48     48...96  
 8 INT: 18...32     36...64      72...128     14...24     26...48     52...96
16 INT: 20...32     40...64      80...128     16...24     28...48     56...96
24 INT: 22...32     44...64      88...128     18...24     30...48     60...96
32 INT: 24...32     48...64      96...128     20...24     32...48     64...96
40 INT: 26...32     52...64     104...128     22...24     34...48     68...96
48 INT: 28...32     56...64     112...128     24          36...48     72...96
56 INT: 30...32     60...64     120...128     24          38...48     76...96
64 INT: 32          64          128           24          40...48     80...96


You may have noticed a sub-folder containing several other patches in it. These allow you to
change certain settings in the main patch by applying them _over_ the main patch. That is, you
_first_ apply the main patch, and _then_ apply any settings you want. Note that if you are
happy with the defaults listed below, _you do not need to apply any of these patches_. The
process is fairly self-explanatory, and any of these can be changed at any time ? no need to
start a new game (you do however have to apply them _before_ you load the game in order for
them to take effect). Unfortunately, this process is necessary because there?s just no way to
make an in-game ?Configuration? menu to accomplish this.

A. Menu Color
Thanks to Grond's identification of the right byte for this, it is possible to change the
battle menu windows to a color other than black and remove the border around the battlefield.
These patches will also change all other game menus and dialogue boxes to a matching color.
The default is black battle menus with a border around the battlefield.

*Basic Black (Default)
*Standard Blue

B. Battle Speed
Formerly known as ?Respond Rate,? this affects how quickly the text in battles goes by. This
option allows you to change the default Battle Speed on the Title Screen. Four settings are

*Battle Speed 5
*Battle Speed 6 (Default)
*Battle Speed 7
*Battle Speed 8

C. Magic Defense
The Magic Defense Growth Rate bug is problematic in the sense that, while it's clear there's
something wrong, it's not entirely clear what these values were supposed to be. The Monk has a
growth rate of 4, while the Master has a rate of 1. Should these be swapped? Should both be 4?
Should both be 1? This is unclear. Additionally, the growth rates for the Fighter, Red Mage,
White Mage, and Black Mage are dissonent with their initial starting values and don't make sense
conceptually or practically.

I have proposed the solution of inverting growth rates for all classes except the Thief, which
produces a rather elegant solution by correlating growth rates to initial values, with a booster
for the Master (who gains nothing else from class change). I have also included an optional
patch that features a more conservative solution by only swapping the values that are definitely
bugged (MK/MA) but not those only probably bugged (FI/RM/WM/BM). For comparison

Original               *MK/MA Inversion       *All Inversion (Default)
Initial (Growth)       Initial (Growth)       Initial (Growth)
MK - 10 (+4)           MK - 10 (+1)           MK - 10 (+1)
MA      (+1)           MA      (+4)           MA      (+4)
FI - 15 (+3)           FI - 15 (+3)           FI - 15 (+2)
TH - 15 (+2)           TH - 15 (+2)           TH - 15 (+2)
RM - 20 (+2)           RM - 20 (+2)           RM - 20 (+3)
WM - 20 (+2)           WM - 20 (+2)           WM - 20 (+3)
BM - 20 (+2)           BM - 20 (+2)           BM - 20 (+3)

D. Random Number Generator
The game has a very poor random number generator that makes encounters precisely predictable, as
well as the number of steps required to initiate one (allowing for extensive manipulation). This
also makes things like paraplinking cycles, where the exact same circumstances play out each
round of battle, more likely. This is not so much a bug as a design flaw, so by default the
original RNG is used.

However, anomie created an improved RNG that makes many aspects of the game more random. Battles
still have the same relative prevalence (e.g., rare encounters are still rare), but do not
proceed in a predetermined list. The steps to get into a battle are variable as well (but within
the same general range as before). Events in battle also tend to be a little more "random". From
my experience, this improves the game noticeably and I recommend using it. However, from a purist
perspective, I have not made it the default setting.

*Original (Default)

E. Boss HP
Final Fantasy Origins doubled boss HP. This is not a bug fix, just a change from the most faithful
official remake I thought worthwhile to have as an option. This doubles the HP of Garland, the
Pirates, Astos, Lich (2), Marilith (2), Kraken (2), Tiamat (2), and Chaos.

*Original (Default)

F. Music
LeviathanMist has kindly composed additional music for use in this project. Three new tracks are
available - a boss theme, a fiend theme, and a final boss theme - and the Prelude has been updated
to contain a component added in later Final Fantasies. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, it
was only possible to fit the regular boss theme into the space available. However, the other two
boss themes may be incorporated along with the first by cannibalizing the data for the Ship Game.
By default, all bosses in the game utilize the regular boss theme. Applying the patch to add in new
music by removing the Ship Game will incorporate separate boss themes for the Fiends and for the
final boss.

*Remove New Boss Music + Add Ship Game (Default)
*Remove Ship Game + Add New Boss Music

Also note that for purists who do not wish to experience any music not present in the original, all
of it may be removed (including the changes to the Prelude).

