M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator(Mame) ROMs herunterladen

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Rom Bild Name Region Downloads

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic   Rom

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CF3 0.2 / NN4 0.2)

US Land
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic    Rom Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CF3 0.2 / NN4 0.2) US Country (US) 8

Sundance Quid   Rom

Sundance Quid (Qps) (MPU4) (set 7)

US Land
Sundance Quid    Rom Sundance Quid (Qps) (MPU4) (set 7) US Country (US) 8

Magnificent 7s   Rom

Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.5)

US Land
Magnificent 7s    Rom Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.5) US Country (US) 8

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic   Rom

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CF3 0.2 Y / NN4 0.2)

US Land
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic    Rom Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CF3 0.2 Y / NN4 0.2) US Country (US) 8

Up Up and Away   Rom

Up Up and Away (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UPS 2.2)

US Land
Up Up and Away    Rom Up Up and Away (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UPS 2.2) US Country (US) 8

Magnificent 7s   Rom

Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.5 Y)

US Land
Magnificent 7s    Rom Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.5 Y) US Country (US) 8

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic   Rom

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CH3 0.2 AD / NN4 0.2)

US Land
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic    Rom Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CH3 0.2 AD / NN4 0.2) US Country (US) 8

Lucky Las Vegas   Rom

Lucky Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LLU 0.1 BD)

US Land
Lucky Las Vegas    Rom Lucky Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LLU 0.1 BD) US Country (US) 8

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic   Rom

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CH3 0.2 B / NN4 0.2)

US Land
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic    Rom Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Classic (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CH3 0.2 B / NN4 0.2) US Country (US) 8

Ready Steady Go    Rom

Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (type 2) (MPU4) (RGT 1.0 YD)

US Land
Ready Steady Go     Rom Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (type 2) (MPU4) (RGT 1.0 YD) US Country (US) 8

Lucky Las Vegas   Rom

Lucky Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LLU 0.1 D)

US Land
Lucky Las Vegas    Rom Lucky Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (LLU 0.1 D) US Country (US) 8

Ready Steady Go    Rom

Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (type 2) (MPU4) (RGT 1.0 K)

US Land
Ready Steady Go     Rom Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (type 2) (MPU4) (RGT 1.0 K) US Country (US) 8

Magnificent 7s   Rom

Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.6 BD)

US Land
Magnificent 7s    Rom Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.6 BD) US Country (US) 8

Prize High Roller   Rom

Prize High Roller (Barcrest) (MPU4) (PRL 0.3 B)

US Land
Prize High Roller    Rom Prize High Roller (Barcrest) (MPU4) (PRL 0.3 B) US Country (US) 8

Prize National   Rom

Prize National (Ace) (sp.ACE) (set 3)

US Land
Prize National    Rom Prize National (Ace) (sp.ACE) (set 3) US Country (US) 8

Magnificent 7s   Rom

Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.6 KD)

US Land
Magnificent 7s    Rom Magnificent 7s (Barcrest) (MPU4) (MA7 1.6 KD) US Country (US) 8

Ready Steady Go    Rom

Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (type 2) (MPU4) (HJJ 0.2 Y)

US Land
Ready Steady Go     Rom Ready Steady Go (Barcrest) (type 2) (MPU4) (HJJ 0.2 Y) US Country (US) 8

Hot Wad   Rom

Hot Wad (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4)

US Land
Hot Wad    Rom Hot Wad (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4) US Country (US) 8

On The Piste   Rom

On The Piste (Ace) (sp.ACE) (set 1)

US Land
On The Piste    Rom On The Piste (Ace) (sp.ACE) (set 1) US Country (US) 8

Player's Edge Plus  Bonus Poker DeluxeRom

Player's Edge Plus (PP0713) Bonus Poker Deluxe

US Land
Player's Edge Plus  Bonus Poker Deluxe Rom Player's Edge Plus (PP0713) Bonus Poker Deluxe US Country (US) 8

Cops 'n' Robbers Club   Rom

Cops 'n' Robbers Club (Bellfruit) (set 2, UK, 250GBP Jackpot) (Scorpion 2/3)

US Land
Cops 'n' Robbers Club    Rom Cops 'n' Robbers Club (Bellfruit) (set 2, UK, 250GBP Jackpot) (Scorpion 2/3) US Country (US) 8

Deal Or No Deal Double Take   Rom

Deal Or No Deal Double Take (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 5) (set 3)

US Land
Deal Or No Deal Double Take    Rom Deal Or No Deal Double Take (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 5) (set 3) US Country (US) 8

Monedin Joker    Rom

Monedin Joker (Spanish) (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)

US Land
Monedin Joker     Rom Monedin Joker (Spanish) (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1) US Country (US) 8

Italian Job   Rom

Italian Job (Mazooma) (Scorpion 4) (set 11)

US Land
Italian Job    Rom Italian Job (Mazooma) (Scorpion 4) (set 11) US Country (US) 8

Inner Spin   Rom

Inner Spin (Mazooma) (Scorpion 4) (set 2)

US Land
Inner Spin    Rom Inner Spin (Mazooma) (Scorpion 4) (set 2) US Country (US) 8

Doctor Dosh   Rom

Doctor Dosh (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 12)

US Land
Doctor Dosh    Rom Doctor Dosh (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 12) US Country (US) 8

Cops 'n' Robbers Club Deluxe   Rom

Cops 'n' Robbers Club Deluxe (Bellfruit) (set 6, UK, 250GBP Jackpot) (Scorpion 2/3)

US Land
Cops 'n' Robbers Club Deluxe    Rom Cops 'n' Robbers Club Deluxe (Bellfruit) (set 6, UK, 250GBP Jackpot) (Scorpion 2/3) US Country (US) 8

Doctor Dosh   Rom

Doctor Dosh (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 14)

US Land
Doctor Dosh    Rom Doctor Dosh (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 14) US Country (US) 8

Pot Of Gold   Rom

Pot Of Gold (QPS) (Scorpion 5) (set 10)

US Land
Pot Of Gold    Rom Pot Of Gold (QPS) (Scorpion 5) (set 10) US Country (US) 8

Jive Money   Rom

Jive Money (PR2096) (Mazooma) (Scorpion 4)

US Land
Jive Money    Rom Jive Money (PR2096) (Mazooma) (Scorpion 4) US Country (US) 8
