Eidolon, The (UE)
Blockout (UE)
Cosmic Causeway - Trailblazer II (E)
Nine Princes in Amber (UE)
Ghostbusters (UE) [alt2]
Battle of Midway, The (E)
BMX Racers (UE)
Hero of the Golden Talisman (UE)
Demon's Winter (UE) (v1.1)
Lords of Conquest (E)
GBA Championship Basketball - Two-on-Two (UE) [alt]
Frank Bruno's Boxing (E)
Test Drive 2 - The Duel (E) [alt]
R.I.S.K. (UE)
Skyfox II - The Cygnus Conflict (UE)
Forgotten Worlds (E)
Rings of Medusa (G)
Grand Monster Slam (UE)
World Championship Soccer (E)
Standing Stones, The (UE)
[C128-Program] Data Manager 128 (UE)
[Program] Music Maker Playalong Album - Popular Classics (UE)
Rockford (U)
Reach for the Stars v2.0 (UE)
Weird Dreams (E)
Speed King (UE)
Racing Destruction Set (UE) [alt2]
[Program] KoalaPainter (UE) (v1.2)
Chessmaster 2000, The (U) (Software Country)