International 3D Tennis (1990)(Palace)(128k)
Island Of Doctor Destructo, The (1987)(Mastertronic)
Realm Of Impossibility (1985)(Ariolasoft)
Outlet - The Spectrum Drive Magazine! No.78 (1994)(Chezron Software)
Hunchy (1983)(Your Computer)
Nezvestny - 007 (1990)(Predator Software)(Cz)
Chess Tutor (1983)(Artic Computing)
Chomper (1983)(ZX Computing)(De)
Odyssey I (1983)(Perfection Software)
Monitor And Disassembler (1982)(Crystal Computing)
Mandragore (1986)(Infogrames)
Chinese Juggler, The (1984)(Ocean Software)
Las Vegas Jackpot (1984)(Mastertronic)
Fido (1985)(Wildest Dreams)
Fireman Fred (1984)(Tynesoft)
Joust (1983)(Softek Software)[a]
Fargo Wells (1988)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
Magma Man - The Vanishing Prof (1987)(Spectraxx Tape Magazine)
American Turbo King (1989)(Mastertronic)[Lightgun]
Destroyer (1983)(Abacus Programs)
Gacpac (1987)(Essential Myth - Your Sinclair)
Pathetic Pablo Bros. (1992)(Your Sinclair)
Killing, The (19xx)(Quicksilva)
Tiler (1984)(Interceptor Micros Software)
Dungeon Danny (1984)(Sinclair User)
Football Frenzy (1987)(Alternative Software)
Music-computer v2 (19xx)(-)(De)
Joystick Conversion Tape 3 (1983)(Kempsoft)
Fifth Quadrant, The (1987)(Bubble Bus Software)
Theseus & The Minotaur (1990)(Zenobi Software)[Part 1 of 2]