Graf 2 (19xx)(-)(Ru)
Graf 3 (19xx)(-)(Ru)
Graham Gooch's Test Cricket (1986)(Audiogenic Software)
Grammar Tree, The (1983)(Sulis Software)
Grand National (1985)(Elite Systems)
Grand Prix (1988)(D & H Games)
Grand Prix Challenge (1991)(Challenge Software)
Grand Prix Drivers (1992)(Grafix Wizard)
Grand Prix Simulator (1987)(Codemasters)
Grange Hill (1987)(Argus Press Software)
Grange Hill (1987)(Argus Press Software)[a]
Graphic Adventure Creator, The (1986)(Incentive)
Great Britain Limited (1986)(Jov & Zon)
Great Britain Limited (1982)(Hessel Software)
Great Detective, The (19xx)(CRL Group)
Great Escape, The (1986)(Ocean Software)
Great Fire Of London, The (19xx)(-)[Corrupt]
Great Space Race, The (1984)(Legend)
Greedy Gulch (1983)(Phipps Associates)
Greedy Gulch (1983)(Phipps Associates)[a]
Green Beret (1986)(Imagine Software)
Green Death, The (1988)(Casventures)
Green Door, The (1988)(Tartan Software)
Gregory Loses His Clock (1989)(Mastertronic)
Gremlins (1984)(Thor Computer Software)
Gremlins - The Adventure (1985)(Adventure International)(Sp)
Gremlins - The Adventure (1985)(Adventure International)
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (1990)(Topo Soft - Elite Systems)
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (1990)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (1990)(Topo Soft - Elite Systems)[a]