TwiLight v2.00 (1996-04-19)(Delirium Arts)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)
Rat der Weisen (19xx)(Scholz, Holger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]
Rebels vs. Laserthons 2 - Outland (1996)(Fielding, Daniel)(PD)
Eikona v2.04 (1993-10-06)(Marichal, B.)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)
Wen.Suite 3 v3.30b (demo) (1999-12-02)(Oxo Systems)
Kubysimus (19xx)(-)(de)
Thunderhawk AH-73M (1991)(Core Design)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]
Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[a2]
Screen Blaster v1.01 (demo) (1993)(OverScan)[Falcon only]
Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr ICS]
Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[a][!][protected]
Technoball 2 (1991)(TLK Games)[cr Sunset - Ayoros][a3]
Technoball 2 (1991)(TLK Games)[cr Sunset - Ayoros][a]
EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fr)
Teller, The (1989)(UBI Soft)[a]
ZZZ-UNK-HERMES 116 (19XX)(-)(DE)(DISK 3 OF 3)
Star Trap (1988)(Loriciel)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)
Mind Sweeper v1.1 (1994-05-18)(Hameleers, Eric)(SW)
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco v1.0 (1989-07-29)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]
Nil Dieu Vivant (1989)(Chip)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)
Think Cross (1991)(Max)[cr Elite][m EMT][t]
Skidoo (1989)(Tomahawk)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]
Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel 2, Das (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)
Autohack v4.13 (19xx)(Amazing Un-Nameables)
Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)[cr 42-Crew][a]
Garfield Winter'sTail (1989)(Softek)(Disk 1 of 2)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]
Substation (1994)(Unique Development Sweden)(STE)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a2]
Weird Dreams (1989)(Rainbird)[cr Replicants]
Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)(M4)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]
Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Delight][m Superior][t]