*New Music On (Default)
*New Music Off


A. Generally

In creating a new localization, I have tried to be as true to the original Japanese as possible,
while giving things a more natural feel. While I made some stylistic exceptions in Final Fantasy
Rebalanced, I kept the original text whenever possible here, so long as it didn't sound unnatural
(some examples are "Cloud" for BANE and "Shape" for LOCK. These were rendered "Scourge" and "Focus"
based on subsequent localizations). A part of this includes using the -ra/-ga/-ja convention of
spell tiers. This is not merely the modern standard, but also how the original game was written. As
such, I have adhered to this over the numbering used in the original Final Fantasy localizations
until FFVIII.

The script was difficult to properly capture - all the more so because, unlike Final Fantasy
Rebalanced, the lack of a full DTE expansion gave me much less room to work with. I have tried to
keep close to the original substance. Unfortunately, I do not myself speak Japanese. My method was
to use x_loto's Japanese Fan translation as a primary source - though it is a very literal and
unrefined translation. In addition to this, I cross-referenced this script with the scripts in
FF: Origins and FF: Dawn of Souls to aid at deciphering the intended meaning (while the Famicom
script helped me avoid content added in subsequent remakes). The story is of course not exactly
high art in terms of literature, but was reasonably impressive for a video game in 1987. It has
been reproduced as it was then here, as best as possible.

B. Names and Terminology

Grond's strings patch allows for the following expansions:

+Player names up to 6 characters
+Class names up to 10 characters
+Spell names up to 8 characters
+Equipment names up to 10 characters
+Story Item names up to 13 characters
+Usable Item names up to 10 characters
+Enemy names up to 15 characters
+Enemy Attack names up to 11 characters
+Status Ailments up to 6 characters
+Battle Messages up to 28 characters
+Shop names up to 11 characters

Please see the "Textual Changes" text document for a list of changes from the original North American


The following is a list of the contributions that have made this project possible.

**Alex Jackson**
+Bug Fixes
-Monk armor bug
-Weapon Data bugs
-Running bug
-Enemy attack bugs

+Bug Fixes
-Caravan landing bug
-House bug
-Party sorting bug
-Monk armor bug
-Attack rating calculation bug
-Evasion bugs
-Weapon data bugs
-Mute bug
-Multiple level-ups bug
-Enemy target-all caster bug
-Status attack bug
-Poison bug
-Waking bug
-Tile message byte data
-Enemy suicide bug
-NPCs walk through you bug
-Canoe bug
-Door bug
-Enemy miscoloration bug
-Turn order bug
-Spell data bugs
-INT bug

-Credits patch
-Improved PRNG
-Battle Speed default
-Dash button
-Buy 10 option
-Display Magic Defense on Status Screen
-Item menu order adjustment
-Confuse attack effect routine

+Bug Fixes
-Dialogue bugs
-Dead character status recovery bug
-Red Mage's extra L1 spell charge
-INT patch testing and tweaking
-Magic defense bug solution
-Temple of Chaos Past Warp Tile restoration
-Domain remapping

-Item menu order adjustment
-Warp/Exit confirmation step
-New icons

-Compilation, editing and inputing

-Identified broken text

+Bug Fixes
-Domain Crossing bug
-Out-of-Battle spell ID calculation bug

+Creating FFHackster

+Bug Fixes
-Enemy skill message bug
-Map Object move bug

-Title screen
-Strings extension
-DTE table expansion
-Menu and battle screen aesthetic improvements
-Menu Color
-Modified font
-New icons

-DTE Usability expansion

-updated Prelude
-New Boss Music (3 Tracks)


+Bug Fixes
-House bug
-Monk armor bug
-Weapon data bugs
-Enemy attack bugs

-Poisoned characters aren't rearranged

-Identified problem with Curaja effect pointer
-Identified cosmetic bug in Wyrmkiller's name
-Identified errant in-battle item name pointer

-Japanese game script fan translation

-Treasure identification


If you have any questions or comments, or if you see any bugs, please feel free to contact Jeanne
(AstralEsper) at pravoka(AT)hotmail(DOT)com. Please note that Final Fantasy Restored is only
provided as a patch in .ips form, and assumes that you own a copy of the original Final Fantasy.


Final Fantasy Rebalanced is a project I began in December 2007 on the 20th Anniversary of Final
Fantasy. Final Fantasy Restored branched off as a side project from this and benefited from the
work I'd done on the retranslation. Its purpose is to both implement everything found in Final
Fantasy Restored, as well as go further and rebalance the game. Fixing all the bugs may improve
the gameplay experience, but many things are still poorly balanced. Final Fantasy Rebalanced
addresses this, while also adding many enhancements and a little new content while still staying
true to the core content and spirit of the original game. Key features are:

**Classes have been adjusted so that they are more balanced with each other
**Weapons, armor, and spells have been tweaked to be more useful/powerful.
**A few useless spells have been deleted, replaced by more useful ones inspired by traditional
  FF spells.
**Added spiked squares make some powerful items more difficult to obtain, and a few item
  placements have altered slightly.
**Boosted stats on bosses and some enemies.
**Some enemy formations have been adjusted in some ways.
**Various Spiked Squares have been added to guard some valuable treasures.
**Many duplicate chests have been removed and replaced with unique ones.
**A few chest locations have changed
**Graphics have been reverted back to the original Japanese version (with a couple tweaks).
**Several optional settings, allowing you to customize certain features to your liking
**Many other changes and new features

This project has undergone thorough testing by dozens of testers and continuous revision over the
last two and a half years. The main game is essentially finished at this point, and as now, I am
trying to finish the final tweaks.